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When she was told that she should go out and buy herself a swimsuit, Mai expected one of her friends to join her and help her pick something out. But when she entered the store that she was told to find, she was on her own. And while that wasn’t an issue for her, it was certainly a little strange that Tsubaki would give her some money and then not join her. Or that Noel would tell her to focus on the color blue and then not give her any other advice.

However, she knew that she couldn’t let it get to her. So when she stepped into the shop and someone offered to help, Mai took that chance and did what she needed. Before long, she found herself in the dressing room with the young woman that helped her pick out a few bikinis standing on the outside. All three of the bikinis she wanted to try were blue in some way, just like Noel suggested.

As she stood in front of the mirror and undressed, Mai couldn’t help but look at herself. She stood there naked, gazing at her body and taking in every inch that she could see. “This is who I am now, huh…? It’s still a lot to adjust to. But, the girls have been very kind and supportive. And… Knowing Tsubaki, that’s why she didn’t come along with me.”

A heavy breath left Mai’s lips as she brought one of her hands to her breasts, cupping the gentle mound in her hand and giving it a firm squeeze. “Yeah, it’s not a dream alright…” She couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as her eyes drifted down from her breasts to her pussy, locking on her trimmed hair for a moment. “At least they were willing to walk me through that. It was worrying enough as a boy.”

On the outside of the dressing room, the young woman’s voice could be heard. “Is everything okay in there, ma’am?”

At first, Mai didn’t respond, still focused on her own body before turning her attention to the swimsuits that she had picked out. “Y-Yeah… Everything’s fine. Just… Not feeling all that confident now that I’m here.”

“You did seem a little nervous when asking for help. Is it anything you wanna talk about?”

“Nah, not really. Just a few things happened recently and I need to accept that things aren’t what they used to be. My friends said that this would be a good way to do just that.” Mai’s lips curled into a gentle smile as she thought about the way Tsubaki almost demanded she go out shopping for herself and find something she likes. And the way Noel lit up at the suggestion, agreeing almost immediately. “Those two are too sweet.”

“Well, I don’t know if anything I say will matter all that much. But I think you look really good in the outfit you came in with. And, since you’re shopping for swimsuits, I don’t think there’s a single one in here that will look bad on you. Especially that one with yellow bows that I had picked out.”

Mai felt her heart skip a beat in her chest. Deep down, she didn’t know if the woman was just saying that to try and sell her on a swimsuit or if she actually meant it. But it felt good to hear someone she didn’t know compliment her like this. A bit refreshing and rewarding. “Thank you, miss. I think I’ll be okay now. Go ahead and handle anyone else that comes in. I’ll find you when I’ve picked the one I want.”

“Got it. Just call if you need something.”

When she heard the young woman walking away from her dressing room, Mai turned her attention toward the bikinis that she was given. And the first one she grabbed was the one that the worker mentioned. Blue and white stripes, yellow bows at the top of the cups, and a zipper in the middle to hold the chest piece together. “Never would have thought clothing other than this outfit Kajun gave me would have a zipper.”

A gentle chuckle rumbled in Mai’s throat as she began to put the bikini on, gasping when it clung almost perfectly to her breasts. But instead of letting her mind focus on the feeling of the cloth against her skin, she pulled the bottoms up her legs and let out a quiet whine when the straps smacked down against her hips, digging in just a small bit. Thankfully, the digging didn’t bring her any pain.

However, Mai didn’t look up from the floor right away, unsure about how she should judge herself when she looked in the mirror. Of course, her friends would tell her she looked great no matter what she was in, but how should she judge herself? Her mind raced through a few options before landing on one that she knew would work for bikinis. How would her past self react to seeing her now? Would that Hazuki boy be happy to see her in what she was in? Would he try and make his parents proud by bringing her home? It was silly for sure, and she knew it. But if that was how she could find herself as pretty and beautiful as her friends paint her to be, then she would use it.

With a heavy breath leaving her lips, Mai slowly rose to stand up straight before looking at herself in the mirror. Almost immediately, her eyes darted back and forth along her body, taking in the details of the bikini before taking in how she looked in it. The fabric clung tightly to her chest and her hips, almost forcing her nipples to be visible through the white fabric. And when her eyes drifted a little lower, the hearts on either side of the bottoms seemed to dig just a bit into her thighs. It was a pleasing sight for sure. One that she currently would think was beautiful on any woman who wasn’t her.

But that’s when she changed her thought. How would her former self feel while looking at her? That’s when her eyes glanced over every portion of her body one more time. Her eyes drifted between her breasts, gazing at the zipper until she brought a hand to her breast once again. She gave herself a firm squeeze through the fabric before letting out a quiet moan. “The girls were right… I look good in anything that’s even slightly revealing…”

Mai couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as she brought her hand a bit lower down her body, allowing her fingertips to carefully drift along her stomach. Her thumb flicked against the bikini’s zipper before she brought her hand down to the bikini bottoms. Where she hooked one of her thumbs into it and gave it a gentle tug downward. Was anything overtly visible to anyone that would look at her?

Staring at her crotch through the mirror for a moment, she knew that nothing could be truly seen. But there was a strange sense of lust that started to boil up inside of her. Did she find herself that attractive? Was it just how her former self would have reacted to seeing a woman like this? Deep down, Mai didn’t know the answer. But there was no denying the sense of lust that bubbled up inside of her as she let the fabric go and it snapped back to her body, smacking against her pussy before clinging to her skin once again.


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