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Being told time and time again that God is someone she should devote herself to entirely, it only made sense in Gina’s mind that she would want to carry his children. That she would want to devote her body to him in every way that she could. Especially if it helped her make stronger fighters for her clan. Fortunately for her, her beloved God was within her reach, just a few rooms away from where she slept. And as he slept soundly, she thought about just how to devote herself to him and carry his children.

Thankfully, the quickest and easiest idea that came to Gina’s mind was to crawl into his bed and try to convince him. Something that she didn’t hesitate to rush out of her room to do. A bright smile came to her lips as she did her best to quietly run out of her room and make her way into her God’s room, quietly gasping in glee to see him asleep in his bed with the blanket just barely covering his body. “Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up…”

With her voice as a whisper, Gina carefully snuck over to his bed and climbed into it. Fortunately, her body was small enough that it didn’t cause the bed to shift in the slightest. And when she crawled her way underneath his blanket and saw his cock right in front of her face, it surprised her that he wasn’t waking up to this. But it didn’t bother her one bit. In fact, it excited Gina to be able to get comfortable between his legs and watch his cock twitch and harden in his sleep.

After a deep breath, steadying herself for what she was about to do, Gina opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of her God’s cock. Almost immediately, she was surprised by the slightly sweaty and salty flavor that hit her tongue. But it didn’t cause her to do anything more than lean her head down and take more of his dick into her mouth, enjoying the flavor that coated her taste buds.

Slowly, Gina took more and more of it into her mouth until her lips met the base of his cock, her nose scrunching against stomach for a moment. She allowed herself to sit there, relishing in the feeling of his member throbbing against her tongue and in her throat. However, the moment she felt herself being troubled to breathe, her throat clogged with his shaft, she began to pull herself back. Instinctively, she kept her tongue pressed firmly down against the underside of her God’s cock as she moved her head back to the tip.

When she was at the tip of his member, Gina pushed her way back down. And almost immediately, she heard him grunt and groan above her. Something that caught her attention and prompted her to tilt her head and look up at him from below the blanket. After staying still for a moment and hoping that he didn’t wake up, she continued to bob her head up and down the length of his shaft. Slowly moving her way down while keeping her tongue pressed against the underside, before pulling her way back up and flicking her tongue against it as she moved.

All the while, Gina felt herself slowly getting more and more excited by what she was doing. The taste of his dick against her tongue, the feeling of it throbbing in her throat when she moved low enough, and the aching in her core that came to her from doing something like this. Even the heat from the blanket that kept her hidden from his gaze caused Gina to feel more excited for reasons she didn’t understand. But as she felt her own body and her God’s legs heat up and become a bit slick with sweat, it excited her even more.

Despite everything that was happening, her God did not wake up. He did not understand where the pleasure that was filling his dreams was coming from. He was unaware that little Gina was between his legs, sucking his cock. But as he got closer and closer to his orgasm, the lust and bliss that came from having her inexperienced tongue dance along his dick, he found his dreams beginning to fade and reality filling his mind once again.

Unfortunately, he was unable to fully wake up before he felt Gina’s small and tight throat clamp down around his shaft. Something that caused him to wake up immediately and groan in pleasure. And without thinking, he brought his hand to the blanket and threw it off of him, only to see Gina dutifully swallowing around his shaft and keeping her lips tight around his cock. “G-Gina! What are you doing?!”

Hearing Him speak to her, Gina immediately stopped what she was doing. She tilted her head to look at him and a bright smile came to her lips. And without missing a beat, she quickly lifted her head and popped her lips off of his dick, only to bring her hand to the base and start stroking it as she spoke. “I want to have my God’s babies. And I won’t let you stop me.~” With the smile on her face growing, Gina brought her lips to the underside of his shaft while she stroked it, kissing the tip and hearing him groan in bliss once again. “Besides, it sounds like you don’t want me to stop.~”

“Though, I can’t really have your babies just with my mouth. We need to do something else.~” Gina didn’t give her God a chance to say anything before she pulled away from his shaft and began to sit up straight. While continuing to stroke his member, she rose to her feet and positioned herself above his crotch. She couldn’t stop herself from giggling when she firmly grabbed onto her God’s ankles with one hand and hoisted his hips ever so slightly into the air, using her other hand to tug on the string to her panties to pull them off.

A bright smile came to her face when the panties that she wore fell off of her body and onto the sheets beneath her, revealing her incredibly small pussy. And without missing a beat Gina lowered herself down onto his shaft, slowly and carefully taking each and every inch into her cunt. And when she reached the base of it, every inch of his throbbing member inside of her, Gina couldn’t stop herself from letting out a quiet and blissful moan.

“Gina, what are you doing? You want my babies? You know that we can’t have children, right?” A sharp gasp left His lips when she began to rock her hips back and forth against his lap, riding him without remorse. “I can’t get people pregnant. And you’re too young to have children for a while. Even if we tried, you wouldn’t be able to… Have my kids…”

Gina rolled her eyes as she listened to him. She couldn’t believe that he was lying to her like this. “What do you mean I can’t have my God’s children? Of course I can carry his seed! As an Amazoness, I should be able to handle anything!” With a smile on her face, she began to rock her hips just a little bit faster, adjusting her grip to hold onto both of his ankles and keep his legs spread.

As soon as Gina began working herself into a steady rhythm, bringing both herself and her God the pleasure that she knew he needed in order to gift her with his seed, Primo walked into the room with a curious expression on her face. “God, have you seen Gina anywhere? I’ve been looking for her all morning so we can do our routine. But I just haven’t--” Primo froze as soon as she noticed Gina sitting on their lord’s lap, rocking herself back and forth. “G-Gina…?”

“Oh hey, Primo!~” A bright smile came to Gina’s face as she stopped her rocking and began to bounce on his cock instead. “I’m trying to tell Him that I’m able to have his babies but he just doesn’t want to listen. Want to join me and show him just how wrong he is?~” Gina brought both of her hands to either side of their God’s stomach, holding herself steady as she slowly picked up the pace of her bouncing.

Shocked to hear just what was going on at first, Primo didn’t know what to do. Sure, she could easily join in on the fun and prove to their God that they were able to have his children. But when Gina already got started like this? Though, as she stopped for a moment and simply watched what was happening in front of her, there was something enticing about watching this unfold. There was something arousing about watching Gina bounce up and down on that thick, throbbing cock that was buried inside of her. And before Primo was even able to question if she should join in, she was making her way toward the bed while peeling off her clothing.

And before allowing their God to say a word in his defense, Primo climbed onto the bed and quickly pressed her small chest against his face. She didn’t allow him a chance to speak before smothering her breasts against his face. “What makes you think that we wouldn’t be able to have your children? You’re our God. You gift us with so much already, so what’s stopping you from gifting us with this?”

For a moment, just a moment, their God thought he would have the chance to say something. That the instant Primo pulled herself away from him, he would get to remind her that, as their God, children was the one thing he could not have. But the moment she pulled her small chest away from his face, he was instead greeted with the feeling of Primo’s lips crashing against his own. All while the pleasure from having Gina’s incredibly tight pussy engulfing his shaft over and over again rushed through his body.

Gina couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she watched Primo steal kiss after kiss from his lips, keeping him silent and stopping him from arguing with them. In their minds, they both knew they would be able to have his children. But hearing him argue about it kind of took the fun out of things. Fortunately, like this, keeping her hands firmly planted on his chest so he couldn’t go anywhere, Gina was more than happy to bounce and take each and every inch of his cock at her own pace. Especially when she felt him throbbing and pulsing inside of her, leaking a bit of precum and it becoming increasingly obvious that he was holding back so he wouldn’t cum inside of her.

Of course, this only caused Gina to pick up the pace and mix things up in her own way. She continued to bounce the way she was, but every time her rear end met his legs, she would swirl her hips in a circle before picking them back up. And she could tell right away that this was making things all the harder for her God to not cum by the way he was grunting and moaning against Primo’s lips. “You don’t need to hold back, you know.~”

Primo smiled as she pulled away from his lips and cupped both of his cheeks into her hands. “It’s okay. We both want your babies anyway. So don’t hold back. Give us your children.”

Unfortunately, with the way the two of them were talking combined with just how tight and wonderful Gina’s pussy felt around his shaft, their God was unable to hold himself back anymore. And in a matter of moments, a loud grunt filled the room around them and their God erupted inside of Gina without a shred of hesitation but a whole lot of shame flooding his mind.

Not that it stopped Gina from enjoying herself.

With her God cumming inside of her, throbbing and erupting, pumping rope after rope of his seed deep into her womb, Gina couldn’t stop herself from reaching her orgasm as well. A loud, shameless scream of bliss left her lips as she came right along with him. Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around his shaft as she took in every single drop of his spunk that he was able to give her, excitedly hoping that it would be more than enough to get her pregnant with his children.

Of course, Primo was forced to sit back and watch as the two were lost in their lust to be able to stop themselves. She knew that it would be her turn in the near future, but watching Gina spasm while bucking her hips against their God’s cock? It almost sent her into a frenzy. The jealousy, lust, and desire that filled her pushed her to lean her head back down and capture his lips in another heated kiss.

Unfortunately, it was just in time for Gina to slowly rise out of his lap and plop herself down next to him, cupping her pussy and covering it to stop any of his cum from seeping out of her. “It’s your turn, Primo. He’s still hard, so he should fill you just as easily as he filled me.” Gina’s voice pulled Primo away from his lips for a moment, making her look at his twitching shaft as it leaked a small amount of cum.

“R-Right….” Without missing a beat, Primo made her way to their God’s lap, taking Gina’s place and pressing her pussy down against the length of his shaft. There was a slight bit of nervousness to the way she moved as she pressed her hands against his stomach, hoping to keep herself steady. Fortunately, Gina seemed to know just what to do and took Primo’s place at his head, keeping him down and hovering over him for a moment. “It’s so big…”

“But it feels so good, Primo. You can do it. I promise.” Gina smiled at her friend as she brought one of her hands to her God’s mouth and covered it. “And don’t let him try and tell you that it isn’t a good idea. We won’t stop until we bear his babies, right?”

“R-Right…” Primo took a deep breath as she hoisted herself up just enough for the tip of their God’s cock to press against the entrance to her pussy. And without giving herself a chance to hesitate, she dropped herself back down, impaling herself on the incredibly rigid member. She quickly bit down on her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet as pleasure and pain rushed through her system, flooding her mind thanks to his length stretching her inner walls.


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