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Hello, my friends and supporters. I wish you are spending your holidays surrounded by your loved ones.

A representative of Wizards of the Coast just contacted me to let me know that I should remove and and all content whose IP belongs to them. We are talking about the Forgotten Realms maps. The IP laws for artwork are confusing and I was under the impression that I was not infringing their IP but it turns out I'm wrong. So what happens is that I am going to remove the Forgotten Realms maps that are here in my Patreon feed.

It probably will not mean a lot to those of you who have been here for a while since you already have them, but I feel the need for transparency because those maps will disappear from my feed. Additionally, I will not be posting any Forgotten Realms here anymore, I can't or they might sue me. Sorry about that, I would if I could. But any of those maps I create will still be posted at the DM's Guild.

Here's the list of the illustrations that won't be available from now on:

137 Yulash

the Stop

124The Broken City

The Sword Coast

Mining Town



Fortified Town

Deep Water Harbor

Seaside Kingdom

Double walled city

Bay City

Riverside City

Thank you for your comprehension.



I prefer your original content anyway.

Enrique Lozano

That sucks, but is understandable! Keep up the good work.


Understandable. We appreciate your other stuff.


That stinks! I love your maps! What I suggest is posting them without content and without the name. THen they're useful no matter what. Then you can post a link to the "final" map on the DMsGuild with all the IP stuff included. If people want the IP they can buy it there

Tyler Moore

Wow I'm kind of surprised, WotC doesn't seem like the super IP protective type. Their business model relies on people getting invested in and wanting to explore their world.


that's a grey area I'm not sure how that works, but sounds like a great idea

Simone Spinozzi

No problem, you're not the first that Wizard has contacted to take down their stuff. I don't make a fuss anymore, i just sigh. If you want there's either an hug or a pat on the shoulder from me. But the emojis come just for the hug, so here's one. 🤗


Thanks a lot Simone. Yeah I'll simply do original material from now on. Good thing is my stuff does not depend on that.

Brandon Pohja

It's no problem for me. I can always take your content and put it in the [insert ip location] wherever I please anyway, if I were to ever use that loc for my campaign. You can always do an OC map of a city named "Water Kneehigh" or Salter's Gate (j/k) ;-) In any event, you are def not dependent on their IP.