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Getting approached by a fan after a photo shoot, she lets him shoot his shot before planning to send him on his way. But things don’t go to plan.

“Wait, is that really you, Ann?”

Ann heard those words as her photoshoot was wrapping up, but she didn’t recognize the voice that accompanied them, prompting her to lift her head and look around to see who was calling out to her. “Yeah, who’s asking?” As soon as the words left her lips, Ann spotted a young man that appeared to be a fan looking at her just a few feet away. “Oh, who are you? Fans don’t often find the photoshoots while they are happening.”

“There was a rumor that a streetwear-themed photo shoot was going to take place on this side of town. So I came by after work to see what was happening. I never thought I’d actually meet you like this!”

Ann couldn’t stop herself from smiling as this young man went on and explained herself. Despite the fact that she’s been properly diving into the modeling business after putting her mind to it, it was always a treat to see someone so excited to see her. “Well, you got to meet me just like you wanted.~” A quiet giggle left her lips as she looked at the young man, noticing the blush coming to his cheeks. “Is there anything you want me to sign? Do you want a picture, anything like that?”

“O-Oh yeah! I’d love a picture if you have the time. I realize I may have interrupted the shoot…” His voice began to trail off as he looked around the two of them, seeing everyone packing away the equipment that they were using.

“Nah, we had just finished up.” The smile that was on Ann’s lips faded away for a moment as she looked down at the outfit she was wearing, realizing that the pictures she was in would take almost a month before hitting print and being available to the public. “I should probably go change first. Don’t want any leaks to happen. But you seem eager and I’d hate to waste your time. You don’t mind if I’m in this, do you?”

Somehow, it was only now that the young man managed to get a good look at Ann’s outfit and process what she was wearing. A red crop top with broken sleeves that clung to her chest, fishnet leggings with a black pair of shorts that perfectly showed off the curves of her ass to match, a black cap with a curved rim hanging off of one of her pigtails, a couple of variety colored bracelets, and a pair of red high-top tennis shoes. As soon as he realized just what she was in, the blush that was on his cheeks got even worse and he couldn’t stop himself from stuttering over himself. “T-That’s perfectly f-fine by me! Y-You look g-great!”

Of course, being the casual girl that she was deep down, Ann couldn’t stop herself from laughing at her fan’s stutter. Though, she was quick to cover her mouth and stifle the laugh as quickly as she could. She’d hate to come off like she was mocking her own fans while they were just showing off their appreciation. It took her a moment to fully calm down and be able to look at him with a straight face. But as soon as she was able, Ann made her way to his side and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you. I thought so as well. Though, it is a little tight.”

With her standing by his side, the young man quickly fished his phone out of his pocket, excited to catch a quick picture with one of his favorite models. And when he got it out, he quickly extended his arm and turned on the selfie camera. After a second for the phone to process, the two of them showed up in the frame of the shot and both of them shot a quick smile toward the phone. That was one picture down.

When the first picture was taken the young man lifted the arm that was holding his phone to get a higher shot and wrapped his arms around Ann’s waist without giving her any warning. At first, she just kept her smile, but knew to say something as soon as the picture was taken. And when she heard the click of the shutter, she was quick to take a step back and look him in the eyes. “Listen, I understand being excited about meeting someone. But you’ve gotta at least give a girl a bit of warning before you put your hands on her like that.”

“S-Sorry. I wasn’t thinking after you kissed my cheek. I guess I’m more nervous than I thought.”

She didn’t feel any more at ease when a nervous chuckle left him. It was clear that he was indeed nervous, but that didn’t make it clear that he wouldn’t do it again. Fortunately, she knew that he wouldn’t exactly be here long. Another picture or two and that would be the end of things. “It’s fine. Just keep it in mind for this last one, okay? I also don’t want any rumors to get out since I have a boyfriend.”

“O-Oh right. I forgot about that. He’s hardly ever talked about during your interviews when people ask about your personal life.”

Ann simply rolled her eyes and nodded. “Yeah. I love him, but he’s a bit preoccupied with track practice now that he’s got the confidence to do it again.” When she stepped up to the fan’s side, she was quick to feel his hand grab onto her supple ass cheek through her shorts. And in the heat of the moment, she wanted to smack him so hard that he’d fall on his ass. However, keeping her composure, she allowed him to take another picture of her and then let out a heavy sigh. “What did I literally just say? Give someone a warning when you want to touch them like that. What if you grabbed someone that wasn’t a fan of it or couldn’t keep their cool like I can?”

“R-Right… Sorry again.”

Ann let out another heavy sigh as she looked at this young man. “Look, I’m starting to doubt you came here just for some pictures and a chance to meet me. And from the way you’re willing to grab me, I can only guess what’s on your mind.”

At first, the young man stayed silent. But he looked around to make sure no one was around before he even opened his mouth. “Okay, you caught me. While I did want to meet you, I also wanted to shoot my shot. But I wanted to take the pictures first just in case things went south. And then I let the moment get ahead of me.”

“Like I said, I’ve got a boyfriend. So, even if your shot was successful, no one could know about anything. Are you even capable of keeping a secret?” in the back of her mind, Ann couldn’t believe what had just left her mouth. But as she looked around to make sure no one could see her, she was at least relieved that no one was able to hear her besides this horny fan.

“Capable enough that no one would ever know I got a good feel of your ass.” A cocky smile started to form on his lips as he held his hand out, stupidly making a squeezing gesture. “Just give me a single shot, that’s all I ask. We can even go into that alley if you’d feel better about people seeing or hearing.”

Ann watched as he gestured behind him to the alley. It was close enough that she could hear if anyone was calling on her to make sure she was okay, but it was far enough that it would take them a minute to be able to see her. “You know what? I love my boyfriend, but sure. If you miss your shot, it’ll at least make me feel better about what you did.”

“And if I don’t?” That cocky smile on his face grew as the young man turned to make his way toward the alley.

“I doubt you’ll make it. But we’ll just have to see.”


Luckily for Ann, with the shoot having wrapped up and her stepping away with a fan, no one came looking for her. No one even called out to her after she stepped away. Which made it so no one could see or hear her sucking on this young man’s cock. Between bobbing her head back and forth along his shaft to slurping as she purposefully pulled herself back far enough for his tip to leave her mouth, no one other than them could hear anything.

In the back of her mind, she couldn’t believe that his simple line worked on her. Maybe it was the way he wrapped his arm around her waist and grabbed onto her hip as he spoke. Maybe it was the tone of voice that he took as he looked her dead in the eyes, the clear intent to take advantage of her and fuck her soaked in his gaze. Whatever the reason for that simple line working, Ann couldn’t help but repeat it in her head as she sucked his cock in the middle of the alley they were in.

“I plan to not only make you forget about your boyfriend, but replace him. If he doesn’t treat a slut like you right, then I will.”

It rang in her mind over as she bobbed her head along his shaft, keeping her tongue firmly planted against the underside as she pushed her way down. Only to coil it around his length as she pulled her way back up toward his tip. All the while, she kept one of her hands firmly planted against his thigh to keep herself steady. The other one rested patiently against her own, creeping ever closer to her pussy as she sucked off this actual stranger.

Of course, as Ann worked her magic on his shaft, one of this young man’s hands held tightly onto one of her pigtails while the other gently squeezed her breast. He was hunched over her, toying with her body as she worked her cock, and she couldn’t believe that her boyfriend had never done this before while she gave him a blowjob.

However, she knew that it would come to an end at any moment. That whenever this young man would blow his load, that would probably be the end of things. And some part of her desperately craved more than that. Whether it was Ann craving this fan specifically, or her body craving getting fucked in the open like this, or maybe the arousal currently coursing through her pushing her to do something that she wouldn’t normally do. Whatever it was, Ann couldn’t deny the fact that when he pulled his hand from her breast and grasped her chin to make her look him in the eyes, she wanted nothing more than to have this stranger fuck her in the open.

The look of desire and lust was just as clear in her eyes as it was in his when he took his shot. And it was clear to both of them just what was going to happen from here if he wanted it to. Fortunately for Ann, the fan indeed wanted to fuck her in this alley. He pulled on her twin tail and forced her to rise to her feet. Only to spin her around so that she was facing away from him, pushing her against the building’s smooth wall.

Hot and heavy breaths started to leave the young model as she felt this stranger grab a firm hold of her hips and rest his cock against the entrance to her pussy. In the back of her mind, she knew this was wrong. She knew that she was cheating on her boyfriend and there was no going back. That if this young man couldn’t keep a secret, her relationship and possibly career would be ruined. But as he pushed his ease forward, slowly stretching her inner walls with each and every inch of his shaft, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of pure arousal, lust, and excitement as all of her worries simply disappeared.

As more and more of this young man’s cock speared into her pussy, more and more of Ann’s worries faded from her mind. Right up until the point that he was fully buried inside of her and his hands started to drift from her hips to her stomach and then to her breasts. Quiet but clearly audible moans spilled from her lips when his fingertips finally met the soft flesh of her chest, digging against her skin for a moment, only to then cling to her tits and squeeze as he started to rock his hips.

Ann was immediately unable to hold back the moans that began to spill from her lips, each one spilling out of her in time with the thrust that filled her pussy. And every time this young man’s hips connected with her supple ass cheeks, she couldn’t help but let out a quiet yelp of pleasure. Especially when he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, truly fucking her as if she belonged to him. Like the two of them were dating and he was her boyfriend the entire time.

And only now did it become clear just what he was talking about when he grabbed her and convinced her to give him what he wanted. For that brief moment, she did indeed forget about her current boyfriend. It was only when she realized that she didn’t realize her boyfriend’s name that she realized she thought of him as he current lover. However, instead of getting upset at the fact that he was actually able to fulfill the promise he told her, she was excited and happy that her ‘boyfriend’ found her after her shoot and fucked her in the clothes that she had worked in. That he was currently groping her and toying with her breasts. That he was filling and stretching her pussy more than he usually was.

All of it culminated into a wonderful feeling of pure ecstasy for Ann. And that ecstasy only grew as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, quiet grunts leaving him and filling her ears, making it all the more clear just how much he was enjoying her current look. Hearing him like this, Ann absolutely forgot the concept of holding herself back when it came to her pleasure. She may have been a good distance away from the set that she had worked at, but there was no telling if anyone was actually still hanging around for some reason.

But that didn’t stop her from screaming in pure and utter pleasure as she felt her faux boyfriend throbbing against her inner walls. It didn’t stop her from relishing in the pure bliss that coursed through her as he tugged on her nipples and give them a slight twist. And it didn’t stop her from falling in love with this feeling of ecstasy that coursed through her mind and her body, causing her to forget about the world around her and focus solely on the lust and desire that filled her.

“Please… Don’t you dare pull out…”

The words left Ann’s lips before she even realized she was saying them. And they caught the duo entirely off guard. Though, it wasn’t enough to stop him from fucking her and thrusting like there was no tomorrow. It didn’t stop him from grabbing even tighter onto her breasts, leaving small bruises as the demand clearly fueled him.

“If that’s what my pretty little slut wants, who am I to deny her that satisfaction?”

The words that left this man caused a shiver to travel down Ann’s spine, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she reached the peak of her pleasure before he did. As she reached her orgasm as he brought one of his hands to her eyes to block her sight, stealing one of her senses and enhancing everything that she was feeling by a little bit. Her inner walls clamped down around his shaft as she climaxed first, her arousal squirting onto the ground between their feet as she reached the highest peak she had in what felt like ages.

Though, her pleasure continued to build and grow as he reached his peak directly after her, her inner walls tightening being enough to throw him over the edge and into his own orgasm. And while she couldn’t feel his warm cum flooding her pussy, painting her inner walls a deep shade of white, she could feel him throbbing inside of her, making it clear that he gave her what she wanted and refused to pull out. Her lips curled into a bright smile as he moved his hand from her eyes, instead bringing it to her neck and giving her a light squeeze.

Just enough of a squeeze to make something deep down inside of her click and cement how she felt in this moment in the back of her mind. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as he then used his grip on her neck to tilt her head backward and steal a kiss from her lips. A kiss that she was more than happy to return to him, showing him just as much affection as he was giving her.

As hot and heavy breaths left the both of them, their pleasure starting to subside, Ann was the first one to speak between them. “You know…. I’ve got another shoot across town in a week. It’d be nice to see you there, ‘Babe.’~”

Stealing another heated kiss from her lips, the young man was happy to simply look her in the eyes and nod his head. “I’ll be sure to be there, Slut.~”


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