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After spending centuries with Kisuke and keeping herself out of trouble from the Survey Corps, Yoruichi tended to let a little loose whenever she was training. Whether it came to training with Kisuke to push herself to a new limit or simply trying out something new with that man’s instruction. Or even those few times when Soi Fon thought that she could keep up with Yoruichi. Whenever the situation called for it, Yoruichi was the kind of woman to let a little loose and take things a step farther than most would consider.

Unfortunately, even when she was training with Ichigo, that habit persisted. Watching him train for his bankai over the course of the day sparked a bit of hope within her. But also a bit of concern and adrenaline. Every misstep that he took, she saw and wanted to call him out on. Every time he would fall down, she wanted to call out to him to make him get up. But whenever he got up on his own, something sparked inside of her.

Kisuke had said that Ichigo’s gifts were even greater than his own. Could this be what he meant by that? Deep down, Yoruichi wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t allow herself to sit off to the side anymore while watching him train and battle his own zanpakuto to unlock his bankai. When the time for his bankai training came to a close, she was quick to shut everything down and give Ichigo a moment to relax. But she didn’t give him a chance to truly calm down.

Without wasting a beat the instant that Zangetsu was sealed away, she began her stretches. Starting off simple by reaching her arms into the air and stretching her back to crouching down and starting to do the splits in front of the poor young man, Yoruichi had no care in the world. She wanted to stretch her legs and push both herself and Ichigo without risking his safety. And right now was the best time to do so, even if she was facing away from him, her supple rear end in his face. Only for her to plant both of her hands onto the ground and hoist herself into the air, her legs still split perfectly and her rear end dragging Ichigo’s eyes right along with it.

When she brought her legs together and planted her feet on the ground, Yoruichi took her time standing up straight. She knew that he was watching her, even if he didn’t want to admit it. And because of this, she took her time stretching. But once she was done? There was no hesitation as she turned around to face him. “Alright, Ichigo. Your training for the day isn’t over yet. After all that stumbling around you did, I want to see if you’ve improved your footing. So we’re going to play a simple game of tag.”

“... You’re kidding, right?” Ichigo was flabbergasted to hear her suggest such a thing. Not only could she see just how exhausted he was, but it was also clear from the look in her, admittedly beautiful amber eyes, that she wasn’t going to exactly go easy on him. And maybe that was the point, but he didn’t exactly feel like he was going to be successful at this “game” she wanted to play. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to play tag after risking my life today! Besides, I don’t have time to be playing games if I’m going to do this by tomorrow.”

However, one look at Yoruichi made it clear that she wasn’t going to listen to his excuses. Especially when she playfully dragged her tongue along her lips and lowered herself to the ground, taking a stance similar to that of an animal. “GO!”

For an instant, Yoruichi simply vanished from Ichigo’s senses. Maybe she was just that fast with her flash step. Or maybe there was something special about the way she moved. But the moment he realized she was gone, he quickly dove from the spot he was in to just a few feet in front of him. Fortunately just in time for Yoruichi to appear behind him and tap the spot on the ground where he just was. “Jesus! Are you out of your mind right now?!”

“Less talking, more running!” Realizing that she was a bit too fast for him to keep up with, Yoruichi chose to slow down her pace. This time, when she disappeared, she made sure that she was still slow enough for him to follow her. And much to her surprise, his movement had indeed improved from how it was this morning. Not only did he manage to keep himself just out of her reach every time she reappeared, but she was easily able to watch him moving from place to place.

The way his feet remained firm on the ground with each step he took, the way he used his hands to hoist himself over obstacles that would pose even the slightest problem to his movement, and the way he would shift his body to make sure that she couldn’t touch him. It was impressive for sure, even if she was certainly holding back from the get-go. And seeing him be able to keep up with her and keep out of her way at this speed, Yoruichi’s habit kicked in again and she took things a step further than he could.

This time, when they both reappeared one after the other, she disappeared before him, predicting just where he would go to get away from her before stopping there first. And the moment that he was within her reach, Yoruichi didn’t just tap Ichigo and secure this game of tag, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly in a headlock. Holding him like this, she could see the blush that came to his cheeks as a result of her breasts pressing against his back. And one quick glance down, she could see his cock forming a bit of a tent in his pants as they stayed there for a moment. “You’ll have to be faster than that if you want to win. But your footing has certainly improved. You get one more chance and then we’re done for the day, alright?~”

When she let him go a moment later, Ichigo didn’t know how to react. With the arousal coursing through him from her breasts against his back, he knew that he wasn’t going to win this next segment of their game either. But something deep down told him that he couldn’t let her find out just how turned on he was by her holding him like this. So with only letting out a quick sigh, he quickly flash stepped away from her once again. However, this time he didn’t stop and wait to see where she would appear next. He simply continued to move, trying to get as much distance between them as he possibly could.

Of course, watching him move like this and seeing the way he reacted, Yoruichi could feel that she was going to take things another step too far once again. She could tell that, deep down, she was getting excited to have a chance like this again. While he wasn’t the fastest person that she’s ever chased, it was something special to have another target that wasn’t Soi Fon trying to kill her.

A smile came to her lips as she took her stance once again, her spiritual pressure reaching a certain height that seemed to shut every objective in her mind off outside of catching Ichigo. Unfortunately, with that quick cut-off from her mind, the desire to keep her clothes intact escaped Yoruichi’s mind. Her spiritual pressure changing into a form that only Kisuke had seen before caused the fabric to rip cleanly from her skin. Only for a white spiritual glow to form around her breast, and her crotch, a tail forming at the small of her back and swaying behind her.

Upon seeing this, Ichigo was filled with a myriad of emotions. Arousal at seeing Yoruichi’s delicious body nude for a moment. Fear from understanding that she was now going to catch him and he had no way to stop her. Curiosity to just why this happened and what was going to happen from here since he was already no match for her when she was holding back, let alone when she was possibly going all out. And acceptance that whatever was going to happen from here was not going to have any form of rest for him.

Almost as soon as these emotions processed through Ichigo’s mind, Yoruichi vanished from his senses once again. And he failed to realize exactly where she was until she was immediately in front of him, hands pressed against the ground and legs wrapping around his head before he had a chance to even react. As a result, before he knew it, Ichigo found himself on his back with Yoruichi sitting on top of him, her supple rear end completely engulfing his face as her hands rested against his stomach.

On the other hand, Yoruichi’s animalistic nature in this form was starting to get the better of her and was continuing to cloud her mind. Deep down, deep deep deep down, she knew that what she was doing was wrong and that she shouldn’t let herself loose with someone like Ichigo. But where she was, tail gently thwapping the top of his head while she watched his cock form yet another tent in his pants. Completely unable to pull herself away from the sight.

With her adrenaline getting the better of her while she was in this form, Yoruichi didn’t bother to stop herself. There was no reason to and no desire to stop herself from having fun. Especially when she could hear Ichigo mumbling underneath her and trying to tell her to stop. Of course, she happily ignored him as she reached for his cock, pulling it out of his pants and keeping a firm group around the base of it.

Without missing a beat, she quickly leaned herself down and wrapped her lips around the head of his shaft while keeping her fingers around the base…


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