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The poll results are out, and most of you voted for Leifang to charge up her powerblow! And so, here goes! Do take note that there will be no more polls for this fight, and the ending will take place within the next 2 to 3 more parts.

Enraged, Helena goes on a rampage! She starts off with a jumping turning kick, which Leifang easily avoids...

Immediately after landing, Helena goes low, doing a back leg sweep. Leifang jumps high up to avoid the kick!

Helena knows that she cannot stop, and so, she goes into a flurry of fast and powerful strikes, starting with a long backhand sweep with her lead hand...

... Leifang blocked the strike, but Helena immediately follows it with her other hand, slamming it down hard on Leifang's blocking hand, intending the break her guard and strike through.

But Leifang had already anticipated this. As Helena follows through with a read hand thrust, Leifang deftly parries it, sticking her hand close to Helena's lead hand, deflecting and dampening Helena's charge!



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