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Trigger #17: The Sala City Coven (Addendum)

Organization Class: A group of cheerleaders and sorority girls I've taken under my wing as Fledgling Witches that's grown into the strongest Coven in Sala City. Heavily active on the Sala City University campus due to the Phi Epsilon Mu Sorority house.

Transformation Type: TG, Personality Change.

Threat Level: Benevolent. I'm trying to teach these young witches to use their great power responsibly (although they do like to cause a little mischief here and there, just like their mistress.)

Subject: Francine "Frankie" Roberts, F, 21, formerly Franklin Roberts, AMAB, 21.

The following is a biographical account of events based on the subject's own testimonies and several eyewitness accounts.

[Trigger warning for themes of Gender Dysphoria]

She used to hate the library.

How funny is that?

Francine smiled ruefully to herself as she returned another book to it's proper home.

She used to think it was a stuffy, boring building filled with stuffy, boring people.

She turned on her heel and glided to the next aisle, her clacking shoes the one and only sound in her perfectly kept, perfectly quiet library.

She knew better now. She knew the library was a magical place. Hidden inside every cover of every book, was a story. This one, modest building was full to bursting with new worlds to explore, exciting new people to meet, and enriching new facts to learn. She preferred fiction, of course. Swash buckling adventures on the high seas, heart scorchingly intense romances, and wars on far off planets in even farther futures filled most of her afternoons. But she did enjoy the occasional biography or text book. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, after all.

But the stories weren't the only reason she loved this library. This was the place her life had been forever changed for the better, where she'd gone from a bumbling social butterfly to a graceful and reserved book worm.

And, maybe even more importantly, this was the place she'd met...

"Psst! Hey! Frankie! Over here!"

Phillip Hargrove. Her boyfriend. He was standing across the aisle, with that goofy smile she loved so much. She actually couldn't decide what she loved more about Phillip. His wind tousled, ebony hair? Maybe his sapphire blue eyes glowing behind his horn rimmed glasses? Or maybe it was how his intoxicating laugh lit up her entire world.

No, Francine decided, what made her fall in love with Phillip was his mind. Studious. Curious. And impossibly thoughtful. To be the object of his affections, the subject of his deepest studies, was a great honor. And Francine felt equal parts grateful, and absolutely bewildered that a mousey, boring old librarian's assistant like her had caught his careful eye.

They'd only been together for a year, but they got along so well it always felt much longer than that.

Francine click clacked her way over to her love. Her shoes were louder than her voice as she spoke in her signature, stammering whisper.

"H-Hi, d-darling..." It was still so embarrassing for her to say that aloud, even at a murmur.

The only thing more embarrassing than that was when he said it back.

"Hi, darling. You look even more beautiful today," Phillip said, stealing a quick kiss from her lips.

Francine squeaked, and hid her face behind the books in her arms, cheeks burning. She couldn't stand how forward he was, how much he loved to shamelessly tease her in public, and embarrass her with praise. And yet, she also prayed to any god who would listen that he would never, ever stop.

Phillip chuckled, and patted her gently on the head. Even in heels, he absolutely dwarfed her, as did most men, and women, in general. He ruffled her deep brown locks.

"God you're so cute~"

She squeaked again, and furrowed her brow, pouting at her beloved. This only made her look even cuter in his eyes.

"P-P-Phillip, I'm h-happy to see you, b-but you know I'm working right now, s-so unless it's important..." Francine trailed off mid sentence, terrified she'd come off too cross with him. "S-Sorry for raising my voice, it's just really busy. Finals week, you know...?"

Phillip stopped, snorted, and had to bite his arm to keep from laughing too loud.

"'Raising your voice?!' Babe, I don't think you've ever even raised your voice to ROOM VOLUME around me! Haha!"

Francine pouted again, lips pursed and glowering at Phillip from behind her shield of books.

"Sorry! Sorry, babe. I just, uh, saw something that made me think of you..."

Phillip pulled out his phone, and hit play on an old Klik Klok video.

Francine's heart stopped mid beat. Her blood flash froze in her veins.

The video blared for a second before Phillip lowered the volume to something more acceptable for the library. Even half muted, it was still painfully loud and obnoxious to the ears.


If his voice was an insult to the ears, his appearance was an assault on the eyes. The young man was clearly completely wasted, wearing a fully loaded drinking cap, a tacky pair of fake sunglasses, and sporting a greasy, disgusting patch of a goatee.

Francine's voice stuck like sandpaper to her dry throat. Her tongue felt like it had twisted itself into several knots before sticking to the roof of her mouth.

On an ordinary day, getting herself to speak at all, even at a whisper. was a challenge.

Now, watching her old self parade around the library and making a complete and utter fool of them both, saying anything at all felt absolutely Herculean.

The idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying even less than nothing, continued, pulling up a boom box from off screen.


He pressed play on his boom box. The loudest, ear curlingly obnoxious heavy metal track anyone had every heard of blew out the speakers.

Without a single ounce of shame, the man, less a man and more a disgusting amalgamation of poor life decisions held together by alcohol and narcissism, shambled into the library.

Phillip didn't notice as she closed her eyes, trying to imagine herself now, but then. She imagined herself, Francine, reading quietly, absorbed, immersed in her little worlds, until Frank, the monster, the intruder, invaded her sanctuary with his malicious, merciless assault on the senses. He didn't just break the silence Francine had since learned to covet and protect. He decimated it, atomized it, crunched it down into tiny, razor sharp little pieces you could cut your feet on.



I'm sorry! I'm so so so sorry!


I didn't know...

No... she knew. He knew exactly what he was doing. Every time he pulled one of his many, many cruel and unusual stunts, he knew exactly what he was doing.

But I didn't know who I was! I didn't know I didn't have to BE him, that I could be better, be... 


But did she even deserve it...? Had she even changed at all? Or was she still the same selfish, attention hungry blowhard, just in a smaller, quieter package?

in the video, Francine saw Amy, her friend, angrily approach the man, the monster... her... him...

Phillip stopped the video there, but she knew what happened next.

"Yeah, it's crazy, the guy in the video looks JUST like you, but like, the evil, fuck boy version of you. Same eyes, same freckles... Like you could be twins! Do you have a twin I don't know about or is it just a..."

Phillip noticed now just how pale Francine was. She barely moved, barely breathed. She didn't even blink.

"F-Frankie? Babe? Are you okay...?" Phillip asked, reaching a hand out.

Francine shook her head, and shrunk away from him.

I-It's just a video... t-there's no way he could know... there's no way he could f-find out, either...

Curtly, Francine went back to her books.

"P-Please don't play that in here, p-people are trying to study..." Francine barely managed to whisper, even quieter than usual. "I-it's also just... inc-creibly embarrassing..."

"What's that? Embarrassing? Why would it be embarrassing to you? It'd only really be embarrassing for him, wouldn't it...?"

Francine mumbled something to herself. Barely any sound came from her lips, she might as well have been mouthing the words.

Even Phillip, with his keen eye and keener ears, couldn't hear her.

"What'd you say? Sweetie, you know I can't understand you if you mumble like that, even if it's cute..."

A guilty flutter ached in her heart at that.

He doesn't know. You didn' t tell him.

He only loves you because he DOESN'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

You haven't changed a bit, FRANK. 

"...just drop it please.." she whispered.

"Babe? You know you can talk to me. I mean, what, did you used to date this guy or something? Is that why? It's okay! I just want to know so I can hel-"


Everyone stopped.

Everyone stared.

Francine clasped her hands to her lips, hot, fresh tears pricking her eyes.

She'd... screamed.

She'd never so much as raised her voice above a squeak since the transformation.

She didn't even know what she'd sound like.

But now, her piercingly high pitched scream was still ringing in her ears.

And everyone else's.


Phillip was worried. His eyes filled only with love and concern for his troubled girlfriend.

A love I don't deserve...

While the rest of the library whispered to each other in confusion, Francine grabbed Phillip by the hand, and dragged him off to the darkest, most secluded part of the library she could think of.

It was quiet in the west wing. This was where they kept new arrivals, or overstocked books they didn't know what to do with.

In safety and seclusion, Francine finally turned to face Phillip.

He held her gently, and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Frankie? Baby... what's wrong...?"

Her lip quivered. She studied his face, knowing that this would be the last time she would see him look at her with love in his eyes. The last time he would look at her as something worth studying, something worth a damn.

The last time he'd look at her with anything but disgust, and contempt.

She swallowed, and began, her voice painfully low, but close enough for him to hear every word.

"That man... used to be me. I'm transgender..."

Phillip stayed quiet. Francine took it as a sign to continue.

"I used to be... for lack of a better word, a b-big j-jerk. I... I thought being a m-man meant... being the center of attention, no matter what. My dad always pushed me to 'be a leader, not a follower' but... I guess I just ended up following, anyways. I followed trends, followed b-bad friends off cliffs, I followed anyone and anything that gave me even the slightest bit of attention, even if it was negative. But it was n-never enough. I always wanted more, more, more..."

Francine swallowed. Her stomach was crumpled into knots, her throat felt like it was closing in, but she kept going. She pointed at the still paused video.

"...Until I met Amy. And let's just say she..."

Francine was careful here. She wanted to tell Phillip the whole truth, but wasn't sure he'd believe it, so she diluted it. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, after all...

"...let's just say, she helped me transition... helped me become... all of this...."

Francine gestured down to her diminutive self.

 "And.. she helped me change on the inside, too. Well, kind of forced me to, but... it was for the better. I didn't WANT anyone's attention anymore. It terrified me. All I wanted was to be alone, be by myself. I wasn't loudmouthed, obnoxious, and annoying. I was quiet. Reserved. Self sufficient. Sure, it was hard at first, but... I learned to like it... even learned to love it... and that was enough for me, until..."

She looked back into Phillip's eyes. All she could tell was he was still listening. It was infuriating, how Phillip could always read her like a book, but she just could never quite do the same.

"...until I met YOU, Phillip, and finally found out what l-love even is... I... w-wanted your attention. I wanted you to keep s-seeing me, and only me. I wanted you to keep looking at me, l-l-like..."

Francine couldn't bear to keep eye contact anymore.

"L-like someone worth looking at... But, I guess I haven't changed, have I? I'm still just as selfish, just as self obsessed and loud mouthed and- MMPFH~?"

It was then when Phillip shut her up by kissing her. Deep, tongue twisting, and passionately. They shared one breath for a moment, before Francine broke away, trembling.

"D-D-Didn't you hear me? I said I used to be-"

"Nuh uh uh. MY turn."

Phillip pressed a gentle finger to her lips.

"I don't care... who or what you used to be. I care who you are NOW. I care about the brilliant, serenely beautiful woman I fell in love with. Your past, your transition... it's none of my damn business. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I'm sorry I pressed."

He took her chin in his hand and tilted her gaze back up.

"And for the record, I crave your attention too, you know... Why do you think I bug you at work so much? It's because I miss you. It's because I can barely stand to be away from you."

He leaned in, breath hot, eyes hungry.

"...I'm addicted to you too, Beautiful."

She buried herself into his embrace. She kissed every inch of his face. He sucked every centimeter on her neck, very careful to leave welts big and red enough for her to love now, but adorably pout about later. She pressed the fullness of her modest breasts into his flat, broad chest. Felt his hands caress and highlight every curve, explore every crevasse. She couldn't stop herself from grinding her hips towards his already stiff groin.

"I want you..." she panted, her voice barely a breath.

"I want you too..." he grinned, "but I also don't want you to get fired. So I have a better idea..."

Phillip pulled a pink, wiry device, and a matching remote from his pockets.

"That vibrator you ordered finally came in the mail. That's what I really came to tell you. Just kind of got sidetracked by that... other thing. Sorry about that..."

Francine's face went flush again. You could almost see the smoke coming from her ears.

"So..." Phillip said, "...wanna try it?"

The set up wasn't too difficult. Just pretend you're putting in a tampon, she'd thought to herself. But the device most definitely didn't feel like a tampon. The very feeling of it being snuck under her skirt, filling her shaft and rubbing up against her clit, felt erotic enough. It hadn't even been turned on, yet.

She returned to her duties like nothing had happened, Phillip quietly shadowing her a few paces back. The head librarian came to ask her about the commotion, if everything was alright.

"...y-yes, ma'am, sorry, ma'am, everything is-"




Francine let out an adorable little mouse squeak. The buzzer between her legs quietly sounded off, but felt even louder than that as it hummed right up against her clit. She could feel something wet and sticky drench her panties and drip, drip, drip down her leg.

The Librarian, still blissfully unaware, blinked in confusion.

"Are you alright, Ms. Roberts...?"

Francine's face was already as flush as could be.

"...y-yes ma'am. Sorry, ma'am, just... allergies..." she lied. She faked a sneeze that was just convincing enough to convince her boss to believe her.

"Oh, you poor thing! You can keep working if you want, but go home early if you're not feeling well, okay, sweetie?"

The plastic pod stopped vibrating just long enough for Francine to respond with a nod.

The Librarian returned to her desk, and Francine pouted menacingly at her boyfriend. He grinned his goofy grin and just shrugged. "Yeah, the pollen is brutal this time of year, isn't it...?"

Head swimming, Francine tried to get back to work. She didn't know when the buzzer would go off next. It made her alert, it made her nervous... and she was only a little ashamed to admit the indignity of it turned her on so very, very much.

"Frankie? You okay, girl...?"

Oh no.

It was Amy, her friend, her sorority sister, come to check up on her.

She stole a glance at Phillip as if to say "don't you DARE." 

He just smiled, wickedly.

"...h-hi, Amy. S-Sorry, Phillip and I got in a little fight, b-but everything is okay now..." Francine summarized as best she could, trying desperately to end the conversation as quickly as possible before Phillip could-




Francine squeaked again. She felt damned lucky Amy hadn't turned her into a screamer, or else her and Phillip's perverted little game would have been even more obvious.

"Wah...?" Amy asked, cocking her head like a spaniel.

"...I-I sad, 'Wow, I-I'm really luck to have a friend like you, Amy..." Francine barely managed above the searing pleasure. And it wasn't a lie at all. Just not the whole truth.

"Uh, huhhh. You look really red right now, girl. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were..." Amy turned, accidentally locking eyes with Phillip. Her eyes flicked down to the tiny controller in his hand.

Amy smiled.

"OOOOOH, haha, I get it now. That the Vibromatic 3000? Honestly I think the 2000 model has more of a kick to it, at least that's what Sally says, but that's still a solid pick. Well, I won't keep you, then. Have fun,you two!" Amy said, patting Francine on the shoulder and leaving her to the mercy of her boyfriend.

Francine could only whimper pleadingly as Phillip's thumb quietly circled the dial, cranking the volume all the way up to 11.

From the desk of

Mira Alcott

Head-Mistress of Transformations

Special thanks to TashaTheWitchQueen for the suggestion, to my Test Readers, and to all of YOU for your support!




I guess libraries really are TRANSFORMATIVE experiences, eh? Eh?


I love the little details on the books! The attention to detail is absolutely wonderful as always Mira!!!