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So I am planning on opening commissions sometime next week, likely the 15th of May. Wanted to kinda write somethin' up, cause I want you guys to have a discount on commissions since youre also already supporting me here! I'm still figuring it out, so this might change slightly, but here's the pricing info that's gonna be on the sheet

Single character fully shaded - $150

ADD AN EXTRA CHARACTER - +50% (so $75 in this case)

Add a simple background - +$15

(simple background being like these examples:
Doesn't have to be the monochrome thing, can also be like, a very simple outdoor thing but that's the idea, especially that first example)

I dunno if this is too high or not, but its what im thinking right now, especially since I just lost my job, every little bit helps especially until I can find a new one that pays me enough.

HOWEVER, here's what I'm thinking as far as the Patreon discount.

All tiers would get the background fee waived. 

Woof ($5) tier would get a 5% discount.

Ruff ($10) tier would get a 10% discount.

Bork ($15) tier would get a 15% discount.

I did the math (i think correctly) and it ends up the same whether the discount is applied to the base 150 and then add 15% of that for the second character and if the discount is applied to the full price put together.

So for reference (rounded down),

Woof | Single Character = $142 | 2 Character = $213 ($8 off | $12 off)

Ruff | Single Character = $135 | 2 Character = $202. ($15 off | $23 off)

Bork | Single Character = $127 | 2 Character = $191 ($23 off | $34 off)

Hopefully I explained that well lol. I still gotta figure out how I'm taking submissions and all that. It'll probably be a google form, but still not sure about that yet.

Anyway, lemme know what you guys think. Thank you all for your support, it means a lot to me :) <3

I'll attach the comm sheet I have to this post.




This looks kinda nice! Being honest, wanted to comish you. But beware of one thing, people might just suscribe to the fully 50% discount tier only for that (only for 15dlls or less if is already supporting). Wont like you to feel scammed if that happens.


That’s what I’m a little worried about, I’m thinking I might adjust the discounts. Cause since I wrote that I saw someone else with the max discount they had was 12%. I’ll have to do the math. And see how much it is. Obviously I want the discounts to be meaningful, but yeah I’m thinking I did a bit too much.


50% is pretty crazy. If there was a higher tier that’s worth getting half off your work is more “reasonable” but it’s still a lot. That or limit the amount of people who can get that specific tier. Also it depends how often you’ll be doing commissions. If it’s often then having lower discounts like 5, 10, 15%. If not too often maybe 10,15, 20%


Yeah it was way too much. I lowered them to just match the tier. That way you still save a little compared to what you pay here each month. I want to make sure it’s enticing to join but also where people won’t just join, get a big discounted commission, and then leave. I’m sure that’ll happen anyway but at least I won’t be losing half the commission money. I’m also considering adding 5% to the discount if you’ve been a member for a certain amount of time, like 1-2 full pay cycles