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Patron Update 4/28/2021



Cant wait for the mechanical exo suit equipped furry legions to purge my neighborhood


Also, wiztree > windirstat

Nonya Bisnuss

I didnt know you were into voice acting. Thats understandable considering how many joy killers there are now a days.


We love you Sabby B

Eric Kaufman

Mechanical exoskelaton fur suits? I mean... surely this guy must be role playing or something... I mean... no one can be that stupid to think that is.... oh yeah, 2nd Life. *BTW Sabby, I know people who make short films of the SciFi and Horror genre. They are always looking for talent. We aren't that far away just in New England (WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!) Get in touch somehowever.... and maybe you could fit into something. And BTW, they hate dogmen pedo vampires as much as we all do and would have no problem with... well, whatever this is. (I know its funny... beyond that, I frankly am disturbed in the best way possible the freaky shit you guys find). MUCH LOVE TO CARLTON BERKINSTOCK... fucking Lizard Wizard.


Thanks Danny I'm done trying to fix autocorrect for s Abby I'm done. I'm full of hate and love. Butts.


There he is! It's my guy, it's our guy, it's the bad guy...s


good video buddy!


Thank you for updating us. Proud of you getting some voice acting. Really awesome to see inside the mind of the man. One day you'll have let the fans interview you


bruh, nice vid


being a bad boy online is dangerous game dr sabby kno u got a friend on the inside....


Still waiting patiently B)


Next on TLC: Sebastian teaches pregnant teenagers algebra