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Due to a combination of her attitude toward other people and the fact that she kept herself locked inside of her laboratory more often than not, Kokonoe was often seen as someone that you shouldn’t bother approaching. Of course, those who knew her wouldn’t dare see her that way, knowing that she was just pretty abrasive but otherwise fine to get along with and talk to. Unfortunately, those who knew her were far fewer than those who didn’t. Those that didn’t know her never cared to get along with her or try to get to know her more than they needed to. On the bright side, this allowed Kokonoe all the privacy she could ever want since no one wanted to interrupt her. And that meant that those special few that got to know her, that cared to put in the time and even try, got a special treatment that no one else ever could from her.

And that special treatment was exactly why Kokonoe was on her knees in front of a random NOL soldier that took an interest in her tech and in her. She didn’t even bother to remember his name, nor did she bother to ask before taking his cock into her mouth. Her lips formed a perfect seal around his shaft as her tongue danced around the first few inches. All while Kokonoe’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment. The flavor of his cock against her tastebuds wasn’t an unfamiliar one, but it was one that she definitely enjoyed.

After pushing herself to the base of his shaft, Kokonoe took a moment to enjoy the feeling of his member being buried so deep in her throat. She brought her hand to her neck and gently curled her fingers around the massive bulge that was against her skin, her neck throbbing in her hand in time with his shaft. And as she sat there for a moment, she began to move her tongue around the base of his member, teasing him for a moment while she had the chance to do so.

Her heart skipped a beat in her chest before she began to bob her head back and forth along his cock. And much to Kokonoe’s surprise, he didn’t hesitate to firmly plant his hands on her head, teasing the inside of her ears with his thumb. And, unfortunately for her usually angry nature, her tail began to swish and sway behind her, betraying that nature and showing how much she enjoyed him touching her like this. However, she didn’t simply move her head along his shaft, her soft lips dragging along each and every inch.

Kokonoe’s tongue was more talented and dexterous than most would believe. Maybe it was from all the candy she ate, playing with lollipops in her mouth day in and out until it was nothing but a stick. Whatever the case was, her tongue was easily able to coil around this NOL member’s girth, wrapping around it as she made her way to the tip. Only to playfully pop her lips off from around it and flick her tongue against it. Followed by her opening her mouth and pressing her lips against the underside, her tongue flicking against it as she playfully kissed her way down to his balls.

When she reached his balls, there was no shame as Kokonoe began to circle her tongue around his heft sack. Nor was there any hesitation as she planted kiss after kiss against his balls. Of course, teasing his sack like this, it was easy for her to understand just why the moans that were leaving her were leaving his lips. And with hearing just how much he was enjoying himself, that was when Kokonoe opened her eyes and looked up at this NOL member. Though, his shaft was covering half of her face and one of her eyes, leaving him unable to see the look of pure joy and lust that was in her eyes.

Deep down, Kokonoe enjoyed the way his grip tightened against her head as she began to pull herself back toward the tip of his cock. Just like she had on her way down, Kokonoe brushed her lips along the underside of his cock as she moved, allowing her tongue to dance around it as well. But when she reached the tip yet again, something happened that she didn’t expect. Without any hesitation, her partner thrust his hips forward and buried each and every inch of his throbbing cock as deep into her gullet as he could.

Each and every inch of his throbbing cock plunged into her throat time and time again without any remorse. At first, she was thrown off by jus thow aggressive this man was being, knowing that he wasn’t he type to take advantage of her and use her like a living fleshlight. But something about the way he moaned above her, the way he desperately throbbed in her throat, and the way his grip shuddered against her head, told her that she should let this happen. That she should let him enjoy himself and simply enjoy he feeling of his desperation and lust for her.

And that’s exactly what Kokonoe did, moaning around his shaft and enjoying the way it plunged into her throat. The way it reacvhed deep enough to fele like it was going to push into her stomach. And even the flavor that coated her tastebuds as he fucked her throat. The all-too-familiar taste of his precum leaking onto her tongue whenever he pulled his hips back told her just how close he was to blowing his load. Of course, Kokonoe couldn’t wait for him to blow his load and give her every drop of his seed.

Fortunately for her, it didn’t take long for him to do just that. With his thrusts becoming erratic, his breathing getting heavier, and his grip on her head reaching a point where it couldn’t get much tighter, Kokonoe knew that he was at his limit. He was possibly on the verge of blowing his load without being able to wait too much longer. So, instead of letting him make the final call on when he was going to cum, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him toward her, making it so that her face was flush against his hip and his cock was buried all the way to the base in her throat. And without missing a beat, she quickly began letting her tongue dance along his shaft, flicking it against the underside, sticking it out past her lips to tease his balls, and even coiling it around his girth before swallowing around it.

Almost immediately, her partner reached the peak of his pleasure and erupted right then and there. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest at the first rope of cum to splatter against the back of her throat. And her body ached for more as she dutifully swallowed down every drop that was given to her, the sounds of her gulping around his shaft echoing through her lab. Every time he let out another rope of cum, Kokonoe was quick to swallow it down, even refusing to pull away from his base as she did so, not giving him a chance to cum anywhere else.

However, when the cum finally stopped flowing, there was no hesitation or shame as she slowly and carefully moved her way back up toward his tip. Where she playfully popped her lips off from around his shaft, placing a gentle kiss against the underside before looking him in the eyes. “Your seed is starting to taste better and better every time you cum. If it got any better, I might have to worry about becoming addicted.”

As she spoke, a small amount of his cum leaked out of the corner of Kokonoe’s mouth, showing him that there was still a small amount in her mouth. Though, she didn’t say a word as she rose to her feet and reached behind her, pulling a lollipop out of her back pocket and popping it into her freshly cum-filled mouth. A smile came to her face as she turned away from her and made her way back toward her seat, stopping after the first step as the arousal that was building up inside of her craved more of him.

“Tell you what…” Kokonoe playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she turned back around on her heels to face the NOL member. “If you can go for round two, how about you fuck me this time? You’ve been wanting to, right? Now’s your chance to do so.~” She did not hesitate to crunch the lollipop that was in her mouth, spitting it out and stripping out of her clothes. Only to let out the faintest of laughs as the NOL member did the same, following suit and guiding her toward the ground before climbing on top of her. “Don’t disappoint me.~”


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