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Denizens of the Tower! After meeting Duke Alaric Stormrider in Grambury, the characters are informed of his initiative to bring the war to the gnolls lair in the Amber Mountain. While his levies and troops are collected, the characters are sent to this ancient tomb where, legend has it, the legendary blade of a great warrior is hidden. The duke claims that the blade belonged to one of his ancestors and that it is his birthright. The characters must retrieve it.

When the characters explore the dungeon, they soon notice that it is a dangerous endeavor. It is plagued with deadly traps and haunted by the ghosts of soldiers of a forgotten war. Strangest of all is the fact that this place was visited a long time ago and its most valued treasure was plundered. Recovering the duke's blade is not possible as an elf stole it centuries ago. That said, tracking that elf brigand is an adventure for another day...

Variant gnolls are part of this adventure. Both are available for D&D 5e and Shadowdark RPG. You can find them as part of the regional setting release of The Amber Expanse here.

This adventure has been published in both the D&D 5e and Shadowdark systems. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!

We appreciate your help. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Until the next one, Elven Tower.



Johann Weise

I have an issue with this map/setup. The premise is good but the PC's can go from 1 to 2 to 9 and the dungeon is over. What is to force the PC's into the side rooms? or any other path. Without redirecting them the stairs from 2 to 9 ends the dungeon and there's no reason to do any other room. Can you replace the steps with a Door or some other mechanism to force the PC's to go another route? Also, I may be missing seeing this, what is the DC to find the hidden/secret doors in room 6? I don't seem to find that info anywhere. this is for 5E


You are correct in that we missed the info about the secret doors. Thanks for the heads up, I'll replace the PDFs today with that update. Regarding the other point of rushing through to the end of the dungeon, the characters are not meant to be able to interact with the last room unless they have a really high thieves' tools check. Otherwise, they'd have to visit the other areas to solve the riddle. But even if they do, the only reason for this dungeon in particular to be visited is the get the treasure but the magic blade has already been stolen. So the only really valuable treasures are in areas 10 and 11. Perhaps anticlimactic. But our idea for this dungeon in particular was to have a location where the main treasure is gone and characters must explore the rest of the dungeon to justify the visit by getting whatever else they may find.