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Hey everyone! It's time to make suggestions for this month's comic! As always here are the rules...

1. No underage characters, 18+ only.

2. No real people.

3. No Copyrighted Characters you don't own. (I've decided to focus on original characters and not getting sued)

4. If it's fan art of your OC, please include an image or description.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below!

I'll be picking up to four suggestions for the poll, which will be voted on and the top 2 pieces completed before the end of the month.

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to drawing for you!

Suggestions will close after September 6th, and voting will begin soon after that!

(Rules may be added or otherwise subject to change in future suggestion polls. Making a suggestion for a pin-up does not guarantee your pin up will be picked for polling or win the poll. Thank you.)



"An Eggsausted Hero's Intervention" Gene Ericson A dark spiky haired protagonist has finished another harrowing battle against the dark lord who threatened his friends. Having used an extremely risky self sacrifice type final move in order to win the fight. Thus leaving him passed out beaten and exhausted once again. The poor hero's party is worried for the well being of their friend and talk about why he has such self destructive behavior. The party includes Lance Ival the heros best friend, Sue Daray a no nonsense tomboy with a secret love for all things cute and Mia Lone a tall quite bookish type women. They theorize the hero is dealing with some form of internalized hatred and things like his over the top binge eating is just so he can distract himself with consumption. After a long talk they decide to use the one wish they got for defeating the dark lord and wish that the hero could be happy with who they are. A Magical girl type transformation triggers around Gene's unconscious body turning him into a red headed freckle covered shortstack. While intially happy the new girl laments that she is no longer able to fight for her friends and begins to feel useless. "But but I cant be a girl how am supposed to protect you guys and fight bad dudes? everyone knows I'm comedically inept at everything else *sob *sniff". Lance interjects with "Hey now we didn't become friends with you because of how well you kill monsters? Were friends because we love you ya goof. You don't owe us a gods damn thing in fact from now on well be the ones protecting you". "really" the girl ask fresh tears falling from her eyes. " Of course we will" Mia begins to add "and logically speaking girls can be just as good at fighting as boys after all Sue was always the second strongest party member". "that's right!" Sue shouts before walking up to her and giving her a smack across the face. "OW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" she exclaims. "That was keeping such a scrumptious cutie pie trapped underneath all that toxic boy bullshit" Sue chastises her. She then ask to see a mirror and begins to sob openly "is that really me now?!?" she ask. "It's who you always were you just didn't know it yet" Mia tells her. "Have you got a new name you want us to call you?" Lance ask encouragingly. "Jenny! My name is Jenny!" Jenny exclaims in unfiltered glee. "I LOVE YOU GUYS" Jenny yells through a torrent of tears. Group hug. The end.


Simptember Egirl: A streamer is playing a new game made by the MoM company. He started to simp over a female character he created in the customization portion. After saving the character, he becomes an egirl based off the character.