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They are all part of one weapon. To switch between the different katanas you'd have to use the "GiveWeaponComponentToPed" native.

I made this poop script to test with:

"RegisterCommand("katana", function(_, args) local ped = PlayerPedId()         local _, curweap = GetCurrentPedWeapon(ped)                  local var = args[1]                  if (var == '0') then            RemoveWeaponComponentFromPed(ped, curweap, 0x6218EEB8)             RemoveWeaponComponentFromPed(ped, curweap, 0xA4BF7400)             RemoveWeaponComponentFromPed(ped, curweap, 0x3F2DA8E2)             RemoveWeaponComponentFromPed(ped, curweap, 0x849233A6)         end if (var == '1') then            GiveWeaponComponentToPed(ped, curweap, 0x6218EEB8)         end if (var == '2') then            GiveWeaponComponentToPed(ped, curweap, 0xA4BF7400)         end if (var == '3') then            GiveWeaponComponentToPed(ped, curweap, 0x3F2DA8E2)         end if (var == '4') then            GiveWeaponComponentToPed(ped, curweap, 0x849233A6)         end end, false)"

It's a plug and play addon and the weapon can be spawned with WEAPON_KATANAS. :)


Looks like I fucked the resource so here's a re-upload that I know works. sorry about that.

There's also a Shiv in there, so enjoy the two for one.




dont work bro