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I don't feel like Patreon is a place for me to vent my family frustrations to my fans and supporters, but at the same time, I need to keep everyone updated on my silence.

The Orihime and Makoto/Ann stories are both almost fimished. Just another 1k words on each and they'll be done.

What's keeping me from finishing them is my family's poor communication and planning skills. For the last 8 days, I've been told to be ready to help with some minor remodeling, keeping my eye out for the service workers we have for our yard, privacy fence, and vapor barrier under the house, and just keeping the dogs company and entertained while I'm the only one in the house. All of it being asked of me last minute or just nothing coming from it because my help wasn't actually needed. With today being no different.

Overall, this shouldn't impact my writing since it's time I'm free. But it just fucks my entire day due to my adhd and need to plan ahead. When my plan for work gets a wrench in it because family needs help and then 4 hours later, I find out the family didn't need help, the production day is kinda fucked.

To wrap this up, my family's poor communication is driving me insane and taking time from my day just for them to not keed me.

I'm sorry for the silence.


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