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Trigger #27: Kemono Tea aka "Mice Tea" aka "The Tea That Makes You a Furry." (Addendum)

Edible Class: A special blend of tea produced by an unknown company that transforms whoever drinks it into a furry (among other things). Has also been known to grant gender affirming transformations and other body modifications, as well as enhanced, animal themed abilities including but not limited to super speed, strength, hypnosis, flight, and the ability to speak to animals. The transformation is normally personality or name based but can be controlled through the use of pun-adjacent ingredients added to the tea culturally related to the desired animal or effect (See "Tea Alchemy" by Gavin Van Der Valk), and is reversed via sleep or meditation. First appeared in New Greenshire and is very slowly becoming available for purchase elsewhere...

Transformation Type: Varies based on ingredients. Known transformations include TG, Breast and Ass Expansion, Furrification, Monster-Girl-ification, Shrinking, and Feralization.

Threat Level: Benign. There are very few recorded side effects of Kemono Tea, including an aphrodisiac-like effect in some people. In order for Kemono Tea to be harmful in any way, you would have to drink at least two or three KETTLES worth of the stuff, which would hypothetically turn you into an animal fully. And even then, you would most likely return to normal given a few months or so.

But what kind of drunk idiot would do something like THAT?!

(See "The De Campos Incident" Case File)

Addendum: It turns out the Tea can also be used to imitate a variety of fantasy creatures with the right ingredients (See "Moth Tea" Case File)

Subject: Haruhi Moore, 21, Kitsune, F, formerly Haruki Moore, 21, Human, AMAB.

The following is a biographical account of events based on the subject's own testimonies and several eyewitness accounts.

She was a living rainbow.

There was no other way to describe it.

Every little flourish of her fashion and form sent a prism of color refracting through the glass window. Haruhi's reflection was already awe inspiring enough, but add being a girl, and a FOX girl at that, she could hardly believe her luck.

It happened the way most transitions like this occurred at Sala University. One of the Witches of the Phi Epsilon Mu Sorority and Coven sensed Haruhi's desperate need for a change, and granted it to her in the form of a box of Kemono Tea. Things moved pretty fast after that.

Haruhi giggled to herself, playfully spinning her parasol as she joined the promenade. The Sala City Pride festival was in full swing, rainbow flags flying on every corner at full mast. One would think that her rainbow themed attire would camouflage her somewhat, but in reality the opposite occured. She couldn't walk ten feet without someone asking if they could take pictures, of which she happily obliged.

Those within the Veil congratulated her on her expert work as a seamstress, weaving a tapestry of color into her kimono. Those outside of the Veil however were far more impressed with her "elaborate fox costume." Haruhi felt a little guilty taking advantage of that kind of praise, seeing as how the only work she'd done on that front was add a few drops of Kitsune Udon to her tea that morning. But she knew better than to try and explain that to an Outie. Despite her best efforts, the truth of her transition would simply slide away from their minds like oil and water. So she was told it was better to just play along for now, and leave piercing the Veil to the professionals.

Her transformation was the easy part of her costume. Letting the tea flow through the grooves it had carved into her body during her many experiments with it, reshaping her into something majestic. Fat boiled and ballooned in her chest and hips, bones cracked into place, nine new strings of vertebrae sprouted from the back of her spine, everything covered in a thick layer of plush, snow white fur.

Then, the hard part. Meticulously dying her hair and fur in her dormitory bathroom. She must have gone through at least 27 bottles of product! It took her HOURS to apply everything and let it dry. Oh, the mess she left behind, it looked like a murder scene in tie dye.

But it was all worth it to make her big debut on this perfect Saturday afternoon.

Until now, Haruhi had been hiding her transformations, sequestered to her tiny single person dorm room. Learning to walk, talk, and move like a prim and proper lady was welcome challenge enough. But getting used to her long snout, wet nose, pawed hands and feet, and nine whole tails with minds of their own was a curveball she hadn't quite expected. But now, she moved with a feminine grace that suggested she'd been a woman her whole life, not a handful of weeks, gliding across the pavement in high heeled sandals of all things.

Another thing she hadn't expected was the burst of courage that lead her to asking her best friend Simon to meet her today... to tell him she was a girl now... and moreover, to reveal her true feelings about him.

Haruhi loved Simon from the moment they'd first met... she just didn't know it yet.

She'd thought, in her adorable ignorance, her desire to grow closer to Simon, to always be by his side and in his company, were the same feelings any good friend had. It wasn't until she'd turned into a girl she'd felt her feelings for him... elaborate. It wasn't until she realized every time she "wished Simon only the best of luck," she was REALLY saying, "I love you..."

So there she stood, waiting for Simon to appear by the old statue of Captain Valentine. It was thankfully pretty empty this time of day, so she figured he would have no trouble finding-

"Excuse me, miss?"

She turned, ready to agree to yet another stranger's photo session, when she froze, now face to face with the object of her affection.


He was early. Far earlier than Haruhi had anticipated. She'd expected at least another fifteen minutes or so to mentally prepare for her confession, to rehearse her heartfelt speech. But here he was, with his big glasses and his goofy smile.


"Miss?" Simon asked, tilting his head as Haruhi just stood there, dumbfounded, "...are you okay...?"

Wait a second... Haruhi finally realized after more staring, ...he doesn't recognize me, does he? Well, I mean, of course he wouldn't, I never told him, so of course he would assume I'm... someone else...

Haruhi's lips cracked into a fang filled grin. A flight of mischief took her over.

"Yes, sir? How can I help you?" she answered, returning to the prim and proper persona she had been practicing for hours on end.

There's no harm in having a little fun with him before I tell him the truth, is there? Just to help him ease into it, of course...

"I'm looking for a friend of mine, Haruki? I'm supposed to meet him here? Have you seen him?" Simon pulled out his phone and flashed a photo of the two of them, grinning like goobers as Haruki hugged a real life white fox. It was from their last trip to visit Haruhi's relatives in Japan. They'd gone to a petting zoo, and Haruhi had actually been able to touch, pet, and hold an animal she had only seen in text books and on TV. It was one of her fondest memories with Simon.

She tried to imagine herself as she was now, but back then. Walking through a forest of fresh pink cherry blossoms in her kimono, filling her new nostrils with their intoxicating aroma. Walking with her back straight and her head up high. Chest puffed up with pride, and bouncing subtly in her kimono with every step. Confident, self assured, and perfectly comfortable in her body for the first time in her life. She imagined Simon staring for a moment, before taking her pawed hand in his and leading her through the zoo gates. She imagined talking to the foxes now, something she knew the tea could DO, but never had the chance to put into practice.

She imagined Simon staring at her again as she laughed, embarrassing but insanely cute fox sounds resonating from her chest.

She imagined him leaning in, taking her face into his hands, and-


"Huh?! Oh, uh, no, I can't say I have..." Haruhi stammered, snapping out of her embarrassingly elaborate daydream.

"Oh... okay, sorry to bother you, then..." Simon looked disappointed as he pocketed his phone and turned to leave.

No no no, don't let him GO!

"B-But I can help you look for him!" she blurted out. Simon turned, curious, confused.

Haruhi took a breath, regained her composure, and cocked her hip, playfully spinning her parasol over her shoulder.

"We foxes are known to aid lost, handsome travelers such as yourself... With my help, I'm sure we can find him in no time!"

Simon's face went noticeably flush at the word 'handsome' and Haruhi was hard pressed to stifle any laughter.

"O-Oh, uh, t-thanks! M-My name's Simon. What's yours...?"

"I'm Haru-" she stopped herself, "...hi. Haruhi..." She cringed slightly, sure that the gig was up.

Simon, however, was gloriously oblivious. "Ha! That's close to my friend's name! Small world, huh?"

Haruhi smirked and raised an eyebrow.

Wow. Really, dude?

But she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to tease her crush just a little more. She sidled up next to Simon, letting one of her tails gently wrap itself around his leg. He shivered awkwardly at the sensation, but didn't step away.

"So... tell me more about this friend of yours, then, Simon..." Haruhi let the name roll off her tongue, affecting every consonant and vowel with an airy inflection. Simon swallowed and adjusted the collar of his tee.

"Well, uh, he's my best friend, and... and he's amazing to be honest."

Haruhi's ears perked up to attention. She... hadn't really been expecting that.

Her surprised silence was sign enough for Simon to continue.

"He's, like, really really smart... and he's a hell of an artist. Like, the things he can do with an old sewing machine and some dusty fabric is just... wow. He's probably gonna end up working for some big time fashion firm, I just know it!"

Haruhi didn't know Simon had even noticed her aspirations to be a designer. I mean sure, he was supportive, but... she didn't know just how much until now.

"A-And he's funny, too... He really likes pulling pranks. Not the shitty kind, either. Like, actually clever, actually funny, harmless ones. Like, okay, this one time, I was complaining about how my mom always filled our house with a bunch of tacky whale decorations, right? And then a week later, I come back to my dorm, and he'd hidden a hundred tiny fucking whale plushies and toys and stuff everywhere in my apartment. Like, I'm STILL finding them. He'd snuck one into my car Christ's sake! I'd gotten pulled over by a cop,, and he watched me pull out a giant whale stuffie that'd been shoved in there just to get my license and registration. It was so fucking random the cop just let me fucking go! Hahaha!"

Haruhi couldn't help but chuckle along. Simon's laugh had always been infectious. The giddy, yipping fox sounds vibrated from her chest exactly as she'd imagined they would as she laughed along.

"And... well, he's always been... I don't know, different. He wasn't like the other guys growing up, you know? More quiet and sensitive. I just liked having him around, even if we weren't doing anything. Maybe I just got protective saving his ass from bullies, but..."

Simon's face grew more serious as he ruminated further.

"...No, it wasn't just that. To tell you the truth, it's funny we're meeting here during Pride off all things, because I finally realized that..." Simon swallowed.

"I realized I like men... and I wanted to ask him out."

All of the color drained from Haruhi's world. Her insides turned... monotone. Grey and lifeless.

Oh no... no no no...

It was her greatest wish, twisted into a nightmare.

He likes guys. He likes guys, but I'm NOT a guy anymore, I'm a girl...

Oh, oh GOD what have I DONE?! He wasn't blushing because he LIKES me! He was blushing because I made him UNCOMFORTABLE. I just fucking EMBARRASSED HIM! HARASSED HIM! I was throwing myself at him, and he doesn't even like...

I... I love him... I love him so much, but... am I willing to go back...? If that's the only way I can be with him...

Her stomach curdled at the thought.

...could I give all of this up? For him...?

She didn't know what was worse. Live as something she wasn't... or a life without Simon.

W-What do I... I don't know what to do, what do I DO, what do I-?!

"Miss? Are you okay?! Why... are you crying...?"

Haruhi raised a finger to her cheek. Sure enough, tears were rolling down her face, staining her fur and leaving it damp and sticky.

"S-S-Sorry, uhm... I'm v-very happy for you, congratulations, but... I have to go, I-" Haruhi stumbled, turning on her heel to leave, desperately hiding her face behind her umbrella and her tails. "I... I w-wish you only the best of luck, Simon..."

Her sandals clacked against the pavement for only a few feet until she heard.


She stopped, petrified into stone. She couldn't get herself to look back at him. But this was recognition enough.

"Haru... It's you, isn't it...?"

She swallowed the hard lump of ice lodged in her throat, let it melt into more tears in her stomach.

"Y-Yeah, buddy, it's... it's me..."


There was silence for a solid minute. Simon broke it.

"I'm... sorry."

"YOU'RE sorry?!"

Haruhi turned on her friend. "YOU'RE sorry!? I'm the one who should be SORRY!!! I'm the one who LIED to you, who SCREWED with your feelings, and, and let things go WAY too far, and now... and now I've r-ruined everything just so... so what, I could play dress up, and-and... God, what was I thinking?!" She derided herself, a feral growl rumbling from her chest.

"I'm so stupid, and I'm so sorry, and I'm SO-!"

Thick arms wrapped around her shoulders. Her muzzle and whiskers brushed against Simon's tee shirt.

And then, he kissed her. Just like that. She barely had time to even register the sensation.

"Whuh-?! S-Simon, no, if you like guys, that's fine, you don't have to FORCE yourself to-"

"I'm BISEXUAL you fucking idiot," Simon laughed. "Just because I like guys doesn't mean I don't like girls too."


"'Oh' indeed."

Haruhi buried her face in one of her many tails.

"C-Can you just... go ahead and kill me now then...?"

Simon scooped the adorable bundle of fur into his arms.

"How about we just go and talk it out over some Udon instead...?"

"An actual kitsune eating Kitsune Udon, huh? Never thought I'd see the day..." Simon snapped a picture of Haruhi as she quietly savored the salty taste of her noodles. She couldn't help but notice Kitsune Udon broth tasted MUCH better on it's own then it did dropped into a mug of tea. Haruhi had only just begun her journey as a so called "tea alchemist", she didn't know how to get the taste quite right yet...

"A kitsune eating Kitsune Udon sold by actual kitsune... does that make it Triple Kitsune Udon or something?" Haruhi quipped, plopping a nice, juicy piece of fish cake into her mouth.

"KitTSUNAMI Udon!" Simon joked, almost forcing noodles to spray out of Haruhi's nose. She carefully swallowed her food, then snorted a retort.

"Hah! WOW, that one was bad..."

"Says the girl who, when faced with a whole LEXICON of new names, decided to just change one syllable," Simon said with a smirk.

Her blush was visible even through thick white fur.

"Yeah, well... f-fuck you..." Haruhi stammered as Simon just laughed.

"Says the girl"... A girl... Simon finally saw her as a girl...

...but... was that ALL he saw her as...?

"So... about us..." Haruhi asked carefully, trying and failing to meet Simon's gaze.

"What about us...?" Simon asked, painfully oblivious as always.

"Y-You know... what about us... g-going forward... in the future and stuff..."

Simon stroked his chin in careful contemplation.

"Hmmmm... well, I figure... we'll date for like, hmm, two years or so, then we'll get in a big fight about some tragic misunderstanding on year three, take like a month or two sulk break, then get back together again. Then I'll propose to you innnnnnn... January, yeah January's a good month, and we'll get married in Japan during cherry blossom season. Then I figure we'll either move there, or to Paris or whatever country your fashion firm ends up being in, and we'll either have no kids or if we do have kids we'll havveeeeee two... no, three kids! Yeah, three. You know, two because you don't want them getting lonely, and three just in case those two get sick of each other and need a third. Aaaaaand we'll have a dog... no, a cat? Ahhh, fuck it, we'll live somewhere we can keep foxes as pets, uh, unless that's like, weird for you now, y'know, considering.."

Haruhi's jaw was on the floor.

"Y-You've... certainly put a lot of thought into it..."

Simon shrugged.

"Someone had to. 'Course that all depends on your answer to my next question."

"Which is?"

"Will you go out with me...?"

Haruhi flashed her fangs again, and planted a kiss on Simon's waiting lips. She playfully rubbed her wet vulpine nose against his before she pulled back with a smirk.

"Fuck yes I will."

From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

(Special thanks to Emmitt Cleveland for the suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of my Patrons for your support!)




I love her hair


Awww what a silly Yako… tricking people heeheee. But I’m so happy that that was the case for her! She seems so much happier now… *thinks*… do you think that’ll happen if you pray to Inari-Okami?


Such an adorable peice Mira! This Kitsune heavily approves!!!