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I’m not really sure what I wanna do here. I’ve had 2 folks cancel in the last day or two and not getting anyone joining. I was kinda hopeful about this, but it’s just been not taking off at all.

I think I might try changing the tip jar to at least include seeing finished artwork early. Maybe make it $3 instead of 2? I dunno. I don’t really know what else to do to get people to want to support me here. It’s not like I don’t advertise it on twitter and fa.

Maybe I gotta do other specific things? Like post about when there’s a character poll here or something. Maybe there needs to be more exclusive stuff, at least for longer? Like maybe a monthly pinup that’s voted on that stays here until the next month or something. I really have no idea at this point.



Tip jar is fine! Most do around 1$-3$. Agree on exclusive stuff or delayed public publishment, that can raise the curiosity behind it. If you want to do the poll votes, that'd be nice, but make sure you can handle all the changes you are about to make here. I'm here because I love your art, and will support it, you do great with these!


Thank you 😭 I’m gonna do my best to promote it as much as I can.