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Hey everyone! It's time to make suggestions for this month's Comic! Here are the rules...

1. No underage characters, 18+ only.

2. No real people.

3. No Copyrighted Characters you don't own. (I've decided to focus on original characters and not getting sued)

4. If it's fan art of your OC, please include an image or description.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below!

I'll be picking up to four suggestions for the poll, which will be voted on and completed before the end of the month.

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to drawing for you!

Suggestions will close after June 9th, and voting will begin soon after that! (I'm pushing up the timeline just a tad just in case we hit 2.5K again to give myself a little more time to do the runner ups...)

(Rules may be added or otherwise subject to change in future suggestion polls. Making a suggestion for a pin-up does not guarantee your pin up will be picked for polling or win the poll. Thank you.)



a duo of friends go to a new gym in their city. They are offered the new special style of entertaining the room. At the end they become two beautiful muscular women


I just realized my Pin-Up suggestion was more of a Comic suggestion so I will post here again. An eggy guy visits a lingerie store with his wife to buy something cute for her but all the sales people see him as a girl and offer him all the cute stuff instead. As they place the clothes on him he gets more and more curvy filling out the undergarments. Wife is annoyed and confused at first when all the salespeople ignore her but ends up excited as she sees her wife become the beautiful big girl she always was on the inside.