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Being the student council president, when rumors of a gloryhole began circulating around the school, Makoto knew that she had to check it out. However, with just how much some students already hated her looking into things, she knew that she couldn’t exactly just waltz in and expect to not hear complaints from any of the other students. Meaning she either had to get to school early and miss a day or stay late and hope that people were still at the rumored gloryhole.

Fortunately, thanks to her time with the phantom thieves coming to a temporary end while Joker was being hidden from the world, now was the perfect time to investigate this. And it was far easier than she expected to sneak into the school a little bit early and wait for someone to slip into the bathroom. Of course, as per the nature of gloryholes, she didn’t know who was on the other side, but it was very easy for her to hear the squeak of the old bathroom door and then footsteps leading into the stall next to hers.

Before she knew it, there was a knock on the other side and then a panel moved, revealing the square that had been cut into the stall to allow for the gloryhole. It was smaller than she expected, but that made sense when she remembered that the purpose behind these was for anonymous interactions.

“I saw someone’s shoes in that stall, so I know you’re in here. I’m usually the first one here, so I’m glad to see someone else.”

At first, Makoto didn’t recognize the voice on the other side of the stall. It sounded familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. However, that thought was quickly pushed to the back of her mind when she watched a soft pair of lips make their way up to the stall’s hole, watching them part as she spoke once again. “Don’t be shy. Everyone has a first time at one of these. And no one is going to know who you are or that you were here. Secrecy is the main gimmick, after all.”

The voice was sweet as it filled her ears, alluring even. And it made Makoto wonder if she should do a bit more investigating on this gloryhole. Maybe she would discover something that she wouldn’t if she just confirmed it was there. Or maybe it was the arousal getting to her as she watched those lips part once again, this time staying open as this other woman’s tongue danced in her view.

It had been awhile since Makoto had gotten a blowjob and that knowledge pushed the student council president to lift up her skirt and reveal her cock to the open air. A quiet but excited breath shakily left her as the cool air of the school’s a/c could be felt on her shaft. But instead of saying a word and giving it away that she was another woman, Makoto simply pressed the tip of her hardening shaft against this other girl’s tongue. And when the other girl giggled, Makoto knew that she couldn’t fight it at this point. “That’s the way. Just enjoy what I can do.~”

Makoto’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as nervousness started to take her over in the heat of the moment. She pressed herself against the stall’s wall, allowing more of his cock to fit through the hole that it was now being sucked through. At first, she did her best to keep her voice down, not wanting to make it clear just who was in the stall getting their dick sucked. Most students knew the sound of Makoto’s voice at this point, so it wouldn’t be hard for anyone to recognize her.

However, as this other woman’s tongue began to expertly dance around her length, those soft lips planting kiss after kiss against her member, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stay quiet forever. Especially when this other girl wrapped those soft lips around the head of her cock. At that point, Makoto had to bring a hand to her mouth to keep herself quiet. And as she did so, resting it against the stall’s wall, the cool tingle that came from it caused an idea to spark through her mind.

Without saying a word, and trying to stay as quiet as she possibly could while this stranger bobbed her head up and down the length of her shaft, Makoto tugged on her uniform’s top. And much to her surprise and pleasure, it didn’t take much effort to free her breasts, allowing her to press them against the cool wall. And the instant that her nipples pressed against the cold wall, a lustful moan spilled from her lips. And when the other girl stopped her movement and licking, Makoto was worried that she was heard through the wall.

Though, she was quickly relieved when she felt those sweet and soft lips curl into a smile around her member. Only to pull back and pop off from around the head of her cock. “I didn’t know any girls in this school had a dick. If I did, I would have spread the rumors about this faster. But since I now know… Just be sure to come back every once in awhile.~”

Doing her best to remain quiet still, Makoto felt those lips wrap around her member once again. But instead of the steady bobbing that she was subjected to a moment ago, there was an eagerness and excitement in this other girl’s movements. Between the way her tongue stayed against the underside, only to coil around her length when those lips reached her base, to then flick against it as she pulled her head back toward the tip, Makoto couldn’t hold herself back anymore. It felt far too good to do so.

It didn’t take long for Makoto to start letting moan after moan spill from her lips, reaffirming this girl’s knowledge that it was another woman on the other side of the stall. And as her moans grew louder, the girl’s movements grew more intense. More demanding. Almost as if she was silently demanding that Makoto blow her load whenever she wanted to.

Fortunately for the stranger, with how well she was using her tongue, Makoto was more than happy to let her load free. She did not hesitate to let out another moan as she came quickly from the wonderful blowjob. And feeling a cock throbbing and pulsing against her tongue, the young girl couldn’t help but moan around the shaft as it erupted in her mouth.

She was quick and eager to swallow each and every drop that Makoto had gifted her with, loving the feeling of it pouring into her mouth and down her throat. Even when the student council president stopped cumming and the cum stopped flowing, she was more than happy to savor the flavor that coated her tongue, enjoying the feeling of the thick seed against her tastebuds, and relishing in the way it struggled to drip down her gullet and into her stomach.

However, now that she had blown her load, Makoto was quick to pull her shaft from this girl’s mouth before letting out a heavy and appreciative sigh. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she lowered her skirt and her shirt before knocking on the stall wall. “Just between us. If anyone comes to the student council about this, we won’t close this down.~”

On the other side of the stall, heart frozen in both fear and excitement, Haru brought her hand to her mouth in order to keep herself quiet. Did she just hear that right? It was Makoto on the other side of the stall? There was no mistaking one of her friend’s voices after hearing it for so long. But she didn’t know that Makoto had a dick, nor did she know that Makoto even knew about this gloryhole.

Haru’s heart began to pound in her chest once again as Makoto stepped out of the stall and made her way out of the bathroom. And the moment that the bathroom door closed, Haru let out the heaviest breath of her life, panting and huffing as a myriad of emotions rushed through her. On one hand, she didn’t have a problem sucking Makoto’s dick. But, on the other, did any of the other Thieves know about this? Did any of the other girls in the group have a cock that she didn’t know about?

Haru’s mind raced as she thought about if she should come out to Makoto and let her know that it was her. With the delicious taste of semen still lingering on her tongue, Haru knew that she wouldn’t regret sucking Makoto off again. But should she let Makoto know that it was her in the stall? She didn’t know what to do outside of hope Makoto came back to the stall today.


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