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Makoto has a nightly ritual to drive at night on her motorcycle, making things more and more risky with each night that she drives.

Tags: Persona 5, Makoto Niijima, Exhibitionism, Public Nudity, Masturbation, Vaginal, Toy Usage

A heavy breath left Makoto’s lips as she adjusted the way she sat on her motorcycle seat. Theoretically, there was nothing different about sitting on it now compared to when she didn’t have a dildo crammed inside of her as she lowered herself down. But every inch that she took inside was another inch that caused her mind to blur just a little bit more. “Is this really going to be safe? I’ve… I've been practicing around the neighborhood, sure. But… Going onto the main road?”

Her heart began racing in her chest as she thought about what could go wrong while she rode out with a dildo shoved inside of her. But, as she also cycled through all the things that could go wrong, there were many things on Makoto’s mind that could go right. From the looks that she would get from strangers due to being in only in a half-jacket, thong, and her helmet; to the feeling of the night’s cool air against her skin; even to the exciting knowledge that no one was going to have a clue who she was. So she likely wouldn’t face any consequences if no one got a peek inside her helmet.

With all of those thoughts going through her mind, Makoto sat at the entrance to her garage for a solid ten minutes, just imagining everything that could happen. As well as wondering if she should stop someone and take them to the garage she was planning to go to. However, when she heard the sound of a car door closing a few houses away, every thought in her mind halted. “If I don’t go now, I’m not going to go at all…” And with that, Makoto took in a heavy breath before gridding her teeth. Pulling out of the home she shared with Sae a moment later, rushing out of their neighborhood.


Makoto’s heart was absolutely pounding in her chest as she pulled into the parking garage across town, thumping hard enough that she could feel it in her throat and her skull. The excitement and adrenaline that pumped through her was enough to make her want to scream out in a mix of joy and fear at the same time. As soon as she parked, turning her bike off, her mind rushed back to when she was at the stoplight only a block or two away from the garage that she was currently in. It was a long light, leaving her to sit in front of pedestrians who were walking for longer than she expected.

A few of the women who got a good look at her gave her disgusted looks, knowing that she was up to something while wearing only a half-jacket and thong. Though the men that saw her gave her a look of lust and excitement when they realized her impressively supple tits were free and in the open if they looked at the right angle. However, there was one man in particular who stuck out to her. One thought that fueled the adrenaline and lust that she was currently feeling.

The bold fucker pulled out his phone and caught a picture of Makoto well before the light changed, clearly taking advantage of the fact that she couldn’t go anywhere without breaking the law. But the thing that got to her the most was the boldness that followed. He showed no hesitation as he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her, slipping his hand underneath her jacket and copping a firm feel of her breast. Fortunately, it was just in time for the light to chance. Which allowed her to peel out of there without hurting him, letting her get to safety.

Taking her jacket off and putting it onto the handlebars, Makoto internally swore that she could still feel his fingers against her skin.

He didn’t grope me that hard, why can I still feel his fingers against my skin?!

Heavy breaths left her as she brought one of her hands to her breast, tracing where his fingers were against his skin. A gentle moan erupted from her when her finger reached her nipple, causing Makoto to realize just how firm of a grip he had on her body when she pulled away. In the back of her mind, it made sense to why she still felt the heat of his fingers. But it also made her question how she was able to peel away from him like that without either of them getting hurt.

However, both of those thoughts quickly froze in her mind when she heard a familiar squelching sound underneath her. In the heat of the moment, she was so focused on how she could still feel him that she failed to notice the fact that she was absentmindedly bouncing on the dildo that was buried inside of her. And when she did notice, Makoto couldn’t stop the blush that was coming to her cheeks.

Despite having chosen to drive out late at night while almost naked and getting groped by a stranger, the sounds of her wet pussy wrapped around a dildo greatly embarrassed her. She quickly brought one of her hands to her mouth to try and keep herself quiet, while the other hand remained against her breast. She could feel her heart thumping against her skin as the excitement inside of her continued to build.

I can’t believe that I’m doing something like this. The plan was just to ride in public while being stuffed full. But this?! This wasn’t part of the plan. But….

A loud moan spilled from Makoto’s lips as she hit just the right spot inside of her with the tip of the dildo, causing her to arch her back in a sudden bought of pleasure. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she accepted the bliss that coursed through her, deciding to chase the pleasure that she was feeling.

But this feels too good to let go of… I thought Ann was joking when she said I was starting to come off like a bit of a whore, but I guess--

It was at that moment that Makoto heard another car door closing just in earshot. She turned her head and couldn’t see a car around her, but it was enough of a fright to cause the young woman to get down off of her bike and lean against it while keeping her ass to the ground. There was no hesitation as she spread her legs and brought the hand that was covering her mouth to her pussy, grabbing onto the dildo and slowly pulling it out of her.

She wasn’t done with this pleasure. And she wasn’t about to let the fear of getting caught stop her from chasing this orgasm. Makoto didn’t know what it was about this orgasm that drew her in so harshly, but she was more than happy to chase it. Especially when it clicked that she was on this parking garage’s floor all alone. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as the moans began to instinctively spill out of her.

At this point, there was no hesitation or shame in her system as she fucked herself with her dildo. There was no stopgap for her bliss as she screamed out in pleasure, allowing the rush of what she was doing to get to her. There was no stopping Makoto as she pumped her dildo back and forth inside of her, chasing the incredibly addictive feeling of an orgasm that seemed to be far stronger and more intense than she felt in the past.

“Gods, what am I doing? How did it come to this?” The questions left her lips as she chased her pleasure, her lips curled into a bright smile before she bit down on her bottom one. I would have never dreamed of doing this less than a year ago. And yet, here I am, legs spread and pussy craving. I want someone to fuck me. I want to be filled and feel the warmth of another against me in the night air. Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest as she approached the orgasmic cliff that she was rushing towards, her moans growing louder as a result.

Deep down, Makoto had no idea what was pushing her so far. Was it the embarrassment? Was it the lust? Was she just unsatisfied lately and chasing something that could ruin her? She didn’t know what it was, but she wasn’t about to stop with how good it felt to be doing this. Maybe it was the rough feeling of the concrete against her shapely rear end. Maybe it was the fact that she could still vividly picture the men’s faces as they gawked at her while she was stopped. Or maybe it was the fact that no one could tell who she was as she rode tonight. But whatever it was driving her so much, there was no denying that it was a blissful and plentiful feeling as she drove the dildo as deep into her as she could without losing it, twisting her wrist to add a bit more pleasure as she did so.

A loud, shameless, and exciting scream left the young woman as she let everyone in the parking garage know that she just blew her mind within earshot. Her heart stopped for a moment as the realization, pleasure, and intensity of what just happened flooded her mind all in the same instant. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around the faux shaft that was inside of her, clinging to it for dear life as she quickly pumped it back and forth inside of her, dragging it along her inner walls in the hope of getting even more pleasure out of this moment.

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she leaned her head back, accepting every ounce of pleasure that filled her. And with her eyes rolled into the back of her head, Makoto couldn’t tell if anyone had come up to the floor to check out the noise they heard or not. But she couldn’t bring herself to care as she gently pulled the dildo out of her pussy, gasping when the final inch slipped out of her and left her pussy quivering. Hot and heavy breaths left her as she relished in the blissfully satisfied feeling that filled her, her heart feeling like it was starting back up again as a bright and lustful smile came to her lips.

I really… Just did that…

Heavy pants left the young woman as she started to slowly come back to reality, coming down from her lust-driven high just enough to take a proper look around. She didn’t see anyone or any vehicles around her. And, somewhere deep in her core, she had an urge to go for another round. To put the dildo onto the ground and properly fuck herself with it without a care in the world. To give in to the pleasure that was clouding her mind and making her wish that there was someone who did catch her so they could take advantage of her. However, it was at that moment that Makoto realized how much fun she had with this. And how she needed-- No. Craved-- more of the same kind of pleasure. Only more intense than she just experienced.

She absentmindedly bit down on her lower lips as she thought about what could happen if she did this another night. And what might happen if she actually met someone that was willing to take advantage of her. Her already heavy breath hitched in her throat as she absentmindedly pushed the first few inches of her dildo back into her pussy, gasping and looking down at the absolute mess she made between her legs. “This… Can’t be the only time I do this… It’s way too much fun…”


“This is it, Makoto… There’s no chance to back out of this now…” Giving herself a pep talk, Makoto rode out of her garage, making sure to be as quiet as she could on her motorcycle while peeling out of her neighborhood. A smile came to her face as she drove out of it and picked up speed along the street. Almost right away, the cool sensation of the night air felt like it was biting at her skin, nipping at her exposed flesh and reminding her that she wasn’t wearing anything besides her helmet this time.

Almost immediately, as she entered a main street, her heart began to race. Should she really be doing this? She wasn’t going to talk herself out of it and wasn’t going to go back home now. Not when she was getting more and more turned on by the second. But the excitement and nervousness of having people around her getting a good look at her full, exposed breasts and body caused Makoto to feel like she might have taken things a step too far tonight. Even if she knew it was too late for her to back out.

However, when she saw a woman giving her a lustful gaze, Makoto felt that nervousness fade away. She was getting a chance to see someone she didn’t know enjoying her body. Showing off to people without a chance of them knowing who she was or where she came from. All because she drove away from her main town to do this. And it lit her up inside.

If I had the choice, would I go with a man or woman? I’m too excited for my hands to satisfy me tonight. And I’m not backing out from here. So… Who do I find to play with me…?


It took less than an hour of riding for Makoto to find a partner for her night. At first, she thought it was a stranger who just found her body attractive and could make her have a good time. Things started simple with him grabbing onto her body when she was stopped at a light and gesturing for her to follow him into an alley. But things quickly got heated and excited when he grabbed a firm hold of her breast and began to toy with them. Which prompted her to slip her hand into her pants and feel his hardening cock.

Much to her surprise, he was packing quite the monster between his legs. And she did not hesitate to start stroking it with the palm of her hand as he continued to toy with her breasts. But it didn’t take long before he started to take control of things. This man showed no hesitation as he pulled Makoto down the side of her bike, propping her back against it and allowing him to position himself properly above her. Her heart pounded in her chest when she realized that he was close enough to move the visor on her helmet if he wanted to.

Thankfully, he showed no such interest, instead bringing one of his hands to her slender hips to hold her in place while unzipping his pants with the other. And that put Makoto’s mind at ease at ease for now. Especially when he lined his cock up with her pussy and looked up at her. However, it was at that moment that Makoto’s heart completely stopped in her chest.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he carefully pushed each and every inch of his cock into her. She recognized the face that was looking at her. It was only when she had a closer look, that she could tell that it was one of Sae’s cop buddies. Sae didn’t get along with too many people at the station, so the ones that she did always stuck out to Makoto. But in the heat of the moment, Makoto knew that she couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t reveal that she knew him or it would likely tip him off that she knew who he was.

Fortunately, that wasn’t going to be an issue as he quickly began fucking her and spared no effort in making her feel good. The hand that was unzipping his pants was now latched onto her breast while his mouth was wrapped around the other one. Her heart fluttered in her chest when his tongue began to dance around her nipple, teasing her while he was fucking her against the bike.

Hot and heavy breaths began to spill from Makoto as the pleasure that he brought her was immediate and sharp. There was no chance she would be able to deny how he made her feel. Especially with just how well his shaft stretched her pussy. Maybe it was just his size and Makoto being unaware that she might be a size queen. Maybe it was just that the two of them were compatible and he was a surprisingly good match for her. Or maybe it was the fact that he knew what he was doing and fucked her against her motorcycle hard enough for her to feel her body shutter with each thrust, but not hard enough that he could risk knocking the motorcycle over as he fucked her.

But Makoto was quick to catch the sounds of pleasure that were leaving her. Able to hear herself in her helmet before he could, she did her best to raise the pitch of her voice, just in case this cop would recognize her from the sound of her voice alone. And while it was difficult to balance both, as he throbbed and pulsed inside of her, Makoto felt herself getting into an orgasmic feel with it.

The pleasure of having someone actually fucking her, the fear of being caught while out in the open, the excitement of this person being the equivalent of a stranger to her, and the nervousness of this person potentially finding out who she was. All of it combined into a feeling that Makoto could only describe as addicting. Especially when his thrusts started to become erratic and her mind immediately focused on the knowledge that he was going to cum.

In the heat of the moment with pleasure, lust, desire, craving, fear, and embarrassment all coursing through her, Makoto was unable to think about the fact that this cop might cum inside of her. But she couldn’t stop herself from loving the realization that he was going to blow his load. The fact that he was going to cum lit her up inside and pushed her closer to her orgasm than she expected it to.

Do I love the thought of cum that much? Do I really want this stranger to cum because of me? Or does it just feel good knowing that he’s going to cum because of my pussy?

The thoughts rushed through Makoto’s head until the man pulled his shaft out of her pussy and slapped it down against her lower lips. This new sensation threw her over the edge and into an orgasm, causing her to shudder and shake as she squirted against his shaft and balls. Just in time for him to blow his load as well, rope after rope of his thick and hot seed splattering against her skin. Much to her surprise, his spunk reached far enough to splatter against the underside of her breasts, painting her skin a little more.

However, it was only a moment later that another thought crossed Makoto’s mind.

H-He pulled out of me… What if he hadn’t? Was… Was I really okay with him cumming inside of me?

“Thanks for that. The wife’s been a cunt and I needed some release.”

Almost as quickly as he found her and fucked her, this man started to dress himself and walk away from Makoto. And it was at that moment that she realized something that she wasn’t sure if it turned her on more or disturbed her a bit. He treated her like she was a quick fuck and nothing else. A toy for his own pleasure. And on some level, she knew that’s what she was using him for. Just to chase her own pleasure and desires. But the fact that a cop cheated on his wife and would treat a young girl like a toy? It felt wrong to her.

However, that was only a momentary footnote in her mind as she quickly went back to the thought of him blowing his load inside of her. Was she really okay with him doing something like that? She knew that she could just take some Plan B pills on her way home, or once she got home, and would likely be fine. But to have a stranger cum inside of her? Why did the thought both turn her on and terrify her to no end?

“I’m… I might have to see what it’ll be like…” Makoto smiled as she absentmindedly swiped his cum onto her fingers. “Just to see how good it is…”


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