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For how wonderful of a husband Ichigo was, there was always something that bothered Orihime. With him being the sole soul reaper in Karakura Town, he was the only one that could patrol the entire city for hollows. Even when the Soul Society would send in people for training, knowing that Ichigo wouldn’t mind, they wouldn’t last long and he’d be back to handling things on his own. Orihime knew that this was something that the two of them had to settle with after having Kazui. That she would be alone with their child a lot. And she usually didn’t care.

Being the mother that she was, Orihime was more than happy to spend some alone time with her son. But what truly got to her was the fact that she was weak to people’s advances on her. She always had been, even before the two of them got together and got married. It was unfortunate for her that her weakness of hers didn’t go away after giving birth to Kazui because it landed her in situations like she was currently in.

Her son was off on his own in an arcade while she was in the bathroom, knees on the floor and another man’s cock buried in her throat. It didn’t take much for him to get her in here. Just a simple smack on the ass, a quick grab on her supple cheek, and a whisper in her ear to follow him and Orihime did exactly what he told her to do. Of course, she sent Kazui to go play so that he couldn’t see what she was doing, but it didn’t make her feel any less like a horrible wife for being so easily misguided like this.

“It’s too bad your husband isn’t here to see this. You say that he works across town, right? Guess that gives us plenty of time together.”

The man’s voice was full of bass and confidence, a pairing that made Orihime’s heart melt in her chest as she bobbed her head up and down his length. His hand remained firm on the back of her head as he guided her along his shaft, making sure that she didn’t miss a single inch of his member. All the while, she could only bring herself to moan in response to what he said, her pussy and heart aching as his grip got tighter and his cock throbbed against her tongue.

“For a married woman, it didn’t take much to get you in here. I wonder if you’re constantly cheating on your husband.”

As he said that, Orihime found herself suddenly yanked off from around his member, her lips popping off from his shaft. Only for it to slap down against her face and rest above her eye. “N-No, you’ve got it all wrong! I’d never do something like this to Kurosaki-kun! He’s the only man I’ve ever loved. But I just…”

“Let me guess, you love taking someone else’s cock when he isn’t around? You can’t tell someone no once they get their hands on you? You wanted to keep your son safe and came with me?”

Orihime’s heart sank in her chest as the man chuckled above her, bringing his free hand down to the base of his shaft only to grab it and slap her with it a few times. And, much to her embarrassment, she immediately stuck her tongue out of her mouth to try and get a few good licks of his member as he did so. Only for him to then start grinding against her face and keeping her firmly pressed against his throbbing member.

“Listen here, whore. It doesn’t matter what your reason is. The fact that you’re openly trying to get more of my cock just from being slapped with it? You’re more of a whore than anyone in this town. And you’re not gonna convince me otherwise.”

With his hand still holding tightly onto the top of her head, the stranger spun Orihime around so that she was facing away from him before tugging her back until she was firmly planted in his lap. Almost immediately, Orihime felt disoriented by the sudden movement. But she didn’t shy away from the pleasure that he was bringing her when she felt his length between her thighs, pressing against her lower lips. All the while he continued to pull on her hair, forcing her to tilt her head back, before stealing a kiss from her lips.

It was too much for her to handle while arguing with him. Deep down, she knew that he was right. She couldn’t fight against someone when they got their hands on her. But as she sat here, drifting from one kiss to another with this man, she couldn’t help but feel bad for her husband. The fact that she was cheating on Ichigo was enough to make her feel like a terrible wife. But the fact that she was enjoying it as much as she was only added on to the guilt that she felt.

However, the moment he brought the hand that was holding her hair to her hips and he began to guide her back and forth, forcing her to rock in his lap? All of that guilt began to wash away. The pleasure and bliss that filled her from grinding against a hefty shaft sparked something inside of her. Something that Ichigo was never able to bring her. Something that she first felt with Grimmjow when he was put in charge of her. A sense of possession and belonging, knowing that someone other than the man she was currently with desperately craved her.

Her heart began to soar in her chest when he hoisted her up and slowly lowered her onto his cock. The instant that his member began to split her pussy and force its way inside of her, Orihime knew that there was no going back. She knew that she couldn’t get out of this. And deep down, she also knew that no one could know about this or everyone she knew would find out how much of a whore she truly was. Especially when it hit her that she wasn’t just cheating on her husband, she was taking a complete stranger’s cock in an arcade’s bathroom stall.


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