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The Phantom Theif women have girls' nights together on a regular basis, and this one takes a turn no one expects.

After everything that the Phantom Thieves have gone through together, Ann thought it was a good idea to get all the girls together and have a girls' night out a few times a week. Just a couple of hours together at whatever location they wanted to go. And each trip out that they took, they would rotate who was in chase of where they went. Makoto would usually suggest that they go to the library or the bookstore, roaming around and window shopping since they could all find something there. Futaba was all about the arcades. Ann, of course, was about her sweets, choosing to take the girls to every sweets shop that they could get to by foot. And Haru was always the one girl in the group that suggested they do something that the others wouldn’t expect, usually going between eating out together and going with some kind of weapon throwing.

However, something that remained a constant between every trip was that Ann always took something back for Ren. Since the two of them started dating, she always wanted to make it a point that she wouldn’t do anything to break his heart considering her line of work. Between her modeling and the trips out with the girls, some part of her knew that anyone who looked at their relationship could say that she was cheating and point out her nights out. So, she always made it a point to bring back some kind of souvenir. Though, it was usually just a selection of pictures of the girls spending time together.

With it being Haru’s turn to pick the destination, Ann expected her to choose a break room for the group again. Something to let them get out any anger they felt toward the group while everyone was in a safe-ish environment. But when Haru instead suggested that they go to karaoke this time, Ann’s thoughts of a gift went completely out the window. There was nothing that she could think of to bring her boyfriend back.

So, being surrounded by her friends, that’s when she asked for their opinions. Some part of Ann thought that her boyfriend would be sick of the photo albums he would get each week of their trips, and that made her want to go with something different. However, Haru was the only one to have any idea that she could do while they were at a karaoke club.

And when she heard what her friend had suggested, Ann couldn’t believe that it would come from Haru. “Come again? You think I should what?”

“Send him a nude while you’re here! It’s just us girls, after all. So no one’s going to make a move. And with how secluded the rooms are, no one is going to barge in and see you. It’s perfect!” Haru’s face beamed with joy as she suggested this to Ann. It was clear from the look on the blonde’s face that she wasn’t fully on board with the idea, but Haru wasn’t going to let this idea slide. “You two have reached that point in your relationship, right…?”

At first, Ann went quiet. She didn’t know if Haru was trying to prod at something or if she was actually making a good point. She and Ren have been together multiple times, having fucked at the school more times than anywhere else. So, on that front, sending him a nude photo was perfectly fine. But what was it about taking one here that bothered her so much? “Y-Yeah… We’ve slept together a few times now. But… I don’t know, Haru…”

“Tell you what. Why don’t I take one with you? Help with the nerves?” Haru dropped her smile for a moment before turning her attention to Makoto and Futaba. “If you two could give us a little bit, I’d appreciate it.~”

Sharing a quick look between the two of them, both Makoto and Futaba figured it would be best to let this happen so that it would end quicker. So then the four of them could get back to their night of fun before heading home. “Yeah, alright…”

“W-Wait, you two aren’t really leaving, are you?!” Ann was quickly cut off by the door closing behind Futaba and Makoto, the two of them making their way toward the entrance to give Ann and Haru some privacy. “Haru, what is wrong with you?!” When she turned her head to look at Haru, she was greeted with the sight of Haru pulling her sweater over her head, revealing a pair of large and supple breasts. All the confusion and anger that she felt at that moment vanished as she watched them bounce a few times before Haru tossed her sweater across the karaoke room.

Of course, when Haru looked at Ann, she didn’t say anything. Only shot a smile her friend’s way before cupping both of her shapely mounds in her hand. “Come on, come on! You’ve gotta hurry if you want to continue our night of fun!” Without missing a beat, Haru made her way to Ann’s side and started to tug at the tube top she had on, pulling it down underneath her breasts and letting out an excited sound when Ann’s breasts flopped out without any resistance. “And here I thought you wore a bra, Ann. That perk is natural for you?! I’m a little jealous.~”

Ann didn’t have a chance to react before feeling Haru’s breasts press against her back, her delicate hands swiftly grabbing onto her breasts and giving them a first squeeze. Of course, this caused Ann to let out a quiet but clearly audible moan, telling Haru without saying a word that her breasts were sensitive. “H-Haru…”

“Yes, Ann?~”

There was a certain sweetness in Haru’s voice that caused Ann to feel a shiver travel down her spine. As if she knew that sweet tone in her voice was hiding something devilish that anyone would regret finding.

“Does it feel good when I touch you like this?~” Haru didn’t miss a beat as she spoke. She took the chance to squeeze and knead Ann’s breasts right then and there. It was incredible to feel just how soft they were in her hands, listening to the way Ann’s breath hitched every few seconds as she played with them.

The feeling of pleasure that started to bubble up inside of her was something that Ann was very familiar with. But there was a particular spin on that bliss that she hadn’t experienced in the past. As if letting another woman toy with her like this made it feel better than when her own boyfriend touched her breasts. It was a strange feeling. And that peculiar twist was only amplified by Haru’s breasts pressing against her back, clearly and firmly there, constantly reminding her that the two of them were essentially topless in public.

But much to Ann’s surprise, Haru didn’t simply stop at touching her breasts There was a moment when everything came to a halt. When Haru’s breath couldn’t be felt against Ann’s neck, when her soft hands were no longer latched onto the blonde’s lovely tits, and when the pleasure that Haru was bringing her started to fade. And at that moment, Ann did the only thing she could think to do. Turn around to see just what Haru was doing to stop like that.

However, she wasn’t prepared for what she saw. Not only were Haru’s perfectly-shaped breasts out in the open, but she was also fiddling with Ann’s phone, trying to unlock it and pulling her attention away from Ann to do so. “Haru!”

Hearing Ann call for her, Haru snapped her attention back to her blonde friend. “Oh, sorry. I was hoping I could unlock it while you were a bit lost.” A devious giggle left the rich girl as she handed the phone to its rightful owner, a smile coming to her lips as Ann didn’t hesitate to unlock it. “I’ll be quick, I promise!~”

For a moment, Ann didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know if she should let Haru play with her phone or not. But as Haru tapped away, she was at least able to see the camera being pulled up. So, the lust that clouded her mind was put a bit at ease. She let out a heavy breath just as Haru turned the phone to her, bringing her into frame. “Are you done playing around now, Haru?”

“Oh, far from it. But I’m ready to take those pictures for you. How many do you want to send him?~” Haru playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she watched Ann strike a few poses, happily taking picture after picture of her friend in those first few moments. But once she had heard the camera shutter for the tenth time, Haru carefully lowered the phone, focusing on Ann’s lower half more than her breasts. “I think if we’re going this far, it's only expected to take a few of you completely nude, right?”

Ann’s breath hitched in her throat as she thought of getting naked in front of Haru. Not only did she not know how long it would be until Makoto and Futaba were back, but she didn’t know if Haru was doing this for herself or for Ren anymore. With just how handsy she was, it blurred that line to an extreme degree. But as she looked at her friend, that smile that was on her face seemed to disarm a bit of the fear and worry that she felt.

The young blonde took a long and deep breath before nodding her head and pulling the shorts that she had on down to her thighs. “It’d make sense to take a few in-between shots, right?”

“Oooh! That’s your modeling experience for you!~” Haru couldn’t help but be chipper as she cheered for Ann while taking a few pictures. In the back of her mind, she couldn’t believe that her dear friend was stripping right in front of her. But as she took picture after picture, making sure to catch a few different angles for Ann, she found herself being to hide her excitement less and less. To the point that she could eventually feel her cock straining against the skirt that she was wearing.

“H-Hey, Ann…? I’m going to need you to forgive me, okay? I don’t think I can stand to keep it locked up any longer…” She did her best to try and feign a sweet, innocent voice as she spoke, hoping that the discovery of her throbbing cock wouldn’t be enough to scare Ann out of the room. And fortunately, when Ann only shot her a confused look, Haru knew that she wasn’t going to run.

In this kind of moment, knowing that there was something hidden, it could only mean one thing, after all. And seeing that Ann simply adjusted the way she was sitting, made it all the more clear that she was okay with it. So, putting down the phone for a moment, Haru happily reached a hand between her legs and shifted her panties to the side, allowing her cock to spring forth from underneath her skirt.

In the instant that she saw Haru’s cock, Ann felt three distinct emotions. Fear at what Haru was reaching for, surprise that it was a dick, and excitement to see a cock that large. It easily dwarfed her boyfriend’s shaft as it peaked out from under Haru’s skirt, throbbing against the fabric. “It’s… so big. And if you’ve been keeping that thing hidden in your panties… I can only imagine the pain you’re feeling. At least, judging from what Ren tells me he feels like after gym.”

“Oh no, it’s fine. With it being free, it feels incredible! But for now, let’s get back to those pictures.~” Haru smirked as she gestured for Ann to turn around and bend over, giving her the perfect chance to put the blonde’s phone down and pull out her own. Without giving it away that she had switched devices, she continued to take more and more pictures of her blonde friend. Eventually reaching the point where Ann was completely nude in front of her, the two of them only stopping due to the fact that the blonde realized she didn’t have a single thread of clothing covering her.

“Oh! I was so into the pictures, I didn’t even notice, Ann. I’m sorry. Let me join you.” Once again, without missing a beat, almost as if she was waiting for this exact moment, Haru tossed her phone to the side and fully stripped herself down, leaving herself just as bare as the day she was born. And with a smile on her face, she picked her phone up and raised it to take a few more pictures. “Hey, since we’ve come this far, do you think I can take a few for myself? You see… With you dating our leader, I don’t want to make a move and get in between you. But… As you can see…” Haru innocently gestured to her throbbing cock, watching Ann’s eyes bounce with it as it twitched between her legs. “I kind of need to handle this. And I can sneak into the bathrooms before Makoto and Futaba get back.”

For a moment, Ann’s eyes seemed locked onto the twitching shaft. Almost as if she was mesmerized by it. The way it bounced, the way it pulsed, even the way she could have sworn she could see a bit of precum leaking out of the tip. All of it caught Ann’s attention. Especially when she watched Haru turn to the side to make her way to Ann’s side. The sight of that shaft in its full glory caused something to spark inside of the young model. The arousal that she felt from the situation was already enough for her to silently debate about offering to help her friend. But as she watched Haru take a few slow steps, her eyes remained locked on the hard cock. “Uh… Y-Yeah… As long as you keep it a secret between us, take… Take as many as you want…”

“Thank you, Ann!~” Haru’s smile beamed across the room to her friend. And she didn’t hesitate to take this chance and make her way in close, standing directly next to Ann and resting her hard shaft against the tops of her breasts, purposefully draping it across them. “Do speak up if I do something you’re uncomfortable with, okay?~”

For the moment, Ann simply nodded her head. While it was a little odd, nothing about this situation told her to make Haru stop. Nothing about the pose Haru took made her feel uncomfortable. And as soon as her dear friend snapped the first picture from above her, Ann felt her heart skip a beat and her mind suddenly go cloudy. A powerful scent wafted into her nostrils and a powerful musk clouded her mind. And in the same instant, she began to drool, though it didn’t lead to much with her mouth closed.

On the other hand, Haru knew that she had Ann right where she wanted her now. But she didn’t want to give anything away yet. So all she did was bring the phone in front of her blonde friend, doing her best to snap a picture facing the girl. She didn’t know if it would be a good angle for the picture to show Ann’s face or not, but she didn’t care right now. What Haru did care about was the next picture she wanted to take. She quickly rose to her toes and brought her shaft to ann’s nose, staying still for a second.

Just like with everything else that’s happened so far, Ann didn’t know what she should be doing. She didn’t know just where this was going to go. But as Haru’s musk continued to fill her nose, starting to stain her nostrils at this point, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. At least, not until Haru cleared her throat and caught Ann’s attention once again. “H-Huh?”

“Can you get a little lower, Ann? Cover your eyes with it?”

“O-Oh… Yeah…” Ann’s heart started to race in her chest as she did as she was told, lowering herself ever so slightly so that Haru’s massive member was hovering in front of her eyes. And it didn’t take long before she was greeted with the sound of the camera’s shutter clicking a few times.

“Okay, Ann. Two more poses and I’ll be good. I promise!” The smile on Haru’s face faded away for a moment as she tried to think about what to do next. When her feet became flat with the floor as she spoke, she ‘accidentally’ positioned her cock perfectly at Ann’s lips. She didn’t know where it would go or if her blonde friend would do anything. But keeping it in her face wouldn’t be a bad thing, right?

Much to her pleasure, Haru was surprised by the feeling of Ann’s lips pressing a slow and gentle kiss against the tip of her shaft. An excited but quiet gasp left the rich girl as she looked down at her friend. “That’s a perfect idea, Ann! Quick, open your mouth!~”

Lost in her own arousal and clouded mind, Ann didn’t know just what she did to get that reaction from Haru, but she was too deep to not listen to orders now. She nodded her head and parted her lips ever so slightly. Just enough to make it seem like she was going to take her friend’s dick into her mouth. However, much to her own surprise, that was exactly where this next picture was headed. Before she knew it and could say anything, Haru pushed the first few inches of her cock past Ann’s lips and onto her tongue.

The flavor that coated Ann’s tastebuds was immediately better than anything she had experienced during her time with Ren. The scent from Haru’s shaft combined with the flavor in her senses seemed to cause something to short inside of the blonde’s mind. She absentmindedly began to bob her head up and down her rich friend’s length, something deep in her mind telling her that she was right where she belonged. That she was doing exactly what she had been born to do.

Haru couldn’t keep herself from smiling as she kept one of her hands firmly on top of Ann’s head, the glow that was in her eyes hidden both from the camera and from her blonde friend. “You were already pretty deep, but what’s wrong with a little bit of insurance? Right, Ann? As Phantom Thieves, we can’t risk losing our target.~”

However, the glow that was in Haru’s eyes faded rather quickly. She didn’t want to keep Ann under her possession for long, after all. Just long enough to put a leash around her friend’s mind, keeping her exactly what she needed to be. But as Ann’s tongue began to carefully and slowly dance around her shaft, the pleasure that radiated through Haru was enough to where she didn’t know if it was even worth pretending to take pictures for Ren anymore.

The feeling of Ann’s tongue moving around her shaft wasn’t the best blowjob that she had gotten, but the eagerness and nervous excitement that her blonde friend had made it one of the most enjoyable ones. Though, that enjoyment was also fueled by the knowledge that she was stealing her dear friend’s girlfriend from him. And that knowledge pushed Haru to take things yet another step further than she already had. “Okay, Ann! There’s just one more pose I need to take pictures of!~”

Ann’s mind immediately snapped back to reality at the sound of her friend’s voice. She quickly pulled her lips off Haru’s member and looked her friend in the eyes. “W-What’s that… What pose is left, Haru…? I don’t…” The realization that she couldn’t properly remember the last few minutes was starting to settle in deep in the back of her mind. Fortunately for Haru, the blonde didn’t know if it was just her own lust taking over or if she lost herself in the process of Haru taking pictures in order to get herself off.

“Just follow my lead, okay? It’ll be perfect, I promise!” Haru carefully bent over so that she became eye-level with Ann, not wasting a moment in catching those sweet lips in a quick and heated kiss. A kiss that seemed to catch Ann off guard for only a moment, as she quickly returned the affection that was given to her. Though, it seemed her mind certainly began to spiral when Haru broke the kiss and swiftly began to adjust Ann’s position.

Before she knew it, Ann found herself on her back on the floor, her legs spread wide and her hands on her breasts to just barely cover her nipples. “H-Haru…?” One look at her friend’s current position told her exactly what she was going to ask. Haru’s cock slapped down against her wet cunt no more than a moment later, forcing a low but audible moan from Ann’s lips. “You don’t plan to… you know…”

Haru simply lifted her head to look at Ann, an innocent look on her face. “Hm? I just want a few pictures for my collection. That’s not an issue anymore, is it? We’ve already done so much…”

Ann watched Haru’s tongue drag along her lips, noticing the clear arousal that was in her eyes, only to then feel Haru’s cock throb against the entrance to her cunt. “Just… Don’t do something that Ren would be upset about, okay…?”

“Oh, don’t worry, Ann. I’m sure he’ll love what I’m going to do!” Haru’s smile faded from her lips for a moment as she pulled out her phone and started taking a few pictures of her cock resting against Ann’s pussy. Only to start a video recording before leaning back just enough to get a picture of Ann’s voluptuous body. “Stick your tongue out for me, Ann?~”

Doing as she was told, far too deep to back away from orders at this point, Ann opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. “Ahhh.”

Haru felt her heart skip a beat in her chest at the sight before her. And while she was already planning to steal Ann from Ren, at this point it no longer mattered how long it would take. The others still being out of the room did not matter to her anymore. And attempting to keep this a secret from Ren did not matter either. Though, she had to hold her composure until the video was over. “Such a good girl. Your boyfriend trained you well, didn’t he? It’s too bad you don’t belong to him anymore.~”

A deep blush came to Ann’s cheeks as she heard her friend say something like that. Didn’t belong to Ren anymore? What did that mean? Of course, with how things were looking, the thought of belonging to Haru rushed through the blonde’s mind. And for a moment, she wasn’t sure if she liked that thought or hated it. But as a sudden burst of pleasure rushed through her, Ann didn’t care anymore. Her eyes quickly darted down to see the tip of Haru’s shaft pressing against the entrance to her cunt. “You… Plan on taking me for yourself… Aren’t you…?”

Haru smirked as she looked into Ann’s eyes, that innocent look on her face fading completely now. “I have from the start, dear. And, at this point, I know you’re not opposed to the idea.~” She quickly pointed the camera down to her shaft and made sure to record the moment she penetrated Ann’s incredibly tight pussy, both of the girls letting out wonderfully blissful moans just before the recording ended. But instead of leaving things where they were, Haru swiftly sent the video from Ann’s phone to Ren’s. Only to toss the phone to the side and gently caress her friend’s cheek. “Right, Ann? You wouldn’t mind belonging to me from now on?~”

Ann’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she heard those words. Right now, with Haru’s shaft slowly forcing its way into her cunt, with everything the two of them had done to this point, the taste of Haru’s lips and her cock on Ann’s tongue, she didn’t see a single issue with belonging to her rich friend. Especially when she got a look into said friend’s eyes, seeing love blending in with the lust that was in her gaze. “Not… Not at all, Haru… You’ve already claimed me, right…?”

“That I have. But I need to teach you why I’m better for you than Ren will ever be.” Without missing a beat, Haru leaned in close and stole another kiss from Ann’s lips. A kiss that lingered longer than it should have before trailing into a second and then a third. The two of them happily began to make out in that spot on the floor as Haru’s shaft finally fully penetrated the blonde, their hips pressing together just in time for Ann to absentmindedly wrap her legs around the rich girl’s waist, locking her in place.

Ann couldn’t believe that she was in this position. Of course, with everything that she and Haru were doing, it didn’t surprise her that she ended up like this. But knowing that she loved Ren caused a small ache to form in her chest. An ache that quickly began to fade away as Haru started to rock her hips, working herself into a rhythm to fuck the blonde into the floor. The pleasure from being fucked and taken like this outweighed the pain that was in her heart.

It certainly helped that Haru’s cock felt wonderful inside of her, stretching her inner walls to accommodate its large size. All while reaching deep enough to feel like it was pressing against the entrance to her womb with each and every thrust. The pleasure that rushed through her was unlike anything she had felt up to this point in her life. From the first time that she was with Ren to the time that the group had taken down Kamoshida, nothing could compare to the sheer bliss and joy that coursed through Ann at this moment.

Fortunately, Haru was able to take advantage of that. She quickened the pace of her thrusts as she forced her tongue past Ann’s lips. Deep down, she knew that she could bring the pleasure and bliss that Ann felt to all new levels. All she would have to do is use her powers just to trick her dear friend’s mind ever so slightly. However, the two of them were past that point. The moans that began to spill out of Ann’s mouth with each thrust that filled her made that very clear to both of them.

There was no going back from this point. There was no accepting how things were and moving on with their friendship how it was before getting into this karaoke booth. There was no simply ignoring the lust and excitement that they both felt while looking at each other now. And there was no denying the pleasure that coursed through them both as they fucked on the floor, Haru taking full control of the situation by ramming her cock against the entrance to Ann’s womb with every thrust.

Unfortunately for the two of them, they had forgotten about Futaba and Makoto outside of the room, unaware that the two of them were now peaking into the room and enjoying the view. Haru and Ann were completely unaware of the fact that Futaba was recording the two of them as they made love on the floor while Makoto found herself growing jealous of both of them. Jealous of Haru for being able to take the situation that they were in and turn it into what she was currently seeing, and jealous of Ann for getting absolutely railed into the floor like there was no tomorrow.

“Should… Should we stop them…?” Futaba asked in a hushed voice, unable to peel her eyes off of the two of them.

“N-No… Let’s see where it goes. And… If Haru can go for another round when she’s done…” Makoto impatiently dragged her tongue along her lips as she thought about the possibility of Haru fucking all of them during their girls’ nights from now on.


Sitting on the edge of his bed, watching over the videos that were sent to him, Ren couldn’t begin to describe how he felt watching Ann do all of these things to Haru. At first, he was excited that she had taken the time to send him a few nudes while the girls were out. But now that he was alone while Morgana went on a walk, he was forced to sit alone as the video of Ann starting to suck Haru’s cock played on his phone.

However, much to his surprise, almost as soon as that video ended, he was greeted with another video. This one from Futaba. And it had a simple caption with the video. “They forgot we were here.”

At first, Ren wasn’t sure if he should open it. He was too turned on from seeing Ann’s nudes while she was in public. But when he saw Haru’s cock go into her mouth? There was a twisted sense of pity and excitement that he felt. And that excitement pushed him to open Futaba’s message. Unsurprisingly, the video that started to play gave him a perfect view of Haru unloading inside of Ann’s cunt, his girlfriend howling in excitement and bliss as she came as well.

Deep down, Ren could only imagine how good both of them felt at this moment. And he grew jealous of them both as he watched Haru and Ann both look at the camera and shoot it a smile.


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