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sorry for this lil barrage of posts, I just wanted to make sure I got these out to show what I been doin this month >w<

My partner [rightfully] called out how binge heavy i can get on blender and encouraged me to uninstall it until I had finished that animation project- which served as very good motivation bc as soon as I reinstalled it, I put together the most movie accurate Kaa model I possibly could. I referenced the way he was drawn in the first sequence he appears in, and I had to learn how to use math nodes to actually nail the eye shape bc it was important to me that they not just be perfect spheres.

I included a lil shot there to show off the modeling inside the mouth bc atm the shaders don't show it- but I've found a few tutorial videos that I need to put to practice to perfect the actual material on the model (i.e give him his iconic spots) and then change up a few settings so I don't have to manually assign each color different values which is a pain lol that just requires me to learn how UV wraps work first >w>

But I won't be able to do that too soon because I have some travel coming up israuegndrkfg lookin forward to getting back to things as soon as possible <3



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