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Trigger #105: The Fox Rock

Artifact/Entity Class: A fox statue made of opal, haunted by the spirit of a fertility fox goddess.

Transformation Type: TG, TF, Furrification, Heat, Breast Expansion, Ass Expansion, Hypnosis.

Threat Level: Dangerous. The Fox spirit was imprisoned in opal for a REASON. She turns all around her into loyal kitsune maidens devout to her every whim. Currently being held in M.O.M's top secret S.L.A.Y. facility. (Securement and Location of Arcane Yields)

Subjects: SLAY Agent 087 Emily Sylvester, F, 26, formerly Emile Sylvester, AMAB, and SLAY Agent 086 Takeshi Ishioka, M, 26.

The following is a biographical account of events based on the subject's own testimonies and several eyewitness accounts.


The announcement had been blaring almost nonstop every five minutes or so.

With her newfound senses, it was difficult for Emily to tune out. Her tall, fuzzy fox ears heard everything now, and they twitched with slight pain every time the intercom crackled to life, the hairs of her tail straightening out in irritation.

She tried to tune it out with her other senses, like biting one's lip to drown out some other ache. She tried her nose first. The Securement and Location of Arcane Yields warehouse was a rather stuffy old building. It smelled like an art museum, filled with dusty, cursed artifacts and enchanted ancient relics of all different shapes and sizes, put on display for future study. But what hit her nose first was the intoxicating musk of her partner, Takeshi. He'd been lugging her newly fattened ass around the corridors since she'd twisted her ankle in the chaos. The sweat had soaked into his uniform by now, and Emily could feel something else soaking her underwear. She loved the way he smelled.

Then again, she loved everything about Takeshi.

She loved how reliable he was. She could depend on him to stay calm, to take control, to be prepared for any worst case scenario. She loved the little moments when his stoic facade would crack, how goofy his smile looked contrasted to his usual brooding scowl. And currently, she loved how his arms perfectly wrapped around her stoat, plump body. How effortlessly he hauled her up and around the debris riddled halls. How his fingers sank into the flesh of her thigh, and brushed the  underside of her breast.

"Hey, you still with me, partner?"

His smooth voice made her heart skip a beat.

Partner. She loved being his partner. She loved being by his side. But she wanted to be so much more than that. She wanted to be his partner in every sense of the word.

She licked her lips, almost cutting her tongue on her new fangs.

"Y-Yeah... yeah, I'm fine, I'm still here... I'm still me..."

She'd forgotten that her voice was so achingly delicate now, and over and over her breath hitched with surprise when she spoke.

"Good. Just making sure..."

A clacking of sandals. Both of them froze stiff. 

Emily's stomach lept into her chest as Takeshi spun them both around to take cover.

A voice echoed unnaturally through the room.

"Now where did my lost little kits run off to? Ehehehe..."

A phantasm in the shape of a fox-like woman glided across the floor. Her tails swept around her like the noses of search dogs, trying to sniff out their prey. Behind her, a squad of newly enthralled fox girls followed like lost puppies, calling out in a trance.

"Come join us, sisters! To serve our mistress is a great honor! You'll see! Let her cleanse your body and soul! Join us!"

By some miracle, they hadn't noticed them yet. Emily thought that perhaps her own, newly foxified scent masked them from her "sisters'" noses? But she didn't know how long their luck would hold on that front.

They stood stock still and silent as the grave as the fox spirit and her court of followers stalked into the next room. They finally let their breath out.

"I don't know how you've been able to hold off her thrall, partner, but I promise I'll get us out of here..." Takeshi whispered dutifully in Emily's ear.

 Emily's cheeks burned bright red. "Y-yeah, c-crazy huh... guess it's a mystery, hahaha..."

In reality, Emily knew EXACTLY why the Fox Spirit's thrall didn't affect her, at least not completely.

It was because this was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

It was because HE was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Just an hour earlier, Emily had still been "Emile", an agent of SLAY who looked distinctly male. How she felt on the other hand, was a completely different story. Her father had thrust manhood onto her like a mantle. She inherited all of his toxic ideals and sensibilities. She was forced into sports, and then into the military, before finally ending up as an agent of MOM. Due to the nature of her job, she had pierced the veil long before. She knew that her own company sold products that could fix her unique "problem." But it terrified her, what other people would think if she chose to become a woman. She was ashamed of herself for wanting that. Was she just not good enough to BE a man? Was she just taking the easy way out, like her father always said she would? It kept her up at night. Nawed at her like a hunger stricken stomach. 

That was until she met Takeshi.

Takeshi wore manhood well. It suited him. But more importantly than that, he disproved everything her father had told her men had to be. Takeshi was even tempered, and rational, he didn't let his anger consume him as her father did. Takeshi was kind, and sensitive, and that didn't make him weak as she had been taught. He was unmistakably masculine without being overly macho or showy. He was a man's man, but more importantly... he was a good man. He was everything Takeshi thought a man really ought to be.

At first, Emile thought she just wanted to be like Takeshi, or at the very least be his friend. At first, she just thought Takeshi was just a "really cool dude" she wanted by her side, whether it was in a firefight with rogue witches or getting a beer after work.

It wasn't until someone in their squad made a rather insensitive, transphobic joke that Emile knew what her feelings really where. One of her squadmates had said they would never date someone who had taken the Pink pill. "They were just fake girls, just guys in disguise," he'd said. Emile felt sick inside as the others just laughed along. But not Takeshi. Takeshi shrugged in confusion and said, "I don't see a difference. A girl's a girl. And if they had to work a little harder to be seen as a girl than others then, well, I think that's admirable. And if you can't see that, then you're just a dick in disguise."

Emile's heart skipped a beat. Then two. Then three more.

He could love a girl like me...? she thought to herself.
She had had her suspicions, of course. Guilty wet dreams of Takeshi sweeping her off her feet. Day dreams of finally taking the PINK pill, of catching Takeshi's eye, fantasies about how he would ask her out, where he would take her, what color and cut of dress she would wear. As hard as she fought these thoughts, insisting they were all fairy tails, a pipe dream, an impossibility, they demanded to be heard. And Takeshi's comment made it certain, undeniable, unavoidable.

He could love a girl like me.

Emile went out that night to buy her first bottle of PINK pills. She didn't take them right away, as much as she wanted to. She wanted to confess her feelings to Takeshi first, make sure he really meant it, that someone like him could really love someone like her. 

That bottle was still in her pocket when the earthquake hit the SLAY Containment Facility.

Emile's squad had been sent in to investigate the damage. They had actually made fun of Takeshi for "over preparing", bringing his gas mask and enough filters for every kind of toxin imaginable, magical or otherwise. Emile thought it was adorable how much of a dutiful boy scout Takeshi was.

That gas mask and filter was the only reason Takeshi remained uninfected when the Fox Spirit, released from her stone prison by the quake, attacked. He'd tried to take his mask off and give it to Emile, but Emile refused and forced it back on to him, saying he would be fine, just RUN. The sakura blossom filled mists surrounded them like circling crows. The air tasted like cotton candy. It was so thick, and so sweet, none but Takeshi could breath without coughing great puffs of pink smoke in and out of their lungs.

By then it was too late.

The changes happened fairly quickly. They all tried to run, but none escaped the transformation. In the scuffle, Emile had twisted her ankle, and Takeshi carried her out of harm's way as her body bloated, stretched, squished, and softened under her armor.

Her face, once haunted by beard shadow, paled and softened into a wide eyed and unmistakably feminine visage. Her hair, strategically cut to be as androgynous as possible, now looked downright girly with her new face as it dyed itself bright rose. As she coughed out more sakura petals, her voice rose higher and higher, and her teeth bore sharp fangs. Her ears receded into her hair and popped back up into long, furry fox ears. Her body inflated underneath her uniform. Breasts the size of her head exploded from her chest like a time lapse of melons bursting from the vine. Her ass made a very convincing threat to rip the seat of her pants when her hips and thighs inflated to monstrous proportions. And finally, the tail. Long, fluffy, almost matching the full length and width of her body, sprouted from the base of her spine and brushed pleasantly against Takeshi's arm as it worked its way out past her waistband.

For a brief moment, Emily could feel the thrall of the Fox Spirit. It whispered to her, told her to reach under Takeshi's mask, expose him to her spores, make him one of them.

But a louder voice, her voice, screamed back that that was a stupid fucking idea. She loved Takeshi just the way he was. He was already perfect. She wouldn't change a goddamn thing.

Her love for Takeshi utterly TROUNCED the false love that the Fox Spirit's spores tried to instill in her, and Emily knew it. However, their other squadmates weren't so lucky. By the time they came to, Emily's "sisters" were mindless drones, who wouldn't stop until her and Takeshi were completely loyal to their "Mother."

And that brought them back full circle. Emily knew they were running out of time. Sooner or later, they would get caught. Takeshi would be taken away from her, would be forced to become something he wasn't, just like she had been for so many years. She didn't know what to do.

But Takeshi always had a plan. It was one of the many things she loved about him.

"Partner... I have an idea... but you gotta trust me on this, ok?" Takeshi whispered over her head into her massive, fluffy fox ear.

Emily nodded, stifling a squeal of delight at how close they were right now.

"Yes! Yes! Of course, Takeshi! I trust you!" she said, a bit too enthusiastically.

Takeshi nodded, and with his usual stone stiff face and stoic demeanor said,

"I think we need to have sex."

Emily's mind short circuited for a moment.


"SHHH!!!!" Takeshi whispered sternly, covering her mouth with his glove. Part of her found this even hotter though, and she was squirming in confusion. Her head was a mess of swimming thoughts. Her face was burning, steaming against the cold of Takeshi's hand.

“Listen, I read the dossier on every artifact in this sector. She’s a fertility spirit. If we have sex, she’s honor bound to let us go!”

There was a pregnant pause between the two as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Takeshi flinched, his face hot with shame.

"S-Sorry, nevermind, we can find some other way then-"

"Let's do it."

The assertiveness in Emily's voice surprised both of them. Emily stared deep into Takeshi's eyes and brushed her hand along the side of his mask.

"I'm okay with it... if it's you... b-because it's you..."

Takeshi paused in surprise for a moment, then nodded, brow furrowed with determination.

As quietly and gently as he could, he set about unbuckling Emily's pants. The rough fabric pulled taught against the rounds of her hips, bulging and cutting into their fat, before mercifully giving way and coming off. With trembling, excited fingers, Emily unzipped Takeshi's pants, pulled them down and-


Soft, piping hot flesh on her cheek. His penis was already firmly, painfully erect.

"S-Sorry, I-" Takeshi quickly apologized before Emily softly cut him off.

"Shhhhh... it's fine darli- uhm, d-dude..." she corrected herself. She hated how she had to correct herself. Hated how she couldn't just come out and tell him how she felt.

But maybe she could show him instead.

Careful of her twisted ankle, Emily swung her hips back around and sat back on Takeshi's lap. As she reached under herself to guide him inside, her fingers confirmed that she was already sopping wet.

A few agonizing moments of awkward fumbling ensued. And then, the surreal sensation of skin dragging across skin.

He's inside me...

Her vulpine senses were quickly overloaded. The sound of his ragged breath echoed in her ears. The smell of his unwashed cock filled her lungs. Her skin was so much softer now, and there was so much more of it in places, bulging out, catching every little touch of Takeshi's hands, his waist, but more importantly, his tip and shaft as they plunged up and into her like a spear.

It was nothing like she had ever felt before. Nothing like she had ever dreamed she would get to feel before.

Being a woman had always been her dream.

But being fucked like a woman was... absolutely inebriating.

The moans came before she could stop herself.

"Hahhn! Yesss... huh-harrder... f-fasterrr! AHNN!"

Takeshi's mask had almost completely fogged over by this point, but she could still see his eyes. Hungry. Wanting.

Barbarian-like strength took him over. He was grunting, pulling in and out of her like a ruthless savage until all Emily could manage to say was the one constant in her mind.

"Takeshi! Takeshi! TAKESHIIIIII!!!!!!!!"

Muscles spasmed and twiched. Hot, thick spray coated her legs and insides. They collapsed into each other, limp, satisfied.

There was a brief moment, or maybe a few minutes, it was hard to tell. They were both completely and utterly at peace, blissfully unaware of the situation that had brought them to this point.

"What... should I call you now...?"

Takeshi broke the silence, not like an alarm, but like a lover gently rousing her from sleep.

He knew. Somehow he knew she wanted this. And she loved him all the more for it.

"...Emily... please call me Emily..." she whispered.

He nodded. "Emily... it suits you..."

Hearing him say her name, her REAL name, overwhelmed her. A nervous, fox-like chittering sound rumbled in her chest, like a giggle. Emily thought it was mortifying, but Takeshi could only laugh.

"God you're so fucking cute." he chuckled.

With an adorable little squeak, he pulled up his pants and hefted Emily over his shoulder, ass first. For some reason, he neglected to pull her own pants back up, and her tail curled to cover her bare ass and privates.

Takeshi didn't bother sneaking anymore. He walked right up to the Fox Spirit in the next room. The audacity gave her pause.

To Emily's abject horror, Takeshi lifted her tail up and over to show her "mother" and "sisters" the absolute mess he'd made of her. She let out a mortified "EEEKK!!!" and covered her face in shame.

"Hi. I'm taking this one. She's mine now."

Impressed at this little human man's audacity, the Fox Spirit smirked, and nodded.

"Take good care of her, then."

Without another word, Takeshi carried Emily out of the room towards the exit. The only thing that followed them was the sound of her "sisters" pestering their "mother", asking when they would find a mate of their own.

The airlock door hissed, and finally, the two had made it to safety. The security doors shut firmly behind them. It takes a few minutes for the system to cycle, to disinfect and clean the air of any magical contaminants. For now though, they could finally breath. When the coast was clear, Takeshi took off his helmet.

"Sorry about that, for Fox Spirits it's customary to-"

Emily didn't let him finish. She'd be damned if she let him apologize for the best day of her life. Her lips pressed and curled around his, her neck craned ever so gently.

"You said I was yours now. Did you mean that?" she asked, terrified that it had all simply been for the sake of 'the mission', that the status quo would return now that they had reached safety.

Takeshi didn't hesitate.

"Every word." he said in his usual stoic tone.

Emily heaved a sigh of relief, and chuckled. Her legs rubbed together, still slick and sticky. She chuckled to herself.

"You know, I would have expected a boyscout like you to have packed a condom in that utility belt of yours. If I get pregnant, you'd better take responsibility." Emily teased.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm always prepared." Takeshi said.

He sat her down on the airlock bench, got down to one knee, and pulled out an engagement ring from one of his many pockets.

Emily's synapses fused.


"I always carry a tactical engagement ring with me." Takeshi effortlessly slid the loop onto her left ring finger. She didn't resist. It fit perfectly.


"I told you, I'm always prepared."

Takeshi's face was stone stiff at first, before cracking into a goofy smile. He started laughing, and the sound was so beautiful, so infectious, Emily couldn't help laughing too.

She pecked at his face between fox-like giggles.

"You. Are. Such. A. DORK. Ehehehehhee..."

From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

(Special thanks to CrownCosmo for the suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of you for your support!)




This is why kitsunes are the best!

Violet Velvet

Ahhhh this is so fucking cute and sweet! I love the bridal carry, but I love the romance story even more. Exact dose of sweetness I needed right now, thank you Mira <3

Star Journeyfriend

I'mma be honest here, Takeshi sounds like the coolest dude ever. What a badass. Yet again, such a lovely story, Mira. Would love to see more SLAY endeavors in the future :)

Steve Hedge

Finally a dangerous one haha it feels like they all have been benevolent the past few months

Blackstripes 08

Ok usually I love your stories ... but this I absolutely ADORE It's so sweet and wholesome with a bit of flair, absolutely truly amazing

Smoke Midlands

Really wonderful combo of story and pic in this one. Wonder if this goddess is the crazy wine aunt of the Kitsune Waifu family…


I was gonna say, I know a couple of Kitsune shrine maidens that would be very interested in this development. This pinup also features the rare “Heterosexual Fox Sounds”!


Hehehe very cute



James Raymond

"Tactical Engagement Ring" I'm dying thats just the right level of stupid bullshit I love it.


An absolutely lovely piece and a fantastic story to go along with it!

Lil Ssteph

Oh noooo, I would hate to be turned into an adorable cat girl and my guy friend had to rail me extra hard to save me from the "curse". 😝