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After losing her daughter to the sands ages ago, Babel made it a point to do her best to reward every eremite that she sent out on different tasks. Every time one of them would return to her after doing something she specifically asked for, she felt almost required to make them feel like whatever they had to do for the job was worth it. Sometimes that would lead to her making the eremite that did the task cum wherever and however they wanted. Sometimes the reward would be as simple as giving the eremite a hug and sending them to rest. A few times, it would lead to Babel needing to bring the eremite into her personal quarters and let them vent their frustrations.

However, this time, it was a little different. The young male eremite that stood before her didn’t want anything special from her. Just to spend some time at her side with no real goal in mind. Hearing that threw Babel for a bit of a loop. “You’re telling me that you don’t want anything in particular other than to be close to me? You want nothing special?”

“That isn’t exactly the truth, but I feel like it’s the best reward for both of us.”

“I don’t follow. Why are you trying to reward me?” As she spoke, Babel made her way toward her personal quarters and plopped herself down onto the edge of her bed. Her pink hair bounced along with her breasts as she hit the fabric that covered her bedding. “Most of the eremites always want something for themselves. Yet, you want to do something for me?”

“Well, I know you started this reward system stuff after… The incident. And I figure it must be a bit rough on you, you know? You’re like a mother looking after a hundred children. Some of which are rightfully older than her.”

Babel couldn’t stop herself from letting out the smallest of laughs, a gentle smile coming to her lips. “After losing her, I knew that there was nothing I could do. And I’ve already done my grieving.” With the smile still on her lips, she carefully pat the spot on her bed next to her, gesturing for the young man to sit next to her. And after a moment of hesitation, he did exactly that. “It’s not out of some desire to correct something I missed out on as a mother or anything. I just learned the harsh lesson that day that, we could all be gone at any point in time. So… What’s the best way to make sure, if it happens, no one has regret?”

“... To give them what they want?”

“To let them get their wish in one way or another.” The smile on Babel’s face faded for only a moment. Just long enough for the young man to be able to realize that she did in fact stop smiling for a second., However, the instant it came back, it was almost clear that there was something on her mind. “So, I’ll tell you what. You want to be by my side and reward me like I reward the rest of you? There is something that would go a long way. And as long as you keep doing your job, you can keep doing something to reward me as well. Deal?”

“Uh… Sure. What do you have in mind…?”

Babel couldn’t stop herself from letting out a quiet giggle as she dropped down to her knees and made her way between this young man’s legs. She did not hesitate to adjust the fabric that he was wearing, fishing out his cock as she carefully rested her cheek against his thigh. “I want to let out a bit of stress. And some privacy with a young man is one of the perfect ways to do just that. You’ll allow me to indulge myself, won’t you?”

As she spoke, Babel was happy to feel him getting harder in her hand as she pulled his shaft out and into the open. And despite the fact that he didn’t give her a verbal answer, she had the answer she needed right in her hand. There was no hesitation as she leaned her head in a little bit further, pressing a gentle kiss against the underside of his shaft to test the waters.

In the back of her mind, she knew that she shouldn’t go overboard. That she shouldn’t allow herself to dive in and get lost in the lust that was starting to build inside of her. But as she tasted his cock for the first time, pressing her tongue against the underside to tease him, some part of her worried that she wouldn’t be able to help herself. Thankfully, Babel was able to pull herself away from those thoughts as he began to thread his fingers through her pink hair, tangling them in her braid before giving it the lightest of tugs.

Feeling the pain of him pulling on her hair, a quiet but clearly audible moan left Babel’s lips. And for a moment, the both of them froze. Neither of them expected a noise like that to leave her. To leave the woman that was essentially the leader of the eremites. Yet, here they were. And when he tugged on her pink hair again, another moan left her lips. And a deep blush began to rise to the woman’s cheeks.

However, she didn’t let it get to her. Of course, a few moans would leave her while she was being intimate with someone. It wouldn’t be the first time that she’s made such a noise. Though, in the back of her mind, Babel knew it was the first time that she moaned without intending to. It was the first time in a long time that she had moaned because of someone else and not while she was faking it. Though that knowledge only excited her for what was to come, she knew that she had something else to do before properly being able to enjoy herself.

Without wasting a moment, Babel wrapped her lips around the head of this young man’s cock, carefully and slowly taking it into her mouth and onto her tongue. Almost right away, she was met with a taste that she didn’t expect. A sweet flavor met with a tart sense that coated her tastebuds. It was rather odd, but she wasn’t about to complain about it. Especially when she felt the young eremite throb against her tongue, prompting her to push her way down toward his base.

Of course, Babel moved at her own pace as she sucked him off. There was no reason for her to rush through this. She was allowed to chase after her own lust and squash her desires as she felt them, wasn’t she? Plus, there was no one who was supposed to meet her for the rest of the night, so she was free to indulge in her pleasure as much as she wanted to. Which was precisely why she coiled her tongue around this young man’s shaft, savoring the flavor and the feeling of him throbbing against the back of her throat when she reached his base.

However, instead of pulling her way up immediately, Babel instead stuck her tongue out of her mouth and extended it as far as she was able to. Thankfully, she was able to tease his balls while keeping her lips firmly wrapped around the base of his member. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when she felt him twitch against her tongue, hearing him moan in surprise above her. Clearly, she was doing something that surprised him in just the right way. And she was quick to run with it.

There was no hesitation as Babel flicked her tongue against his sack, doing her best to tease it while keeping her throat tight around his member. She stayed down as long as she was able to, happily drooling around his dick as she kept it lodged in place. Though, there was a moment when she felt like she was running out of air. That she wouldn’t be able to stay in place as long as she hoped to. Fortunately, she was able to push that thought out of her mind as she pulled her way back toward his tip, keeping her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his member along the way.

Unfortunately, as soon as she reached a point where she was able to breathe again, it seemed that he had other plans for her. With a quick yank of her pink hair, Babel was kept in place and reminded that she couldn’t move too far without him letting her do so. And for an instant, just long enough for her to realize the feeling was settling into her mind, a sense of submission and belonging crept into the back of her mind. The knowledge that this young man who she was using to satiate her own pleasure being able to keep her from doing things exactly how she wanted sparked something inside of her. Something that caused Babel’s heart to start racing in her chest.

Just as soon as the young man yanked on her braid, keeping her in place, he yanked on her hair yet again. Pain and pleasure both traveled through Babel’s spine as she was pulled back to the base of his shaft. But instead of fighting to breathe, she instead began to use her tongue to bring him as much pleasure as she could. Wrapping it around the base of his member, swirling it around his length, and flicking it against the underside of his cock, Babel did what she could to get him off while he firmly kept her in place.

And even as he throbbed and pulsed in her throat and neck, it didn’t feel like it was enough for her. Or for him. So, with a smile on her face, Babel forced her way to his tip yet again, ignoring the pain that came from him pulling on her hair to try and keep her in place still. But as soon as she popped her lips off from around his member, she happily kissed and suckled her way down his length, making sure that she got to his balls before he did anything else.


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