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With how complicated her job is, Naoto understands that there are a few sacrifices she needs to make.

Despite being a detective who preferred her time out in the field, Naoto was asked very often to be the one to interrogate the criminals that were caught. On one hand, she didn’t mind because it meant putting more people behind bars that deserved it. But on the other hand, since she was a woman, it usually meant she had to sacrifice her body to get them to confess to their crimes. Which was good for the stress that this job built up, but bad for the relationship she had with her boyfriend.

Most of the time when she stepped out of the interrogation room, she was able to confidently say she got the criminal to talk. And today was another one of those times. With a small smile on her face, Naoto stepped out of the room and let out a gentle sigh. “Alright, he confessed. Hopefully, the recording didn’t fail this time.”

“Uh, Naoto, you’ve got a bit of…. On your face.”

Naoto stopped for a second, wondering what the officer meant as he stepped into the room. Only to realize that she must not have wiped up all of the cum that the criminal painted her face with. “R-Right… Thanks.” Letting out another breath, she turned toward the front of the station to make her way to the bathroom, that being the closest place she could clean herself up.

Unfortunately, when she turned to make her way in that direction, she spotted her boyfriend, Yu, standing at the entrance. He was on his phone, so he wasn’t able to see her just yet. But she couldn’t leave him waiting for long. Nor could she approach him with a few strands of cum painting her face.

Without missing a beat, Naoto swiped her hands through the cum that remained on her face before taking her first step toward her boyfriend. And as she got closer, she didn’t hesitate to lick her fingers clean, her tongue dancing around her digits right up until the moment that she was standing in front of him. “I didn’t think you were going to be coming to get me when you said you were finished with school for the day.”

“What can I say? I wanted to see you and you said you were getting off work soon. This also gave me a chance to talk to my uncle about dinner.”

Naoto nodded her head and followed Yu as he made his way out of the station, a very gentle blush coming to her cheeks as her fellow officers pulled the criminal out of the room and back to his cell. In the back of her mind, she knew she was lucky that no one said anything out loud about what she did to earn the information she was given. But, at the same time, there was a strange sense of thrill that came from the quick thought of Yu finding out she cheated on him to do her job.


The next day was, fortunately, much of the same for Naoto. She was out in the field today but had to meet an informant so they could make the station could make their next big bust. Unfortunately, with the reputation she had earned for herself in the force, everyone who worked with her had a certain expectation. And it was an expectation that she was willing to meet if it got her what she wanted.

Which was exactly why Naoto was currently on her knees in an alleyway with the informant’s dick buried in her throat.

Bobbing her head back and forth along his length, she kept her tongue moving. Naoto knew what to do in order to get most men off. To make them enjoy themselves in a way that only she could provide. And it certainly helped that she could always tell when they were about to blow their load, giving her the perfect opportunity to pop her lips off from around their shafts and tighten her grip around their base.

Each and every time, without fail, they begged her to continue and to let them cum. And every time, much like this time, she made sure they would talk before allowing them to blow their load. It was such a power trip that she couldn’t help but enjoy it. Literally toying with her partner’s pleasure so that she could get what she wanted out of them. It was a lovely feeling, even if she was the one on her knees.

Fortunately, as soon as they came, they were usually compliant about telling her what she wanted to know. Unfortunately, this time was interrupted at the worst time as she turned her head to see if anyone was coming into the alley, only to see Yu and Rise making their way past.

Seeing this, Naoto was quick to bury her face back in the man’s crotch. She knew that, if she looked like she was into it, from a quick glance, her friend and boyfriend wouldn’t be able to recognize her. So she swiftly popped her lips off from around his member and began to drag her tongue along the underside as she made her way to his balls. Only to then take them into her mouth, getting him hard and ready for a second round as the two of them made their way past the alley and wherever they were headed.

Of course, when she pulled her head away from the informant’s cock only to see it hard again, Naoto couldn’t help but let out a quiet sigh. She didn’t mind sucking him off a second time, but she was hoping to get away with only doing it once. “This information better be worth it. Otherwise, you’re going to be returning the favor.”

“Let’s just say that, if you’re that bothered, I can return the favor anyway.”

Naoto’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she rolled her eyes, taking his tip back into her mouth and getting back to work.


Doing the kind of work that she did, it didn’t surprise Naoto that her job followed her even into her own home. For whatever reason, when some criminals got out of jail, they were assigned to her like she was some kind of parole officer. Which didn’t make sense to her, but she didn’t argue it, knowing it was just because the station was too short-staffed to be able to do things otherwise.

Unfortunately, this would cause some of the criminals that she caught to feel a bit too comfortable with her. To the point that she found herself pinned against her own doorway, breasts squashed against the wooden door as she was taken from behind. A thick, hard, throbbing shaft plunging deep into her pussy time and time again in her own home, by a man that she knew to be a criminal that should still likely be behind bars.

However, as he fucked her against her own front door, Naoto couldn’t bring herself to argue against him. He wasn’t doing anything that would hurt her, and he wasn’t doing anything that could be considered assault since she was enjoying it. Nor was she fighting against him when she clearly had the strength to do so. So, even if she wanted to try and throw this man back in jail for what he was doing, there wasn’t a shred of a chance that would happen. Especially not with the way she moaned out for him with each and every thrust that filled her cunt.

Deep down, she knew that this was wrong, allowing another man to take her while her boyfriend was off spending time with the rest of their friends. However, Naoto couldn’t seem to help herself as the pleasure continued to grow inside of her. The intensity didn’t match anything she had felt from a real, hardened criminal that she had interrogated in the past. But the twisted fact that she was being fucked by someone who wasn’t her boyfriend was more than enough to make up for that fact.

Of course, with her boyfriend on her mind, it shocked Naoto to hear a knock on her front door. Causing her heart to skip a beat in her chest and her pussy to tighten in excitement, though only for a moment. But that moment was long enough for the criminal that was currently fucking her to grab a firm hold of the back of her head and lean in close to whisper in her ear.

“You got real tight all of the sudden. Why don’t you open the door and see who it is?~”

At first, Naoto instinctively reacted to what he said. She reached for the door, but stopped the instant she put her hand on it. “N-No…” She whispered, clearing her throat. “Who is it?!” She called out a moment later, gasping when the criminal sighed and smacked her ass as soon as she raised her voice.

“Narukami. The gang said you were off today, so I wanted to check in. Did I come at a bad time?”

Once again, Naoto’s heart dropped. Just like back at the station, her boyfriend was so close to finding out what her job was really like. But she couldn’t let him in. Not when the same criminal she interrogated earlier in the week was currently fucking her against her front door. And, unfortunately for her, this was when the criminal decided to pick up the pace of his thrusts.

Hot and heavy moans spilled from Naoto’s lips as she was fucked against the door even harder than she was a short bit ago. The sounds of his hips slapping against her plump rear end echoed in the entrance around her. And for a moment, she was worried that Yu would be able to hear what was going on and make his way inside. Thankfully, she was able to let out a heavy breath and answer him. “N-No! Everything’s fine! I just… I…” A loud shriek suddenly erupted from Naoto when she felt the criminal erupt inside of her, rope after rope of his thick and heated spunk flooding her womb.

And, of course, being filled with another man’s seed while her boyfriend was right there, Naoto reached the peak of her pleasure as well. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around this criminal’s cock as he continued to pump more and more cum inside of her. All while Yu waited for her to finish what she was saying.

After a few moments of silence, Naoto heard Yu knock on the door again, causing a devious smile to come to her lips. And she quickly turned herself around so that she was facing the criminal that just filled her cunt. There was no hesitation as she placed a kiss against his lips and shoved him into the other room.

As soon as he was out of sight, Naoto opened her front door and put on a straight face, letting out a heavy sigh. “I was looking for something to wear when you knocked. But… I didn’t want to keep my own boyfriend waiting.”

Yu’s eyes immediately shot around Naoto’s body, taking in just what she was wearing. Which wasn’t much. Her signature jacket and a pair of her gloves. Clearly, she was in the process of getting dressed and just didn’t get anything on in time to open the door. “S-Sorry… I didn’t--”

“It’s nothing to apologize for. But I think I’m going to stay home for the day if you don’t need me.” With her heart running a million miles an hour in her chest, Naoto reached her arms out and pulled her boyfriend into a kiss. Just a quick and gentle peck to distract him from the fact that a small amount of cum was currently leaking out of her pussy and down her thighs. “Be sure to give me a call if something happens, okay?”


Without wasting a moment, Naoto pushed her boyfriend back out the door and slammed it closed behind him. Only to make her way toward the criminal that just creampied her. “You’re lucky that my boyfriend is a bit slow. Let’s get things started again.~”


Naoto didn’t know how much time had passed since Yu had knocked on her door. She didn’t know just how long she had been enjoying this criminal’s cock. She didn’t understand that it was already almost ten at night and none of her friends had heard from her all day. Nor did she understand that Yu was back on his way to check on her because of it. The only thing that Naoto was aware of right now was the pleasurable feeling of this man’s cock filling and stretching her pussy as she bounced on it time and time again.

Her back rested against his stomach while his hands were latched onto her breasts, both of their legs spread for each access to her cunt and his cock. It was a wonderful position for Naoto to be in. Especially when she could feel him throbbing and pulsing against her inner walls. With how many rounds they had gone already, it didn’t surprise her that he was getting sensitive and cumming either incredibly quickly or not for a long time, doing his best to hold back.

Nor did it surprise her when he would accidentally slip out of her pussy and allow what felt like a gallon of his own cum to spill from her pussy and onto his lap. Of course, when it would happen, Naoto was quick to grab hold of the base of this criminal’s cock and force it back into her pussy. With some witty remark about letting all of the cum go to waste.

But this time? When it slipped out of her during her bouncing, Naoto instead dropped her way down to the floor and plopped herself onto her knees. Only to turn around and take the head of his cock into her mouth. Eagerness and excitement both were shown off in spades as she tilted her head from side to side and worshipped his cock with her tongue. All while she plunged two fingers as deep into her pussy as she could, not wanting to feel empty as she put her mouth to work.

When his hands grabbed onto either side of her head, Naoto couldn’t stop herself from moaning out in bliss. It just felt right to have him grab her like this. It also felt right when one of his hands moved down along her back and toward her plump and juicy rear end, giving it a firm and rough smack that left a clear red mark. A loud and shameless scream of bliss left Naoto before she was forced back onto his shaft.

The scream was immediately cut off by this criminal as he started to thrust his hips, fucking the young woman’s throat like it was the best thing in the world. And, of course, with it happening to her, Naoto couldn’t stop herself from moaning and learning to love the rough treatment that she was getting. Even if, in the back of her mind, she wished that her boyfriend would treat her like this while they were in bed together.

Fortunately, that thought didn’t last more than a moment on Naoto’s mind before it was quickly wiped from her thoughts. The criminal suddenly using his grip on her ass cheek and her hair to yank her back into his lap caused Naoto to forget about everything in her life other than him. The simple fact that he was strong enough to manhandle her like this made it clear that he was in the right for taking her and fucking her against her front door.

And in her kitchen.

And in her living room.

And in her own bed.

And even in the front yard when it started to get dark.

In the heat of the moment, Naoto couldn’t bring herself to care about anything other than this man that was currently burying his dick as deep into her pussy as he could. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss, happily losing herself to the moment and the pleasure that he brought her.

As one kiss trailed into a second and then a third, Naoto could feel her bliss and pleasure rising with each one. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to yet another wonderful orgasm. From the way his cock shaped her inner walls, the way his hands held onto her impressive bust and her supple ass cheek, and the way his tongue danced in her mouth. All of it caused Naoto’s already clouded mind to simply freeze over.

She didn’t care about anyone or anything. Only this man whose cock she was riding and the bliss that surged through her. So much so that she failed to notice her front door opening, her boyfriend and their friends walking in with the spare key she gave them. But that didn’t matter to Naoto in the slightest. Not when her inner walls clamped down like a vice around this man’s cock, a shameless scream of bliss erupting from her lips just in time for him to erupt inside of her once again.

Rope after rope of thick, heated, and potent seed pumped into her womb without a care in the world. She was already so full that it had no choice but to spill out of her womb and drain onto the floor between them. But neither the criminal nor Naoto wanted to stop. It didn’t matter that they just came together, or that the front door was now wide open.

Both of them met for a lustful and heated kiss that made it clear that they were far from done with each other. And that feeling was only accentuated when the criminal roughly smacked Naoto’s delicious ass once again.


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