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A few months after taking down Shido and his palace, Akira’s rival, Kyoko Akechi makes an appearance once again.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here, hasn’t it?” A gentle smirk came to Kyoko’s lips as she looked at the entrance to LeBlanc, understanding that the helper of the little coffee shop wouldn’t expect her to be in. “This was the group’s hangout spot. I wonder if everyone is here.”

However, before she could reach for the door to let herself in, the door swung open to reveal Sojiro stepping out of it. “Oh. Sorry, but we’re about to close up--”

“I’m sorry for being late. I just want a cup of coffee. It’s been a while since I’ve been here, after all.” The smile that was on Kyoko’s lips grew into one that the Phantom Thieves would be able to see from a mile away, one that clearly hid her true intentions. “Please?”

At first, Sojiro stopped to think. This girl looked familiar to him. Like she had been on the news, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it after everything that had happened in the last few months. Especially since he had stopped seeing her a little before the group of kids went about their separate ways. Or maybe it was the massive trench coat that she was in, clearly trying to protect herself from the cold of Japan’s winters. “Yeah… The boy at the counter will help you. But be sure not to stay long. Since he doesn’t live here anymore, he can’t stay open all night.”

“Oh, I’ll be sure to be quick!~” Kyoko quickly stepped past Sojiro to make her way inside, putting on a playful giggle as he closed the door behind her. “I’m sorry for being late! Just one cup of coffee, please!~” Her voice rang out through LeBlanc like a horn, alerting Akira behind the counter just who was here and just how happy she was to step foot in there.

As soon as he heard her voice, Akira froze. That voice was far too familiar to ever be forgotten. And the fact that it had been at least five months since he last heard it sent a chill up his spine. The only thing to break him out of that trance of trying to figure out how Kyoko would be here was when she made her way up to the counter and sat down in the empty seat that was right in front of him. “H-How…?”

“Let’s not talk about that. I don’t really know myself. Tell me, how has the gang been after everything?”

Akira’s heart sank into his chest when he saw that all-too-familiar smile shot his way. A gentle smile with a soft pair of lips, but a gaze that seemed to stare directly into your soul right from the get-go. “L-Listen… Y-You know I…”

“Shhh. Shh sh.” Kyoko giggled under her breath and brought one of her fingers to Akira’s lips, shutting him up without a moment’s hesitation. “I don’t want to talk about that right now. It’s been a few months. So, catch me up on the gang.” When she pulled her finger away from his lips, she gently tapped it on the counter. “Oh. And my cup of coffee, please.”

“Y-Yeah… Well…” Akira let out a heavy sigh before shaking his head and starting to make the cup. “Everyone’s still here. Ann’s been visiting Shiho a lot since she’s been recovering. Makoto and Sae are talking about adjusting Makoto’s career path to help in the courtroom…”

Truth be told, Kyoko couldn’t care less about anyone else in the Phantom Thieves and what they were up to. The only one that truly mattered to her was Akira here. He was the only one that ever challenged her properly. The only one to ever give her a match that was worth putting her life on the line for. And the only one that seemed to meet her when she was at her most vulnerable and most powerful. So as he made her cup of coffee, she didn’t really pay attention to what was being said.

Unfortunately, that caused her to interrupt Akira as he was talking. “What about you? Boss said that you don’t live here anymore. Are you back at home in the country?”

“The country? Really?”

“Am I wrong?~” Kyoko playfully licked her lips as she looked into Akira’s eyes, enjoying the look of slight annoyance that filled them. “Oh, don’t give me that. You know you preferred it here. I was here, after all.~”

Akira couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he began to pour Kyoko’s coffee. “Yeah, you are here. So is Ann, Ryuji, Futaba, Makoto, and Haru. At least… For now.”

“Awe. Is the group breaking up already?~” Kyoko couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she placed both of her hands on the counter, carefully pushing herself up and out of the chair. “Is my fateful rival feeling lonely because his band of thieves isn’t right by his side anymore?” Another quiet giggle left Kyoko’s lips as she made her way behind the counter, carefully dragging her fingertips along the surface. Only to stop as she reached Akira, looking him in the eyes while reaching for her cup of fresh coffee. Without missing a beat or saying a word, she picked up the cup and brought it to her lips, making sure to look him in the eyes while taking her first sip.

Being this close to her, Akira didn’t know what to say or think. Should he answer her question honestly? Wouldn’t the Golden Detective just figure out the answer anyway? His eyes drifted from the cup to those soft lips as she sipped her coffee, his heart skipping a beat now that he was able to get a good look at her. “N-No… The Phantom Thieves are not breaking up. But… We won’t always be able to work in the same place…”

“Well, where are you going once you’re done here? I’m sure you’d like some company.~” Without missing a beat, Kyoko brought one of the hands that she was holding the cup with to Akira’s chest. And she didn’t hesitate to gently rub his torso, allowing her hand to drift lower and lower down his stomach, stopping when she reached his beltline. “O-Oh, where is my head at? Last I recall, you and the younger Niijima were in a relationship, right?”

Once again, Akira’s heart skipped a beat in his chest. The way Kyoko moved, the way she spoke, the way her eyes stayed locked on his own. It was clear she was trying to get something out of him. But he didn’t know what it was or how he was going to stop her. Or if he even needed to stop her. “Yeah. We still are.”

“Good, good.” Kyoko swiftly leaned in close and pressed her lips against Akira’s, stealing a kiss from his lips as she slipped her hand into his pants. Of course, for a moment, he tried to fight her off of him. And she allowed him to struggle just a little bit. But not without pressing her body against his own, her supple breasts squishing against his chest while she used her strength to keep him pressed against the counter. All while keeping the cup of coffee in her hand steady.

It was at that moment that Akira realized just what Kyoko wanted. Him. Whether it was because of their rivalry in the past, or because she was wanting to cause more trouble, he didn’t. But what he did know was that her lips were far softer than he expected. And that the way Kyoko’s hand wrapped around his shaft while he was still dressed felt better than he expected it could have. So when the kiss between them broke, Akira couldn’t stop himself from craving more. Though, that craving only lasted a moment.

Of course, it was only for that moment because Kyoko was quick with her hands, just like how she was quick with her silver tongue. And she was easily able to unzip his pants and pull them down just enough for his cock to flop out of its cloth confines and into her hand. “So this was the toy that Police Girl was able to play with for so long… I have to admit, I’m a bit jealous that someone like her is able to handle such a thing.~”

Kyoko couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she set her cup of coffee down on the counter, using her now free hand to press down against Akira’s chest. Thanks to all of her time in the metaverse, she was easily able to keep him in place as she began to stroke his member. And it was wonderful to her to hear him groan in front of her. To see him try and squirm for a moment to try and get out of her grip. A twisted and devious sense of ecstasy filled her as she kept her hand firmly wrapped around his member.

At first, Akira couldn’t believe that he was giving in to Kyoko like this. He knew that she was strong, but there was a difference between being physically held down and just not trying to fight. And right now, as she kept her palm against the underside of his shaft, stroking it back and forth while purposefully allowing his shaft to press against her forearm, he knew that he just wasn’t fighting. Was it the kiss that threw him off? Was it the fact that she made the first move and caught him off guard? Was he just that needy? How was she able to keep him in place?

“It’s pretty easy to stop you from fighting, Akira. You’ve always been one to give in to your lust and desires. It’s how you were able to beat me. How you were able to topple what I had built up.” Venom began to fill Kyoko’s voice as she looked Akira in the eyes, rage and disgust filling her own. She wanted to make him cum and wanted to make him regret it as she did so. Fortunately, she knew that she was getting close with the way he throbbed against her hand. “And that lust and desires are how I was able to claw my way back out. How I was able to come back from that collapsing hell you left me in!”

Kyoko let out a heavy breath as she slowed her stroking, understanding almost immediately that her mask was starting to slip. And as soon as that breath was finished, a smile came to her lips. But instead of the same saintly smile she put on for Sojiro outside, this one had malice behind it. Anger and vengeance filled her gaze as she twisted her hand and rested her palm against the top of Akira’s shaft. “And those emotions are exactly what’s going to cause you to bow to me.~”

Before he knew it, Akira was brought to an orgasm that he didn’t want or expect. And as he came, there was nothing to stop him from groaning and moaning in Kyoko’s face. Unfortunately for him, that caused her to laugh at him as she quickly snatched the coffee mug he filled a short bit ago to bring it underneath his shaft. Somehow, she didn’t miss a drop as he erupted, letting out rope after rope of his thick cum into the cup.

When his load was spent, Kyoko didn’t waste a moment before pouring her now cum-mixed coffee into a to-go cup. Nor did she hesitate before opening her trench coat, revealing to Akira that she was completely naked underneath. “I came prepared for you to put up more of a fight.~” With a satisfied smile on her face, Kyoko was quick to make her way back around the counter and toward the entrance, taking another sip of her warm coffee before stepping out into the cold. “I’ll be back soon. No matter where you are. I’m not done with you yet.~”


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