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Been in a big time vorny mood recently- and with some inspiration from friends, just kinda collected this little mass of doodles >U>
we got hungry noodles belonging too Marty
a lil scene of Deekay in his serpentine form hunting in the concrete jungle and finding a cuddly new servant~
and of course Kaa squeezing a little two-for-one with a deal on some coil stuffers with Pepper
and last but not least, some more lizalfo fun, as well as a little somethin with an aracuda! :33

and also! ive been learning more on that new animation program I got a while ago- i think im at the top of the learning curve of committing the shortcut keys to muscle memory, so things are gettin a lil easier. to test it out, I'm redoing this old animation of mine >U< still a few lil wrinkles to smooth out, but its comin to me!

in fact, soon as I nail it down, I'mma make a lil YCH for patrons :33



Yamma the snake

Adorable ~ you always make a good sssssnack