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When she got to the edge of town, still deep enough into the forest to be hidden unless someone walked their way into it, Ryza thought about just how she was going to get home. There were plenty of things for her to hide behind as she dashed from one building to another. And if she wanted to try hard enough, she could get behind buildings on the edge of town and roam until she managed to find her family’s farm, and then it would be a piece of cake from there. But as her mind raced and thought about if that would even work, something struck Ryza.

“Right! Lent’s house has some of my clothes from the times I would stay over! They probably don’t fit anymore, but at the very least, it’s something to keep me covered….”

Despite the fact that she was still naked, Ryza planted her rear end onto the ground underneath her, thinking about the route that she would need to take to make it to Lent and Samuel’s house. “Lent’s already left town, so there’s no need to worry about him. And with just how drunk Samuel usually is, I doubt he’ll even remember me being over there…. If he’s even awake…” Looking down at the ground, Ryza began to draw the path that she was making in her head, determining that she’d have to make it to the town’s center and then make a dash toward Samuel’s house. “It’s not far from the center, and despite being the center of town, I should be able to hide easily enough…”

With a heavy breath and the plan to proceed from here, Ryza nodded her head and lifted herself off of the ground. There was only a moment of hesitation as she grabbed a hold of her staff and began to make her way into the city’s back streets. The area that she was in was usually calm and very light on people during sunset. And luckily for her, she could see the color of the building starting to change for sunset. “Okay… Slow and steady…”

A deep, dark, red blush came to Ryza’s cheeks as she booked it from the edge of the forest to the closest building that she possibly could. She hid behind a corner where she knew that no one was behind her, not wanting to give them a few of her shapely ass as she ran. However, as soon as she turned the corner and began to run toward the next building, Ryza spotted someone older man than her at a nearby vendor. And while she continued to run past, hoping that this old man wouldn’t pay much attention to the rustling behind him, she was wrong.

Almost as soon as she was close enough to be in her earshot, he turned around to see her sprinting past him. And while they made eye contact for only a moment, it wasn’t enough to stop Ryza and make her explain herself. Instead, she brought her staff to the side of her body that he was on and did what she could to cover herself. Though, deep down, she knew it was completely ineffective in actually covering her body, possibly having the opposite effect to this man and the vendor that he was shopping at.

“Sorry! Forget you saw this!”

Fortunately for her, as soon as she finished speaking, she was able to jump behind another wall and hide behind another building’s corner. And she didn’t hear anyone coming after her or either of those two making a fuss about the fact that she was naked. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had closed down her shop to go and get ingredients, causing them to assume that she had gotten attacked. Or maybe they just didn’t fully process what was going on. Or maybe it was simply the fact that they didn’t care that she was running around naked with her staff.

No matter what the reason really was, Ryza was now at the town’s center. She wasn’t in the center of town, but she was on the edge of the town’s most popular section. And for a moment, she didn’t know just what to do. She wasn’t exactly hidden where she was at, in an alley behind two buildings but plainly visible to anyone that bothered to look between them. However, she didn’t think she had too much time to think about that. She couldn’t allow herself to stop now if she didn’t want to be caught. Especially since Samuel’s home was less than a minute's run from where she was.

Unfortunately, Samuel’s house was on the opposite side of the town center from where she currently was. And she didn’t have long before the few people in town that were her age came out for what little they could live of a nightlife. Raising her staff above her head with both hands, Ryza took a moment to stretch, knowing that she would have to give it her all if she didn’t want to get caught. Stretching her body as much as she could without causing a bit of pain, Ryza carefully brought her staff back down to her side before sprinting straight through the center of town.

As much as she wanted to avoid it, there was no better way or time to make this sprint. And as she ran, Ryza knew that there were a few people staring at her, watching her breasts heave and bounce with each step that she took. She knew a few people could see her supple ass cheeks jiggling and bouncing as well. But she paid them as little attention as she possibly could, closing her eyes and sprinting to Samuel’s secluded house, hoping that he wasn’t awake to catch her.

However, when she got to his home, Samuel was very much awake and able to catch her. Ryza’s eyes shot open when she felt his hands grab onto her, prompting her to try and shake him off. “Shit shit shit. Samuel, let me go. I… I got attacked in the first and… And…” A few tears started to come to Ryza’s eyes as she explained herself. “This is the closest place I could go to get some clothes… Just let me stay for a bit. Just until midnight so I can sneak home.”

Samuel couldn’t stop himself from chuckling and laughing at Ryza’s confession. “I wondered just why a beautiful thing like you would come sprinting into my home. Lent’s gone, after all. Though…” He let go of Ryza and grabbed his bottle of alcohol, bringing it to his lips for a moment and taking a swig of it. “He took all of his clothes, and I doubt any of yours would still be around. Or even still fit.”

The tears in Ryza’s eyes began to dry as she listened to him. He wasn’t wrong, but she couldn’t exactly sprint away and go back to her home right now. “Please, Samuel… I just need a place for now. I’ll do anything…”

“Tell you what--” Samuel was quickly cut off by an airy, drunken burp leaving him. The kind of burp that immediately made it clear he was partially drunk right now. “You can wear some of mine while you’re here. And…” A smile came to his face as he wrapped an arm around Ryza’s waist, pulling her close before grabbing firmly onto one of her ass cheeks. “I want you to let me have a little bit of fun.~”

Ryza’s heart froze in her chest when she felt Samuel start groping her. The feeling of his fingers digging into the soft skin of her ass was enough to make her feel a multitude of things. Annoyed that he would grab her like this, excited from the feeling of someone’s fingers sinking into her ass cheeks like they were, turned on by the fact that he didn’t even hesitate to start groping her, and a bit worried about just what kind of impact this would have if Samuel remembered this the next time they saw each other. Her heart started to race once again when his laughter pulled her from her thoughts. “S-Samuel…?”

“Could you imagine if Lent found out that his childhood crush was at my home naked while he was off and about?” Samuel couldn’t stop himself from getting louder and louder with each laugh, his grip on Ryza’s supple rear end getting a bit tighter. Though, that only lasted for a moment before he instead grabbed onto her hips, turned her around, and brought his hand to her budding breasts. “Oh, I can’t wait until he finds out. He did mention wanting to come home in a few days.”

Upon hearing that Lent wanted to come home, Ryza quickly pulled herself away from Samuel to try and get him off of her. However, the instant that she was out of his grip, it felt like something was missing. The moment his hands were no longer on her body, it felt like she was lacking an essential touch. And with just how flustered she was, Ryza didn’t know if it was because of the fact that Samuel was so easily willing to grab her body, or if it had to do with just how sensitive the punis made her earlier in the day.

Whatever the reason was, Ryza did her best to try and center herself and focus. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, only to be met with the sudden and heavy smell of alcohol that was on Samuel’s body and currently in the bottle he had in his hand. And before she could turn away from him to try and get away from the smell, Ryza was once again met with the feeling of Samuel’s hands grabbing her hips. Only to then be yanked in his direction.


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