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Denizens of the Tower! In Saravenna, the characters begin their heroic deeds in the Moon-Touched Principalities. This is the region's largest settlement and the moon prince's seat, Arion Lunastra. The city has a strong defensive position and is a bastion against the sahuagin attacks. Hapless townsfolk from small towns now converge on the capital after having lost their livelihoods to the ravager fish-folk. An adventure begins.

The characters soon learn that the prince and the church have summoned all to fight against the sahuagin. The prince believes in defending their archipelago with blades and bravery. If the characters join the local Adventurers' Guild, they may soon enter into the prince's service. Their first mission is to visit a strange dungeon south of the city known as the House of the Green Claw. Rumor has it that a mighty weapon is hidden therein. Are the PCs worthy enough to wield it?

This adventure has been published in both the D&D 5e and Shadowdark systems. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!

We appreciate your help. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Until the next one, Elven Tower.



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