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Trigger #97: Sabie the Saber-toothed Tiger

Object/Individual Class: Enchanted costume that transforms the wearer into Sabie the Saber-toothed Tiger, beloved mascot of Sala City University.

Transformation Type: TG, TF, Furrification.

Threat Level: Benevolent. Exhibits reaction to the owner's fondness for the suit, as well as his proximity to the Sala U Cheer Squad

Subject: Sabie Kim, F, 22, formerly Steven Kim, M.

From the personal diary of Sabie Kim.

It was my turn at the mascot tryouts to be Sabie. I was last up and the only 'guy' auditioning. I’d only stayed because it was too awkward to walk out once the doors shut behind me and I needed to fulfill my extracurricular requirement. The cheer squad helped me into the suit and one of them must have seen the anxiety in my eyes since she decided to lighten the mood with a joke.

She lowered the head over my face, winked, and said:

"There... you're one of the girls, now, 'Sabie.'"

Not to get too dramatic, but something woke up inside me.

I was Sabie. I was 'one of the girls' now.

Which means I wasn't Steven anymore.

I didn't have to worry about making a fool of myself, didn't have to second-guess everything I did, didn’t have to be the quiet, anonymous student who was content to fade into the background. For the next few minutes, I could let go.

I ran up the bleachers and did a backflip like the suit weighed nothing. I screamed and sang and chanted in the best falsetto I could manage. I spun my tail around and made lewd jokes about our rival team. By the time I finished, they were all laughing too hard to tell me I got the part.

I was laughing under the suit, too. For the first time in... months. Years, even.

And that first game with the roar of the crowd and the marching band and everyone's eyes on me?

It was... orgasmic.

I liked being Sabie. I liked being someone else people LIKED. I was everyone’s favorite titty-kitty.

So, I played Sabie at every football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and tennis match that year. I attended every pep rally, fundraiser, and bake sale they let me. I was the first Sabie to hand out diplomas at graduation.

I was Sabie for three and a half years before it hit me.

"I don't get to be Sabie next year."

All of it was going to end. Maybe I could be a mascot somewhere else, but I didn't want to be a leprechaun or a chicken or an anthropomorphic baseball. Even anything in the broader entertainment industry sounded hollow.

I wanted to keep being Sabie.

I almost considered tanking my grades so I had to repeat the year, but... I couldn't throw away my future just so I could prance around in a pink catsuit for another year or two. So I tried to enjoy it while it lasted.

March. Last basketball game of the season. Sabers vs. the Lascivi City Lions.

For the first time, I wanted the other team to score and force overtime, to draw the game out just a little bit longer.

"Please. Just five more minutes. Please. I don't want to go back to being Steven. I don't want to go back to being invisible. I want to stay Sabie forever."

It was about then the changes started. The inside of the suit got hot. Well, hotter than usual. The bulky fur carapace I trundled around in closed in on me, thin and tight, like a second skin. I thought I was suffocating, but realized I was breathing easier than usual. Only I wasn't breathing into the back of a mask anymore. My nose was wetter, stretched wider, placed further from my face. My canines turned long and sharp.


I looked down at my hands. They weren't gloves anymore. They were paws. My fingers were swollen up like balloons, covered in squishy black pads on my fingertips and palms. When I flexed my hand, ivory claws slid right out.

There was something on my head. I reached up with my heavy, beany mitts and felt ears. Cat ears.

I looked down at my chest, and instead of my usual flat, barrel-chested suit, I saw two ginormous, furry orbs, bouncing up and down with every shallow, shocked breath. I pressed my paws against them. I could FEEL my paws through them.

The changes made their way down. It felt like a funnel had been shoved into the base of my spine, and hot fat was being poured into my ass and thighs. I wasn't wearing the suits boots anymore. The sole of my foot stretched out. My toes rearranged, and suddenly I could feel the cold, lacquered, wood floor through my padded, digitigrade, bare feet. There was a shock down my spine, and suddenly the long, fluffy tail that had once dragged limply on the floor behind me was connected to me. It swished back and forth, and I could feel the wind blow through every hair on it.

Then, finally, it felt like two invisible thumbs pressed down hard on my erect penis. This unseen hand kept pushing, even when there was nothing left to push, burrowing up inside me. When I looked down, the fur around my crotch was slick and sticky and wet. And between my legs, was a perfect, little, pink slit.

When I reached my hand to my back, there was no zipper. When I pawed at my neck, no seam.

The final buzzer blared. I don't even know who won. Frankly, I didn't care!

I rushed into the hallway and stopped in front of our trophy case.

When I stuck out my tongue, Sabie stuck her sandpaper tongue out back. When I swayed my hips and swished my tail, Sabie did the same, and I felt something slick between my legs at how hot she looked doing that.

I wasn't Steven anymore.

I was Sabie.

Strangely enough, not a lot of people noticed.

In the days that followed, people called me Sabie Kim, but besides that, the only person who said anything about my new body was the proctor during one of my finals. It was hard enough to write properly with toe beans without him going on about vicious saber-toothed tigers.

It was the witches in the Cheer Squad who told me about "The Veil.” Most people can't see past their own understanding of what's possible. It's a spell that a bunch of old fogeys cast, to keep magic in check. If you're born with magic, or if it touches your life in a certain way, suddenly, you can see past it. And you wouldn't BELIEVE the shit I've seen lately.

In practical terms, it means most people see me as a human woman. I've seen photos of what most people think I look like, and I'm pretty cute, I think.

The school year ended and I didn't have to hang up my costume after all, mostly because there was nothing to hang up. Unless they wanted to stuff me in a closet.

You can groan and call me cliche all you want, but I realized that the actual costume I was wearing was Steven. Masculinity was the performance I begrudgingly acted out every day. But Sadie freed be from all of those expectations. I could be who I wanted to be! Outgoing, flamboyant, seductive, cute, and cuddly. I could be "one of the girls."

I'm Sadie, inside and out.

And now, I need to figure out what the hell I'm gonna do with the rest of my life. Somehow, I feel like going into graphic design like I'd originally planned would be a waste of my new... ahem, assets...

Maybe I'll go into the entertainment industry, after all~!


From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

(Special thanks to Penny D. for the suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of you for your support!)

(Extra special thanks to Zoe S. Figueroa for additional story editing! You can read more of her amazing writing in our upcoming visual novel, Mice Tea: https://cinswitch.itch.io/mice-tea! *cough cough* shameless plug *cough*)

(Seriously though she's an amazing writer.)




She’s so fluffy!


What a pretty kitty! Sabie seems much happier now 💕. Great work Mira.

James Plowman

Wait, so, she’s an anthropomorphic kitty girl but whenever someone looks at her she looks human?


That about sums it up, yes. I'd say about... Maybe 7% of the population can see past the Veil right now? I'm not too sure of the math, hard to take a census when the other 93% thinks you're crazy for asking if they've seen any witches flying around. ;3


I love the two players in the back High fiving each other :)

James Plowman

So, how does that work when someone has to touch her? I mean, does the other person not feel her fur or something? And then there’s the whole human appearance thing. Does it and her Kitty form have the same dimensions, and if not, what happens when she goes clothes shopping? Do her clothes appear to shrink down on her human form?

Violet Velvet

Having observed the phenomenon of the Veil several times now, I have to ask. Does awakening as Transgender equate to lifting the Veil? It is certainly a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural.


The brain comes up with whatever mental gymnastics necessary to convince them this is normal. "Hey, your arms are a little hairy, you might wanna shave." "Wow, your canines are super sharp, weird, haha" Etc

Clint Hill

That's some serious dedication she has and you have to admire that. And she sure is cute.

Sam Mann

This was a delight to read! I love Sabie's design and how well the color scheme works! You did a great job!


Very nice! They do say the costume makes it work… but it seems as if she’s gonna have quite the career ahead!


It looks known like they're about to interlock fingers. I call that a Bromantic accident.

Jenni Starr

Ahhhh love them pawbs!

Zombie Power Drink

Every time I try on my fursuit I hope this happens lol

Smoke Midlands

Tired: Gritty. Wired: Tiddy.