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Geez, what would have happened if they picked HEADS?!

(Special thanks to wireless345 for the original suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of you for your support!)

(Also special thanks to VoidHollows for color flatting assistance!)



James Plowman

Like the idea of one of the mermaids looking like a clown fish. Pretty sure you’ve used that idea before though

Star Journeyfriend

I LOVE THEIR DESIGNS SO MUCH, OH MY GOD 😭. Lovely work as ever, Ms. Allcott


Mm, topical. Or 'tropical', if you prefer.


Ok this is also fantastic! They’re fish and they’re dying lol. “Nemo” has such a cute pout. The flippers become their tails was also a really cool transformation, very creative Mira! 💕

Clint Hill

I really like that Nemo bit sexy and nostalgic, but I wonder where's her lucky fin?

Matt R

I get the feeling we'll see more of these two in the future

Violet Velvet

"What would happen if they picked Heads?" *Murloc noises*


I just want to see their live now in Sala City with their friends and familly reaction :) Are they doom to live in the city aquarium now ?


Two Mira drawings in a day?! Is this xmas or what ❤️❤️❤️

Penny D.

Under the sea Under the sea No costs to transitions Just friendly cetaceans Under the seeeeeeeeaaaaa~!


Even better than I imagined when I suggested it! Thanks for picking my suggestion!


I love this! You picked out a great one! Being a Mermaid would be so awesome! Especially like these designs!


What I'd give to be a Teal/Turquoise Rumble Fish version Mermaid alongside with them.


Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times Yes! I would love to be a Turquoise/Teal Mermaid like their design with Rumble Fish wavey fins/hair! Please Mira, I volunteer myself to be a Mermaid in this if you continue this! You would mermaid my day! 😊


Does the blond guy have relation to the blong guy from the beach babe'ed comic?


Seriously, I really hope this has a continuation just like the cheerleader coven in Sala City. I would love to join them and form a pod of mermaids. This just seems like so much fun!


Alls well that ends well. Besides I doubt those chicas will have any trouble picking up another hunk on the beach ❤️