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This is the part 8 of the exclusive patreon series "Your Son's Best Friend", I hope you'll enjoy this series as much as I'll enjoy making it. Thank you all for your amazing support, I love you so much ❤️🙏🏻😘.


Thank you so much for listening. 🙏🏻    
Script & Audio by Echoes of Desire
© 2022 Echoes of Desire



Elizabeth Martin

Only two words can describe this one-holy shit! It was such a rollercoaster in the best way! I'm glad the son knows now....I hope after he thinks about it and calms down he'll be happy for us. And OMG! Are you trying to kill us with that finale??? I'm over here panting, blushing and giggling like crazy!! Bravo!! Plus the alternating sides of you whispering in our ear? Hello! That is one of my favorite forms of foreplay.....

Nothing Special

I finally got some time to listen to it all at once, so I made myself a tea, sat down and listened to what you gave us here. And it was worth the wait ❤️✨ The sfw part was so wholesome and heartwarming, every time he has the chance he express how he feels, how happy he is to be with her and looking at his backstory off suppressed feelings, his confessions like this just hits different, stronger 😍❤️ And you always doing amazing job to translate those emotions by using your voice, it's incredible! You characters don't have to say how they feel, just by listening to them you can tell! That's one of the things why I love your audios so much, you put so much heart in your performances, it doesn't sound flat or boring, but also it's not theatrical and over the top (like some anime characters that yells all the time). It's not easy to express emotions for audiences just by voice and not sounds fake, but you doing it just wonderful. You're really talented, darling ❤️ The confrontation part was great, I gasped couple of times! I'm very, very, very happy the mifl didn't let him handle this by himself, that would be so dumb! Although she could use her "mother voice" on both of them, give them a scolding and take Ethan by the ear or something, like a mother would do (at least an Eastern European mother 😅). But that's it, almost everyone knows so now they can be together, happy & horny! 😍 And speaking of horny... The nsfw part was incredible! Both on physical and emotional levels, just ecstasy! 😳❤️ For real, this story just makes everything different. I don't even know how to describe it! The sex scene has everything: so much spanking, doggy-style, hard and fast, lots of kisses, him carrying her (which means they were face-to-face which is the best, obviously), "i love you", cream pie and finishing together. All of this is amazing on its own. But all I have in the back of my mind is fact that he is finally with the person he loved for so long, he had feelings for her that he was forced to hide and it was painful for sure, but now he's happy and he can be with his person. That makes their sex so much more emotional 😍 No joke, when he said "I love you" all this just came up in my mind and I felt like crying 'cause I was so happy for him 😭 I KNOW this story is my all time favorite, this is The nr 1 ❤️ And I already know, when it's over I'm gonna cry, like ugly cry, for a long time. To be honest, whenever I thought of Ethan finding out, this one, unholy song always came to my mind, "Motherlover" by The Lonely Island... But now I think he'll do it out of revenge rather than "helping out a bro" 😅 (I know, this is really dumb joke but I'm way too proud of it to delete it 😅)

Echoes of Desire

My loveee, ❤️❤️❤️ hahaha I always love your comments so much, so so happy that you liked it and please never delete anything ever 😅😅❤️❤️❤️🌹