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Now she has boo-oobs. :)

(Special thanks to NotZackForWork for recommending the tail placement.)



The Sheriff

All future TGs should start with mira just fucking killing you


That is in fact pretty poggers. I wouldn’t be mad if I died and looked like that.


Ruh oh! Nice twist to the idea. And she looks drop dead gorgeous.


It does raise the question. What if the ghost girl tries to possess her old body? My brain when I see a gorgeous ghost girl tf XD


I do like the tail placement. Also, kinda wondering what he does next...not sure how usable that body is. It already looks to be affected by rigor mortis.

Halima Abdi

That ojou-sama laugh pose has me dying


Awesome! Last Halloween I commissioned a fairly similar commission


lmao at the tail placement

Morgan Allsing

Very funny piece! I love the absurd dark comedy of it. Got his wish literally and still happy about it. Also very in theme with Halloween. Great art piece!

Wild Card

He got what he asked for, but he can't enjoy it because now he is dead. I would be pissed that I can't enjoy the new form while alive.


Killing him was a bit extreme, but good job otherwise.