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Sitting back and watching one’s favorite show was something that every anime fan did from time to time. And that’s exactly what Iota did after a long day at work. Living on his own, he didn’t need to worry about making sure everyone else in his apartment was okay before tending to himself. So when he threw up the most recent episode of Reincarnated As A Slime, he couldn’t help but enjoy himself.

Watching the show’s story progress and the battle scenes was always his favorite part, but he especially paid attention whenever Milim was on screen. He didn’t know what it was about her that stole his attention away from everything else, but Iota didn’t shy away from his enjoyment of the character whenever she was getting screen time. To the point that he usually would wince or feel a bit of concern for the petite girl whenever she was injured in a fight. And when yet another scene happened of her getting blasted away from a fight and toward the camera, Iota felt that same concern for her that he usually felt.

However, something different happened this time. He expected the camera to change whenever Milim got close enough, the scene to change when she reached the camera. But it didn’t. Everything stayed the same as Milim’s back looked like it was about to slam against his monitor from within. And much to his surprise, that was exactly what happened. For a split second, he could have sworn he saw her back pressing against the glass of his monitor, only for her to then phase through the monitor and blast through his apartment, hitting the wall to his room and collapsing.

In the heat of the moment, Iota didn’t know just what happened or what he should do from here. Of course, this was something that no one could possibly expect to happen. But as she fell from his wall onto his bed, he could see that the injuries from the fight she just went through were still on her skin, blood dripping from her as she tried to stand up on his bed.

Unfortunately for Milim, the world around her went black and she passed out right then and there, unable to keep herself active and moving from the fight. And her collapsing once again prompted Iota to get up from his seat and rush toward where he kept the first aid kit in his apartment. In the back of his mind as he ran for the kit, he didn’t even know if it would work. Would bandaids stop the bleeding on someone as powerful as she was in her world? Were the injuries bad enough that she had internal damage? These questions ran through his mind as he found the kit and sprinted back to his bedroom to hopefully help the powerful girl he held so dear.


When the world around her started to come back to Milim’s mind, the first thing that she noticed was that her body was still incredibly sore from the injuries. Which told her that the fight couldn’t have been too long ago. However, when she finally opened her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of Iota stitching her up with the little medical knowledge he gathered from watching shows over the years. She noticed a few bandaids against her skin, a towel wrapped around her leg, and his eyes on her thighs with a needle in his hand.

Upon seeing that, Milim immediately jumped to her feet and stared at the man that was tending to her. “Who are you?! Where the hell am I?!” As she jumped up, the pain from her injuries came back in full force. Milim immediately crumpled to her knees, noticing how Iota reached out to catch her. He prevented her from falling off of the bed and injuring herself even worse. “You… Still haven’t answered my questions…”

It hurt his heart to hear one of his favorite characters talking to him in such a weak and tired voice. Of course, Iota still couldn't believe what was happening, but he was able to tell that she was real and that his care was helping her. “I’m Iota. You… Somehow got into my apartment after your fight and I’ve been tending to your wounds. Thankfully… I don’t think anything is deep enough that a simple medkit won’t help.”

Milim nodded her head as she listened to his answer. She was still slumped in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder with her face in his neck. Her instinct told her that she shouldn’t trust him yet. That just because he was tending to her wounds didn’t mean he could be trusted with her life. But as the pain from the injuries started to grow again, she didn’t have a choice but to accept his care. “You’re not going to kill me, are you? I can’t feel… any of my strength, so now…would be your best shot…”

Iota turned his head to look at her, shocked that she would even think of something like that. But as he saw her face, it was clear she was already asleep when she finished asking. Or maybe she was before she finished her statement. Either way, he knew he wouldn’t hurt her if he could help it. So as he carefully adjusted her to be on her back again, Iota shook his head. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I am not here to hurt you. You got into my home and I’m not letting you bleed all over my sheets for longer than I need to. That… And you’re my favorite character. I wouldn’t just let you die in my apartment.”

When he said that out loud, Iota couldn’t help but chuckle at what was happening. His favorite character ended up in a fight in her series, somehow got transported into his room through his monitor, and he was now tending to her wounds as she thought he was going to kill her while she was weak. “If anyone would believe me if I told them this, I would have to think they were crazy.”


After a month, Iota learned a lot about Milim’s situation and how she arrived at his home. She had no idea that a blast could make her pass through dimensions like it had, she was one of the brattiest people that he knew, and the personality that she had in Slime was incredibly accurate to how she actually was. There was no deviation from the personality portrayed in the show and portrayed in the real world. The two of them also learned that most of the abilities and power that Milim had in her world had vanished during the transport, which is why she was as injured as she was when she came through.

However, at this point, the two of them had given up on finding her a proper way back home. If something was going to happen, it would happen without them interfering. Unfortunately, that lead to moments like what Iota was currently in. Sitting in his bathroom and having to listen to Milim shouting at him as she kicked his bathroom door, clearly trying to break it down.

“Come on! What the hell is taking you so long in there?! You said you’d be quick and you’ve been in there for almost an hour! I need to use the bathroom!” As she screamed at Iota, Milim did her best to plant her foot right next to the handle, hoping it would break and she could force her way in. “You’re such a pig, hogging the bathroom like this! You know we need to share it!”

It was at that moment as she screamed about sharing the bathroom that the door finally gave way and allowed her to open it. There was no hesitation as she reached for the knob and yanked the door open, opening her mouth to scream at Iota to get out as she did. However, Milim was quickly halted by the sight of Iota stroking his cock and reaching the peak of his pleasure. As soon as she swung the door open, he came and turned his body to face her, shocked that she had managed to break the door and force her way in. And, as a result, Milim was met with the feeling of rope after rope of spunk splattering against her stomach and her legs.

Immediately, Milim pointed out of the bathroom, not a sound leaving her. But it was clear from the look on her face that she was furious about what just happened. She didn’t even look at Iota as he quickly shuffled to get dressed, stepping past her.

“L-Listen, it’s not what you think. Sometimes when the mood--” He was quickly cut off by Milim slamming the broken door in his face, holding it closed in front of him. “... Yeah…” In the back of his mind, Iota didn’t know what to say or if there was anything he could do. But, there was no way he would survive approaching her when she was as furious as she was with him.


Later that night, the tension was finally broken when Milim had enough of being silent toward Iota. She rose to her feet in front of him and swiftly slapped him. “What is wrong with you?!” The words shakily left her, anger lingering in her tone as she stared into her host’s eyes. Tears began to fill her own. “No one has ever done anything like that to me! No one would dare do something so embarrassing while having a woman like me in their home! I… I can’t believe that you would even think of--”

“This is my house, Milim.” Iota interrupted, rubbing his cheek as annoyance and anger began to fill him. “I wouldn’t have to hide in the bathroom if you… Weren’t here…”

“That’s not an excuse for someone as pathetic as you to do that! You could have aimed for the sink, the toilet, the floor, anything other than me!” Milim’s cheeks flared a bright shade of pink as she thought about the moment, the anger she felt growing even more. She did not hesitate to stomp her foot down against Iota’s crotch, knowing that it was the problem.

“L-Look! I didn’t mean to. I thought I would be done quickly. I Didn’t think it would take as long as it did. And when you… You started beating on the door, it made things take longer because I got scared and worried.” Iota did his best to move out of the way of Milim’s foot every time it came crashing down. He knew that he should just let her get the anger out. It was his fault that this happened, after all.

However, that was before the stomping stopped for a moment, the petite girl just pressing her foot against his crotch and applying her weight. “You’re so fucking stupid… If that’s the reason, go get a prostitute down the street… There’s plenty of whores out there…” Milim kept her eyes down, looking at Iota’s face and gauging his reaction. “At least then, I won’t have to see you in such a pathetic and worthless state.”

There was a sense of disgust and concern in Milim’s voice as she spoke. And, of course, Iota was able to pick up on it. To hear his favorite character talking to him like this, it struck a chord in his heart and he couldn’t find the words to say to her. But he also couldn’t find it in him to get up and leave his apartment. So, instead of arguing with her, he simply pushed her foot out of the way and made his way to the kitchen.

Milim watched him step in, open the fridge, and toss a container of ice cream onto his couch. Only to see him silently make his way to his bedroom and slam the door behind him. Not even an apology left him as he did this. And as she heard the door lock behind him, she wasn’t sure how she should feel about this. It was his fault, after all. Wasn’t it?

In his room with the door closed, Iota felt a flurry of emotions running through him. He loved the girl that just stomped on his crotch. He cherished the cheerful personality she presented in the show and relished how she was in combat. But to hear her talk to him like this? It hurt more than he would have expected. Especially when she didn’t even seem to realize that he was just trying to make her stay comfortable for her.

But as the anger began to overpower the pain inside of him, he made his way to his bed and sat down on the edge of it. Only to let out a heavy breath and face the door once again, half-expected Milim to kick it in and break it just like she had the bathroom. “You can’t just… Talk to me like that when you’re in my house… And one day… I’ll make sure you learn. I don’t know when… But, at some point…”

Another heavy breath left him when he heard the couch adjust underneath Milim’s weight. It was clear that she was getting comfortable in order for her to sleep. That’s when his eyes shifted toward the clock he had in his room. He had work in about ten hours. Fortunately, enough time for him to sleep and make his way out without being late. “Hopefully sooner rather than later…”


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