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Denizens of the Tower! In The Scalding Duchy, the characters explore a region of goblins. The desert goblins ride emus, learned to adapt to the heat, and thrive in an otherwise inhospitable place. However, they need help with something greater and arcane. The temperature of the desert depends on the magical incantations performed at four key temples in the vast desert. They seek the help of outsiders, for these dungeons are dangerous and protected by ancient spells and guardians.

This region shall show the heroes a side of the goblin culture they did not know. The quest to visit all four dungeons shall not be easy, nor short. But if they come victorious they might become the allies of one of the strongest societies in the land of dunes. The treasures and magic knowledge from the bygone goblin culture might bolster the character's ascent into glory!

Also included are the magazine PDFs with the variant desert goblins and creatures included in the upcoming adventures. Both are available for D&D 5e and Shadowdark RPG.

This adventure has been published in both the D&D 5e and Shadowdark systems. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!

We appreciate your help. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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