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Trigger #091: MOM Pink Pill Waste Residue

Object Class: A vat of radioactive estrogen and other chemical byproducts that was irresponsibly dumped into the ocean by MOM and burst open on an unsuspecting swimmer.

Transformation Type: TG, Breast Expansion, Ass Expansion, Weight Gain, Monsterfication, Gigantification, Heat.

Threat Level: KAIJU CLASS. We can't have a bunch of Kaiju Girls tripping over skyscrapers! No matter HOW cute they turn out...

Subjects: James Keter, 21, now Kaiju Island Patient K08: Thunder Thighs.

From the files of MATE HQ...

Case No. 048: Sala City Beach Incident

Responding pilot: Shion Ikehara, Unit 63.

Prepared by: Commander Kurosaki

Description of Incident:

On June 8th, 20XX, the victim later identified as James Keter was enjoying his summer vacation with a nice swim at Sala City Beach when an improperly disposed vat of toxic waste from MOM burst open underneath him. He was immediately enveloped in the radioactive fluids, and staggered out of the water. Eyewitness testimonies say the victim looked nauseous, and struggled to walk in a straight line as the changes overcame him. He started gaining weight at a rapid pace, fat pumping into every corner of his body. His hair was dyed a neon blue green by the chemicals. His face melted into a soft and feminine visage. A pair of unrestrained breasts rounded out his formerly muscular frame, followed by an absolutely gargantuan ass and thighs that slapped together as he waddled across the beach. He leaned over to inspect his rapidly shrinking testes, ripping her pants in the process. When he finally saw past the shelf that was her chest, he was shocked to see a fresh new womanhood.

The changes did not stop there, unfortunately. A thick, lizard-like tail plopped on the ground behind her and dragged across the sand as she desperately waddled away. Her skin grew slimey and scaley, horns and plates protruding from her head and spine. Her nose and mouth stretched into a wide snout, filled with rows of razor sharp teeth. All the while, she was growing bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier, her footsteps turning into craters. By the time she became fully aware of herself, she'd grown to a height of over 50ft tall.

Terrified, she screamed for help, but her vocal chords had thickened to the point that any words came out as thunderous roars. Each clumsy step she took sent tremors through the earth. In her confusion, she tripped over a freeway overpass, causing multiple collisions. Desperately, she tried to undo the damage in much the same way a frazzled mother picks up their child's matchbox cars. This only exacerbated the problem.

It was at this point Unit 63 finally arrived via helicopter convoy. Unit 63 set to work "eliminating" the threat immediately. She made verbal contact, the Kaiju responding with head nods and other non verbal body language.

Unit 63 embraced the scared giantess, whispering soothing words into her ear, and full body massaged the beast into a much more calm and submissive state. Now much more agreeable towards Unit 63 and her pilot, Shion Ikehara, who handled the situation very gently, James, now codenamed Thunder Thighs, was escorted to Kaiju Island Sector 12 to live out her days in comfort until a cure can be found.

The other Kaiju have already accepted her as one of their own, and just in time for Mating Season. Many of them have sought to court her, and their romantic advances have not gone unreciprocated. She seems to enjoy the attention, and is exhibiting the characteristics of a natural born broodmare. Ever the bleeding heart, Shion Ikehara has also been visiting her in Unit 63 on a weekly basis to make sure she is adjusting to life as a Kaiju and life as a girl. Perhaps she sees her as a kindred spirit?

Regardless, what they do in those caves has been classified for the sake of their privacy.

- Commander Kurosaki

From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

(Special thanks to Itachi88 for the request that inspired this piece, to Texbot and the other contributors of the Miraverse Conspiracies subreddit for the Monster Island reference, to my Test Readers, and to all of you for your support!)




Oh my, I hope we'll see more about this Kaiju Island Sector 12!


Queen of the monster girls! Love it.




So nice to have Monster Island confirmed as a thing. And Sala City is a real epicenter for transformations. Wonder if there is some kinda force attracting all this magic and happenstance. Great work and thank you so much for the nod at the end.


Hey I recognize that pilot!

Finn the Human

OK hear me out.... You know Skull Island? Imagine something similar. An explorer manages to survive the strange and savage environment and gets some respite and eats an exotic fruit and turns into a kaiju sized monkey called Queen Thong. Also I loved this story!


Beeg Kaiju GF 😍, would let her buttslam private property.

Smoke Midlands

(translated from roars) What happens on Monster Island, stays on Monster Island


Omg I just realized what the tail of the Mech is supposed to be, haha.


Is the "Keter" last name a reference to the SCP Foundation? Could be a coincidence, just curious :P