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Thanks for following our page! This post is available to all Free Members of our Patreon page thanks to the awesome support of our followers. This is a short adventure provided in D&D 5e and Shadowdark RPG formats; use your system of choice. In addition, this short adventure is but a portion of a larger regional mini-setting we've been working on this month. The adventure occurs in the regional map shown below. Have an awesome day and even more incredible adventures!

In The Silent Observers, a group of valiant adventurers sail to a remote island where three cyclopean monoliths gaze at each other across the eons. The chambers underneath each monolith feature a trial for the body, mind, and courage. If the adventurers are cunning enough, they may gain access to the small dungeon underneath the grand colossi.

In the dungeon's depths, there is a gilded vase the characters can gaze into. Therein, vivid visions of the past and future coalesce from untold possibilities. The brave adventurers may gain crucial insight and information from this place. Any known truth can be provided by the eternal wisdom of the Silent Observers. Alas, only if the adventurers are worthy of it. 

This adventure has been published in both the D&D 5e and Shadowdark systems. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!

We appreciate your help. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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