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Would you guys be interested I post here a map of the Sword Coast? It is part of the forgotten Realms setting, in case you do not know it.

I'd also be able to post an unlabeled version anyone could use in their own settings, however it is a big place. It's pretty much a world map, so I understand it might not be as useful as city /town maps.

Let me know what you think.



I almost always run my campaigns in the sword coast, so totally!

Tyler Moore

There are so many maps of the Sword Coast out there already, I feel like I'd rather see more of your original work than a rehashing of existing places.


I'd say yes if it was in a different style that made it look like a cartographer of the Realms did it. Otherwise as Tyler said, there's lots of maps of the Sword Coast already. I'd like it if you did towns of the Realms that don't seem to have any 5th Edition mentions or existing maps.

Sergeant Zeno

I would be interested in an unlabeled version.