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So we had agreed on dinner and a movie.  I know, not the craziest idea for a date.  But it’s not like either of us had buckets of money lying around that we could afford to do something extravagant.  Honestly though, I would have rolled around in dog shit if that’s what Brittany wanted to do.  I was so excited to see her again.  After last night, I really felt we had something.  And yes, let’s get one thing out of the way, she had incredibly large breasts, and that was a huge turn on for me.  Yes, she had a large ass that I wanted to rub and make a house in.  Yes, she had beautiful eyes that could turn me to stone if I wasn’t careful.  But there was something greater, something deeper that I hadn’t ever felt before.

She had told me she wanted to keep it casual, so I shouldn’t expect any extravagant dresses or anything.  She said she was wearing a shirt with some jeans.  I told her no problem.  Most guys, (or at least most guys like me) don’t really care about that stuff, as long as the girl is cool, pretty, and fun.  And she was all of those things.  Brittany also said she would meet me there.  Neither of us were particularly hungry, so we would start with the movie first and figure out what to eat afterwards.  It was a weekday, so the theater was slow, which hopefully meant it wouldn’t be too packed.  We had yet to select a movie as well, which probably played a big factor in that whole ordeal.

She showed up shortly after I did.  As we approached each other, I got a good look at her attire for the evening.  True to her word, she was wearing a simple grey shirt with a V like dip at the bottom of the neck, which was displaying a canyon of cleavage that would have otherwise gone hidden.  I quietly thanked god for this invention.  Her massive breasts looked ready to explode out of her top; she had more breast poking out of the top of her shirt than most girls I had ever seen on their entire chest.  Her jeans were tight, accentuating her overly vast butt.  She was a very thick girl, and I could only imagine what it might be like to have sex with such a juicy girl.

“Hey handsome,” she said, leaning forward just a bit to get eye level with me.  She went in for a juicy kiss that made my feet go numb.  Her soft lips embraced mine, while her wet tongue explored my mouth.  When she was done, I leaned forward a bit, trying to recompose myself, and stepped into her chest.  The two large spheres welcomed me graciously.  “Well aren’t you just happy to see me, Jake?” she laughed.  My head was close to her chin, and I looked up and gave her a kiss.  She had her arms around me at this point.

“You are stunning,” I told her.  She giggled and let me go.  We walked towards the kiosk.  “So what movie do you want to see?”

“I like horror,” she replied.  “There’s a pretty interesting slasher flick that just came out.  Want to watch that with me?”

“Um…” I said.  I was a huge wuss when it came to movies.  I was horrified by scary movies.  “I’m kind of a dork and I get scared really easily…”

She laughed.  “What’s the matter?  Do you need Mommy to protect you and keep you safe?”  She hugged me and rocked me back and forth like a baby.  I definitely didn’t mind that.  “I promise I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”  She got close to my ear and whispered.  “If you get too scared, you can put your face in my boobs.  I’m sure you will feel safe there.”

“You know, on second thought, a horror movie sounds like a great idea,” I said, perking up quite a bit.

“I knew you’d see it my way!” she said.  She was even kind enough to pay for the tickets.  I could tell the male teller was stealing glances at Brittany’s chest, and it was then that I felt the first sense of pride that I had felt in a while.

We made our way into the theater, and, sure enough, it was empty.  My lucky day.  We picked a seat in the middle of the theater and sat down next to each other.  Brittany had to raise the arm rests so she could squeeze her wide frame into the seat.  I did the same to make her feel comfortable, though I obviously didn’t have to.  The movie we were watching was called Camp Horror 3.  It was about campers, dying, I’m assuming.  I hadn’t kept up with the intricacies of the previous movies’ plots, but I assumed it was about a killer tormenting teenage looking adults at a camp.  Sounded like a thrill ride.  I just hoped they would limit the gore and jump scares, as like I mentioned, I couldn’t really handle all the fright.

Good thing I had Brittany here to keep me company.  I wonder how she felt, being so protective of the “man” she is dating.  She was clearly exerting dominance over me, not that I was opposed to it.  I just hoped she was ok with that as well.  There was no way I would be wearing the pants in this relationship.  I was 120 pounds, and she was over 300.  If I got too bossy, she could sit on my and end it all.

The movie started out simple enough.  The kids pulled into a gas station asking for directions.  As it progressed, they would find their camp site, set up beds, make banter, yada yada yada, so on, so forth.  Brittany noticed one of the girls had a nice looking pair of breasts.  “Don’t you think she’s hot?”

“Which one?” I asked.

“The blonde.  She’s so skinny, but she’s got nice boobs.  I wish I looked like that.”

“Um, your boobs make her’s look tiny.  There’s no comparison.”

“But she’s so skinny, and I’m, well… not.”

“I’d take you over some skinny girl any day of the wee-“ just as I was finishing that sentence, the killer had struck, impaling her boyfriend with a pick axe.  The sharp end punctured his eye socket from behind and he was draining blood and brain fluid.  I freaked out, but Brittany was there to save me.  She grabbed my head and buried it in her chest.  It was so warm and cozy in there.  One hand was holding onto the back of my head while the other was stroking my hair.  She gently rocked back and forth, telling me to shhh and that she would take care of me.

My mouth instinctively gnawed on her breast flesh while I was sandwiched in her cleavage.  Her smooth skin warmed my face like a heated pillow.  I couldn’t believe how much she had packed away inside that shirt and bra.  There was just so much woman here, and it was all mine.  I had to be greedy.  I grabbed either breast from outside of her shirt and lifted as much as I could, while shaking my head back and forth.  I wanted all the breast I could.  Quickly, I found myself running out of oxygen.  It didn’t seem like a terrible way to go, really.

I could tell Brittany was getting a bit hot and bothered.  She had tried to play it cool by watching the movie, pushing my head further and further into her bosom.  But she was starting to moan, and she pulled me out.  My face was staring straight at her right breast.  “You look like you need some milk.  Do you need some milk from my big tits?”  I nodded excitedly.  She pulled her right breast out of the shirt (I’m surprised she didn’t need a crowbar) and let it drop in front of me.  It was even bigger than I thought.  I grabbed it with both hands, which looked small in comparison, and lifted it towards my mouth.  Her nipple was fairly small in comparison, but it was pointing forward in a way that it was just begging to be sucked.

She slammed my face into her breast, and I instantly started sucking on her exposed nipple.  I slowly dropped down to lying on my back, which was resting on her thick lap.  Feverishly I sucked, begging for more.  She leaned forward a bit, and her boob was now smothering my face with help from her thigh.  Her breast was so big, her breast flesh wrapped around the side of my head.  I couldn’t believe any of this was happening.  I squirmed a bit to let her know I was running low on air, and she pulled up for a second.  Panting heavily, she looked down at me (I could see her forehead) and asked “Do you like it in there?”

I nodded, and she laughed.  She grabbed my crotch and felt my hard cock.  “I can take care of this for you.”  She unzipped my pants handily and slid them off.  Thank god this theater was empty.  She fiddled around with my cock for a bit, then spit on her hand.  “I’m going to make you feel really good, ok?”  I was too busy sucking her breast to respond.  She slid her hand up and down my shaft, controlling my cock with her strong, wet hand.  I lurched upward, nirvana hitting me like a ton of bricks.  She may have only been using a few fingers, as I am not a big gentleman downstairs, but she was doing it perfectly.  “You’ve been such a good little boy,” she said.

And with that, she lifted up away from my head, lifted my crotch into the air, and put my cock and balls in her mouth, all at once.  I stared up at her in awe.  She had the most beautiful smile while she munched on me.  Her tongue went all around my member and massaged my balls.  I had never felt anything this amazing in my entire life.  She sucked and sucked on them, and, sooner than I’d like to admit, I could take no more and I prepared to cum.

“I’m cumming,” I said in warning.  She simply smiled back at me.  I had done all I can.  I was powerless to do anything else.  I came right there in her mouth.  She drank all of it, and kept me in there until I was soft.  She was a god, there was no other way to put it.  I had stumbled upon the greatest individual that could possibly exist.  I was too exhausted to do anything but keep watching the movie and rest against her chest.  She held me until the credits rolled.

We went to a sub shop after the movie.  I paid for that.  It was the least I could do.  We shared a booth and ate next to each other.  “So, in case you didn’t notice, my breasts are incredibly sensitive.  I came twice while you were sucking them,” she told me.

“Unbelievable.  Well, if that’s what it takes to make you happy, you found the most willing worker of all time.”

She smiled.  “I’m so happy I’ve finally met someone who appreciates my body for what it is.  I’m not a size zero, so it’s hard to be taken seriously.”

“Your body is incredible.  Nobody compares.  You deserve to be taken seriously, nay more seriously than anybody else.”

“Maybe,” she laughed.  “We should be careful though.  It could turn gravely serious if I ever sat on you.  Or fell asleep with my boobs on top of you.  You’re cute, but I’m not convinced you’re strong enough to push me off of you.  You might be smothered to death by me.  Are you willing to take that risk, baby boy?”  She said that last part in a somewhat boisterous manner.

“If that’s the way I go, I would consider myself the luckiest man alive.”

We both laughed.  I could tell we were on to something great.

Breast play

She sucks him off while holding him like a baby


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