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Trigger #088: Uwusagi the Magic Rabbit Mascot

Cryptid Class: An animated plush doll of a bunny that hops around turning unsuspecting victims (largely males) into Magical Girls and recruiting them in a war against evil.

This is all a ruse, however. This creature is actually an extradimensional parasite. It feeds on the negative emotions caused when these pure-hearted magical girls are faced with the harsh reality that evil cannot be rooted out by simply beating up criminals, and that crime is only a symptom of larger systemic problems that require nuance and sweeping social reforms far beyond the capabilities of any one person. Magical girls are given enhanced strength, agility, and other powers only so that their despair is made all the worse when they realize even these powers are absolutely useless in addressing the underlying issues that cause suffering in the world.

I mean, what, are they gonna do, PUNCH poverty!?

They are also told to compete with one another for "Pretty Points" in an attempt to prevent actual cooperation and prevent them from communicating and realizing they are being played.

Magical girls who succumb to hopelessness are transformed into horrific monsters for the other girls to fight, repeating and accelerating the process.

These creatures only have one weakness.

Common sense.

Transformation Type: TG, Breast Expansion, Ass Expansion, Mental Changes, Super Powers, Age Regression.

Threat Level: Malevolent. Capture on sight.

Subjects: Toshiro Arata aka "Ribbon Sailor Rose", a 29 year old City Clerk.

From an interview with Ribbon Sailor Rose...

Mira: Okay, let's start from the beginning. When did you first come in contact with the rabbit?

Rose: Okay, so... I was heading home from my job at City Hall when I heard this cartoonishly annoying voice, right? I followed it and it was this weird stuffed bunny thing, walking around and talking and shit. It had cornered some poor guy and was trying to get him to make a contract with him, promising him power, fame, fortune, a body that any girl would KILL for, and that he'd always be surrounded by beautiful women, etc. Really selling it up, you know?

Now, uh, being a big fan of anime myself, I knew there was something fishy going on here. So I intervened. Told the creature I was interested in the offer, giving the guy a chance to get away. The rabbit looked me up and down, then he shrugs and says "Eh, I've got a quota to fill," and he just... up and VOMITS this DISGUSTING rainbow colored sludge all over me. It felt like my skin was melting off, it was so hot!  When I cleared my eyes, my whole body was GLOWING. Just, lit up like a late night rave.

Then suddenly, I couldn't feel the ground anymore. I was floating! Like gravity had just... forgotten about me for a minute! I could see my reflection in the window. I was this glowing, glittering, rainbow filled silhouette. And then the changes started. My whole body shrunk and softened up. I could feel my hair being pulled out by invisible hands, tied into two long twin tails. My body started moving on it's own, dancing on air and posing really suggestively. I was swinging my hips back and forth, and at the end of each swing they were bigger and bigger, wider and wider. I could feel my cheeks and my thighs jiggling and slapping together. They felt like they were being filled up with an air pump!

Then, my chest. It was so hot, sizzling and bubbling up. Soon enough, my hands were cupping the biggest pair of breasts I'd ever seen! Then, the clothes! My legs were kicking like some kind of burlesque dancer, and a pair of strappy heels and long stockings rolled up them out of nowhere! My hands reached out, and silky white gloves covered them from my fingertips to my shoulders! Then I started spinning, and there was this blur of fabric around my waist as a frilly skirt covered my legs. Some ribbons came and wrapped around my pigtails, and one big bowtie wrapped itself around my swollen chest! Finally, this gold choker necklace wrapped itself around my neck.

And before I knew it, I was... THIS!

Before I could stop myself, I said some, like, really DUMB catchphrase, like "In the name of love, Ribbon Sailor Rose is reporting for duty!" or some shit...

Mira: I see. And what did you do next?

Rose: Well, what I did was I got pissed! I started strangling the little shit. I mean, you can't just go around changing people's genders without their permission! Dysphoria is a bitch!

Mira: Ahahah, er, yeah, crazy... And, uh, did you experience any gender dysphoria after your transformation?

Rose: Oh, no, I didn't really mind all that much. I don't really care what gender I am so long as I can do my job. But still, HE didn't know that!

Mira: Oh! Okay, phew, glad to hear that, haha... sooo, what happened after that?

Rose: Well, the little fucker got away. He'd never told me how to change back, or even if I could. So there I was, stuck in a new body that was a totally different gender, like a foot shorter, and felt like, nine years younger. First I had to shop for all new clothes, get measured for a bra, buy tampons, it was all such a hassle. And occasionally, I had to fight a monster or stop a robbery. The worst part though was changing all my gender markers. Driver's license, birth certificate, passport, college degree, ESPECIALLY the college degree, GOD I did NOT want to have to go through school all over again. It was all a huge pain in the ass, really. So much so I petitioned city hall to make the process a bit easier in the future, you know?

Mira: Oh believe me, I know. So, are you still chasing that rabbit around town?

Rose: Yeah, but I'm close to nailing the little bastard. I'm the city clerk, you know. EVERYTHING has a paper trail. So I pulled up some statistics on the area, disappearances, layoffs due to tardiness, records of monster sightings, etc, and I'm pretty sure I know where he's headed. Still though, I know a government lacky when I see one. I'm pretty sure this demon shit goes all the way to the top, and when I get my hands on them, they're getting a VERY stern cease and desist letter from the DA...

Mira: Huh. Glad to hear it. I guess I'll let you handle it, then, one "magical girl" to another. ;)

From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations (and TECHNICALLY a magical girl! c: )

(Special thanks to Marina V for the request that inspired this piece, with credit to Textbot for ideas and inspiration, to my Test Readers for proofreading, and to all of you for your support!)



Rose Graham

This is so cute and I love how she retains her old self lol


Thank you! I thought making a magical girl with the straightforward personality of a salary man (and the mouth of a sailor with a cutesy voice) would be fun and I'm glad you agree!

Hiros The great

The thiccness of her thighs transcends evil arcross the world. Nothing would stand a chance agaist her.

Finn the Human

I think there's ways around the bunny's trickery sorta. For starters charity drives and secondly a carrot and dare I ask what the monsters look like? Also I realised its a Madoku Magika reference


Good eye, thank you! Also, uh, I'll let you know what the monsters look like just as soon as I get an excuse to draw them. Probably just personifications of common fears.


Rose is such a no nonsense and competent character, I love them. Really hope to see more of them in the future. As an accountant, I appreciate their technique.

Sam Mann

The pic is awesome, but the story is amazing. I love meta stuff like this (have my own idea for a magical girl world where the government helps newbies settle into their roles), so this was a delight. Ribbon Sailor Rose is a genious and I'd read a series based on her and her exploits

Marina V

Aaaaahh! This was so good! The art, the write-up, the interview! Now I want to write a story along these lines even more! You've totally made my day!

Steve Hedge

The power of bearuacrcy outdoes magical girls all of the time


I came looking for a fun tg pinup. I recieve a tg reminder of all of the evils of society Q_Q But in all seriousness, Good job Mira ^-^

Wild Card

This is one where the with-clothing is better. You need the full costume here.

Brushwagg Collector

I genuinely find it amusing that the rose could care less about being tfed, but the moment it made her life and job harder it became serious business.


This is honestly some of your best writing (and you’re no slouch in that department). I love the interview setup and the girl’s lack of patience for any magical nonsense.