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After being asked to show Kairi and Sora around Twilight Town for their first visit, Xion wasn’t sure what to expect. She knew these two on a more personal level than anyone else in her life, for various reasons. But the thought of them coming to what she considered her hometown felt a bit odd to her. Maybe it was because Kairi just reminded her of what she truly was and how she got here in the first place. Fortunately, she was able to push that feeling aside when she finally met the two of them at their gummy ship.

The sudden realization that Kairi was wearing a thong and micro bikini top combo took Xion’s entire focus. Even the fact that she was supposed to be showing these two around vanished from her mind for a moment until she saw Sora jump out of the ship as well, landing right next to Kairi and wrapping his arm around her waist.

“Thanks so much for showing us around, Xion! I know it must be a little weird, but Sora and I wanted to take a trip and we thought it would be perfect for this to be our first stop! I mean, you and Roxas are here, after all. I assumed Axel would be too, but…”

Hearing Kairi’s voice brought Xion out of her slump, yanking her back to reality to look at the practically naked young girl standing in front of her. “Y-Yeah… Axel comes by from time to time, but he was also just off training for the last week or so. I’m sure he’ll be back by the time your trip ends if you want to see him.” A gentle smile came to Xion’s lips as she tried to bring herself together.

It was such a simple look, barely any clothing but enough to keep herself covered. And yet, Xion couldn’t bring herself to look away from Kairi’s body. Even when the redhead took a few steps closer to her and wrapped her arms around her neck, Xion couldn’t bring herself to concentrate properly. Thankfully, she was able to return the hug that she was given, her hands naturally wandering down to Kairi’s supple and exposed ass cheeks. It was only for a moment and when she realized what she was doing, Xion immediately moved her hands away and grabbed onto Kairi’s back, only to be met with a quiet giggle in her ear.

“Oh, good! You already know why we’re here. And here I thought Sora didn’t tell you.~” With a smirk on her lips, Kairi leaned in and placed a gentle kiss against Xion’s cheek, taking a step back and standing beside Sora again. She didn’t say anything else as she rested her head against Sora’s shoulder, simply basking in the moment and enjoyment from being here.

It took a moment for Xion to recover from what just happened. It was in no way expected and sparked something inside of her that she wasn’t sure how to feel about. Was Kairi always this beautiful? She was usually the damsel in distress while Xion was the damsel that picked up a blade. And knowing just how the two were connected, thinking about how beautiful Kairi was standing there in a thong and something that could barely be considered a top, it crossed her mind that maybe Xion could pull off that kind of look as well.

At least, it did until she saw Sora’s hand reach for Kairi’s ass, shamelessly grabbing onto it in front of her. It was at that moment, when she remembered that Sora was standing right there and watching in silence, that Xion knew she had to start moving or things would take a turn she wasn’t sure she wanted. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard for her to clear her throat and gesture for the couple to follow her. “You two said you were only here for a visit, right? Do you plan to stay for a few days? Or just a quick drop-in?”

“We’ll stay for however long you and Roxas can put up with us.” Sora chuckled under his breath as he thought about the reason he and Kairi were here. After everything that happened, the duo wanted to fuck in every world they visited at least once. Whether that meant staying a few days and doing it more than once, including people they met during their journey, or even just not telling a soul and fucking behind someone’s home. It didn’t matter to them, as long as they had their fun and enjoyed themselves.


Unsure of just what the two would be interested in doing while they were here, Xion figured the first thing to do would be to sho Sora and Kairi the town’s shopping district. And the best way to do that was the trolly that circled around it, letting them see all it had and allowing them to explore from there. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard to guide them to the district, neither of them bothering to stop anywhere that caught their attention. And in the back of Xion’s mind, maybe that meant they were wanting to stay for a while, take the time to truly take in what the town had.

However, the reality of it was that Kairi and Sora didn’t particularly care what the town had to offer. Both of them were laser-focused on Xion’s ass as she lead them through the town, Kairi even attempted to reach out and smack it a few times during their walk. But the moment the redhead saw the trolly that went through the district, a much better plan came to mind. A plan that prompted her to rush out of Sora’s arms and grab onto Xion before storming her way onto the trolly. “I’ve heard stories from Axel about how you three would ride the trolly together sometimes. I never thought this is what it was like!”

At first, Xion didn’t know if she should laugh at the excitement that Kairi was showing, or stay quiet and let her enjoy the moment. In the end, she decided to simply find a seat and nod her head. “Yeah, it was a long time ago now… Before things happened the way they did. But it was a lot of fun to spend time with them. But you’ve never seen a trolly before?”

Kairi couldn’t keep herself from pouting as she turned away from Xion, huffing. “No! Riku, Sora, and I grew up on some islands. There was no trolly there. And, despite all the traveling we’ve done, I haven’t seen one like this. A train, sure. But not a trolly.”

When Sora hopped onto the trolly, a smile came to his lips when he realized there were only a few actual seats on it. And he happily took the one across from Xion, seeing the expecting look on Kairi’s face. “Well, why don’t we go for a ride? This is nothing compared to some of the other things we’ve traveled in, but this is still nice, isn’t it?”

An excited sound left Kairi as she nodded her head and purposefully plopped herself down in Xion’s lap. And she didn’t bother trying to hide the fact that it was on purpose, almost immediately starting to grind against the black-haired girl underneath her. “This is what you get for teasing me about the trolly.~”

All three of them knew that Kairi didn’t mean a word of what she was saying. There was no way she did with the way she rocked her hips back and forth against Xion’s lap, purposefully pressing herself down to grind against Xion’s cock. But that didn’t stop any of them from playing along, Sora knew where this was going already and Xion left unsure of what to say or do. Sure, she had fooled around with Roxas once or twice after all the chaos had ended, but this? This was something on an entirely different level than she knew how to deal with.

Unfortunately, Kairi’s grinding only turned her on more and more by the moment. Maybe it was the fact that the redhead was essentially naked on top of her to the point that Xion could probably see Kairi’s pussy with one wrong shift. Or maybe it was the fact that she could see Sora looking at the two of them like he knew exactly what was going on. Or maybe it was the fact that every time she looked down as the trolly moved, she was greeted with the view of Kairi’s supple ass cheeks flossing essentially a string.

Whatever it actually was, as Kairi continued to rock her hips, Xion felt herself growing more excited. But she was doing her best to hold on and not give in. Would it be okay if she did? Would Sora be okay with it? Kairi was clearly leading the charge, but would it be okay to fuck someone that’s essentially another version of herself? The thoughts rushed through her head as Kairi suddenly stopped grinding against Xion’s lap, prompting the black-haired girl to look at the redhead with a questioning look. Only to see her gesture down between them.

As her eyes drifted down, Xion didn’t know what she was going to see. And what she saw certainly wasn’t what she expected. The first few inches of her cock were poking out of the top of her shorts, resting in plain view against the black hoodie that she was wearing. “K-Kair, look, I can--” Xion started to whisper.

A quiet giggle left Kairi’s lips as she shook her head. “Don’t worry about it! Dressed like this, a lot of people have given Sora and me looks where we’ve gone. And I know exactly how I can deal with it.~” Without missing a beat, she reached a hand between her and Xion and turned her attention toward Sora. “Sora, babe. Cover your ears. I have to tell Xion a secret.~”

It caused her heart to skip a beat to see her boyfriend comply, covering his ears and even going as far as to close his eyes. But now that he wasn’t seeing or listening to them, Kairi turned herself around and placed a loving kiss directly against Xion’s lips. The kind of kiss that could only be described as one shared by lovers lost in the heat of passion. The kind of kiss that left Xion absolutely speechless as Kairi began to stroke the first few inches of her shaft out in the open.

Unfortunately for the girls, the trolly had reached the end of its trip and stopped, prompting all three of them to look around and realize it was time to get off. “Damn… Maybe later.” When Sora uncovered his ears, Kairi brought the hand that was wrapped around Xion’s cock to her lips, blowing her boyfriend a quick kiss. “Go on without us for a minute. I wasn’t done telling her the secret.”

“Got it.”

“K-Kairi…?” Xion didn’t know how to react to what was happening. Nor what to think about what just transpired. “W-What are you-”

Kairi didn’t say a word as she slowly sank her way out of Xion’s lap, keeping her back pressed firmly against Xion’s body on her way down. Only to turn around when she was sitting on the floor, teasingly resting her cheek against Xion’s hard cock. “Sora and I are here for one specific reason. We want to fuck in every world we visit, Xion. And here, it was my choice to include you in on the fun. So, here’s how this will work…”

Xion’s cock throbbed against Kairi’s cheek, causing the redhead to giggle for a moment. “We won’t force you into anything. If you say no, then you say no. But if you’re on the fence… Let’s just say that this thong and bikini will come off in a heartbeat if you’re feeling a bit pent up. Sora may be my boyfriend, but I’ll be your cocksleeve in an instant.~”


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