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After everything that happened five years ago, Byleth felt like she was walking around in an entirely new place. Garreg Mach was still Garreg Mach, the confessional was still in place, a majority of the students were still here, and even most of the teachers that were here during the fight that trapped her five years ago were walking around. Yet, it felt like she wasn’t at the same place she had called home after becoming a teacher. Fortunately, not many people approached her after she returned, unsure of if they even should approach her due to her constantly stoic expression.

On the bright side, that allowed Byleth the freedom to explore the new Garreg Mach. The freedom to walk through its halls and try to gather herself and collect the same information she had in the past. See what had changed and what remained the same. And it was all going smoothly and rather quietly until she heard someone’s voice coming from behind her as she walked through one of the many halls.

“Professor Byleth? Rumor has it that you’ve come back. Is it really you?”

The voice was familiar, but Byleth couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Maybe it was because it had been so long since she had heard it. Maybe it was the ever-so-slight reverb of the echoing hallway throwing her off. Whatever the reason was, not fully realizing who it was that spoke to her, Byleth turned herself around. Only to be swiftly greeted with the feeling of someone’s arms wrapping around her neck, pulling her into a swift hug that brought the professor’s head onto a pair of supple and soft breasts. And it was at that moment that Byleth realized who had called to her. Only one person had ever greeted her that way when they were alone. “Shamir…”

“There are so many questions. So many stories to tell. But that’s not important.” Shamir’s voice wavered for a second as she pulled Byleth’s head off of her breast, looking the woman in the eyes. “For now, I just… Missed you.”

“I… Missed you too, Shamir. I don’t quite…” Byleth fell silent when a familiar sensation coursed through her. The feeling of Shamir’s hand caressing her cheek, her thumb slowly dragging along her lower lip for an instant. The all-too-familiar sensation of desire sparked in the professor’s chest as she looked into the other woman’s eyes. “I see…”

“You have no idea how things have been since you’ve been away. There’s no one in Garreg Mach that can compare to you, Byleth.” Shamir’s voice had a tone of gentleness to it. Acceptance and lust all at the same time. It was clear just what the woman wanted from her long-lost friend. Between the look of lust in her eyes, the clear tent that was starting to form in her pants, and the way that she continued to caress Byleth’s cheeks in her hands. It was very evident exactly what Shamir wanted. Though, it became painfully clear just how much she had missed the professor when she leaned in close and caught Byleth in a loving kiss. A kiss that lingered longer than either of them expected it to. A kiss that made Byleth’s heart skip a beat in her chest. “Let’s go somewhere private to… ‘talk.”


Before she knew it, Byleth found herself pressed down against Shamir’s bed, her head hanging off the side, and Shamir’s familiar cock filling her throat. That all too familiar sensation of this perfect shaft filling her throat and bulging her neck brought a shudder through Byleth’s spine. And she couldn’t do anything to stop Shamir from what she was doing. She didn’t want to do anything to stop Shamir. The pleasure that came from having someone fuck her throat after so long was enough to keep Byleth firmly in place. Especially with the moans that were starting to leave Shamir’s lips.

Byleth’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she brought one hand between her legs and another to her breast. It may have been five years since she was last with anyone in Garreg Mach, especially Shamir, but the familiarity that coursed through her, the knowledge of where this was going to go and how rough or gentle Shamir would be with her. All of it culminated into a sense of belonging that clouded Byleth’s mind.

In the heat of the moment, she knew that this was exactly what she needed. That this was exactly where she belonged after waking up from her slumber. And as Byleth gripped tightly against her breast, allowing her fingers to sink into her soft titflesh, arousal and joy began to surge within her.

“Oh god, Byleth. You have no idea just how much I’ve missed this…” Shamir was never the type to verbally praise someone, but she never had any qualms about it whenever she was buried in one of Byleth’s holes. Maybe it was the fact that Byleth, no matter the hole, was eternally tight and seemed almost shaped around Shamir’s shaft. Whatever the reason was, the words continued to flow from Shamir’s lips as her cock throbbed inside of Byleth’s throat. “I don’t know how you can take it for so long without needing to breathe, but I’m not complaining.”


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