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Hello Traveler!

Hope January is treating you well. This time I decided to write a short adventure idea for higher level parties (levels 11-15). I am well aware that most people are playing in the 1-10 level, the few groups who are playing above that do not get that much love content-wise. This adventure is about a minotaur king, chosen by the demon lord Baphomet to lead his race to new heights. This is also the first time I included stats in the PDF (Patrons only). The stat block for the CR 12 Minotaur King are included. I will now include stat blocks for any interesting creatures, enemies or NPCs I mention in my short adventures.

While the suggested adventure is for high level PCs, you could completely disregard this information and  adapt this to lower level adventures. The minotaur theme still fits since regular minotaurs are only CR3. This is of course only useful if you are playing D&D 5e. The illustration features the minotaur's lair in a remote island.



Max Gibiansky

Patreon is so hard to navigate :( I'm trying to get to the patrons only version of this post, but I just can't figure out how to navigate patreon to get to it

Max Gibiansky

ah, finally figured out how to get to it through the compilation post.


yep that's the exact reason why I do those compilation posts. scrolling on patreon's wall is the worst possible experience.