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Hey everyone! People have been begging me to re-open commissions, and I'm finally doing it! I'm so so sorry for the wait!

A few changes.

1.) As I announced earlier, I had to increase prices a bit. I'm sorry if that inconveniences anyone, but it's necessary for the amount of time and work I put into these. Prices are on the Price Sheet above, as well as on the form.

2.) Patrons at $3 and up will now get a discount on commissions (3% off for $3, 5% off for $5, etc.) as thanks for all your support! There are 5 Patron slots available, and 5 Public Slots!

3.) I've decided that I'm only going to accept commissions for original characters, or parody versions of popular characters at the moment. As much fun as I have drawing fan art, I'd like to avoid legal trouble down the line, and also doing original work gives me much more creative freedom.

Commission Slots will be chosen based on my interest. If your submission was chosen, I will contact you after submissions end. If you don't get in this time, there is always next time, and I may contact submissions that especially interested me later. I also reserve the right to take private commissions outside of these reserved slots for established clients. For those whose submission is chosen, I will follow up with you when I'm ready to begin sketches. After you approve sketches and send payment via PayPal invoice, I'll usually have the piece done in 1-2 weeks, depending on length and page number, but will stay in contact with updates if it takes longer than expected.

Submissions will be open until midnight Friday January 21st. Please submit using this form here:


Thanks again for all of your support!



Billie Doherty

One day, when I'm not broke, I'm very much looking forward to throwing my money at you


I think I'm gonna sit out this one. Already gotten a fair few pieces from you. And while I am all understanding for the price increase, it does start to bite. But looking forward to what you do in the future

Jenni Starr

Mira!!! Can I reserve a commission slot for when I get my tax return? Lol. I’m kidding. The prices are totally worth it but I’m gonna have to wait til taxes are done to have some “me money”.


I was wondering if there’s any possibility to submit multiple options? I have 2-3 ideas that I might love to see, but I expect only to be able to pay and/or get one. I was wondering if I should submit one form with multiple options or multiple forms. Or if I just need to winnow down to one to start.


Maaaan I would love to get a commission from you but money is tight... damn. Next time maybe. Am I allowed to throw ideas around?


Sorry about that! You can still fill out a form if you want and I could always get back to you at a later date if the idea interests me! Hope things get better for you in the future!

Rose Graham

I have less money than I thought, so I cannot commission sadly, but one of these days, I will. I love your art too much not to. <3


im glad ive got till friday cuz i gotta formulate an idea. this came up sooner than i thought it would lmao


Hey, I'm not in a place to commission you right now, but I hope your slots fill up soon! Thanks for sharing your hard work with us!

Rose Graham

Cheers Mira and regardless, all 5 of these commissions will end up being lovely as always!


Very seriously considering filling out a form, but I worry that my original characters I’d like to use are just a but too complex or wouldn’t fit your aesthetic. Regardless, I hope you get a ton of commissions you love ❤️


No worries, send it anyways, I'll get back to you when submissions end if they work for me! And thank you very much!


Very excited to see what everyone commissions! Submitted mine a while ago, fingers crossed!


Alright, time to see what's kicking around here. As an aside, I see on the form that Hero Rehabs are categorized under "other". If I potentially look to go back to that old well, any special rules to keep in mind on that?


Hi Chi Cha! You can also categorize Hero Rehab as a Sequence, I only put it under other bc they tend to be pricy at 10-12 steps ($750-900 full body, also depending on amount of body and detail). Other than that, no special rules I can think of, sorry!