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//Apologies about being late on this. I didn't realize that nothing was scheduled to post this week//

After meeting that ugly pig of a lord the last time, Edelgard thought that she would never have to see him again. That she would never need to ask for his help yet another time. But as she stood in the mirror, looking at her body and admiring the curves that she had, she couldn’t help but feel almost pathetic that she had to. But her nation was in a state where she needed the help from him before things got worse. And she was going to do what she could to make things work.

Letting out a gentle sigh, Edelgard brought both of her hands to her breasts, cupping the large mounds in the palms of her hands before letting them go. “Come on, Edelgard. It’s just one more time. One more night with that disgusting man and you can never look at him again. You’re the Empress. If it’s bad enough, you can just execute him.” A gentle chuckle rumbled in her throat as she brought her hands to her hips, gently trailing them down her body until they arrived. “But… If I did that, I might lose this source of help when I need it the most.”

Edelgard paused for a moment before turning around to face away from the mirror, silently debating with herself. Should she give in and just let this happen again if she needs to? Or should she put her foot down and make a few public changes that would help her kingdom? Bringing her hands to her cheeks and gentle smacking them, she let out a quick breath and started to make her way away from the mirror. “Now’s not the time to second guess myself. I need to go through with this. And if things take a turn for the worse, I’ll find an answer for it.”


When she arrived at the room where she was supposed to be spending the night with the disgusting lord, Edelgard hesitated for only a moment before opening the door and making her way in. Almost immediately, she was greeted with two things that she didn’t expect. One was the sight of a second man standing next to the ugly bastard that fucked her last time. The second thing was that this young man looked awfully like her former professor, Byleth. “I didn’t realize we would be having a guest with us tonight. It would have been nice to know…”

“What can I say? I heard wind that the Empress was letting herself be used by her lords and I just had to come see for myself. I’m just lucky this old fart here was willing to help me find out for myself. Who woulda thought our dear Empress was such a slut.~”

The moment that the Byleth-look-alike opened his mouth, Edelgard knew that this wasn’t going to go well. Not only did his tone of voice anger her almost right away, but there was a sense of arrogance to it that rubbed her the wrong way. Doing her best to remain calm, she ignored what he said and closed the door to this room behind her, locking it in the process. “Despite having someone new with us tonight, I want to take this time to thank you for taking the time to meet me here.”

Edelgard fell silent as she watched both of the lords look at her, their eyes clearly moving up and down her body. It was clear right away that they were both checking her out and sizing her up. For the man that looked like her dear Professor, that was one thing. It was their first time seeing each other like this. But for the other one to look at her the same way? Maybe he was trying to gauge if she had changed since they last saw each other.

Whatever the reason was, Edelgard felt her heart sink into her stomach when both of them looked slightly disappointed. She didn’t know what either of them could be disappointed in. At least, not until they opened their mouth and looked her in the eyes.

The fat bastard that Edelgard had slept with last time opened his mouth first, keeping his eyes locked on her face as he spoke. “I apologize for bringing this guest, but I figured this would be another instance of ‘the more the merrier’, as they say.”

“No need to apologize for bringing me along.” Once again, hearing that voice come out of a man that looked so much like Byleth caused Edelgard’s heart to ache and her body to quiver. “I barged my way into this meeting. I should be the one to apologize. However…”

Edelgard tilted her head to the side, waiting on him to continue what he was going to say.

“... I won’t give a verbal apology. I will apologize for my behavior during our ‘meeting.’ Which, I would like to start as soon as you are ready, Lady Edelgard.”

With a heavy sigh, Edelgard nodded her head and began to peel the robe that she was wearing off of herself. Bringing both of her hands to her shoulders, she brushed the fabric off of her body until the entire robe fell to the floor, exposing the lingerie that she was wearing for this night. She almost immediately began to strut her way around the room, putting on a bit of a show for the men as she did so. Nothing fancy, but she made sure both of them could see her cup her breasts into her hands and play with them for a moment. Before turning herself around and making her way to the mirror at the end of the room, stepping perfectly to the side of it for them both to see her reflection showing her front and her plump rear end facing them.

Hearing both of them ooh and aah in the moment brought a gentle smile to Edelgard’s lips. Even if she didn’t like either of these lords, something about the fact that they were enjoying her body made her feel good. Made her feel like things wouldn’t be as bad as she thought they would. Especially when the ugly bastard from last time gestured for her to come closer to him. In the back of her mind, she wondered just what he wanted, but she figured she knew.

Without missing a beat, Edelgard spun around on the balls of her feet before making her way over to the fat bastard that started this deal with her. She swayed her hips and gave them an ever so gentle pop each time her foot pressed against the floor. Something that seemed to excite both of them as they mumbled compliments at her. “As little as I enjoy nights like this, it’s a good thing to know that men like you still enjoy my body. It’d be quite the shame if you didn’t enjoy the main reason for this meeting, after all.”

“Oh, of course, my dear Edelgard. It’d be quite the shame.” The fat bastard reached a hand out and carefully dragged his fingers along her toned stomach, bringing his hand to her breasts before lowering them back down to her hips. A bright and excited smile came to his lips as he noticed some pubic hair above her pussy. “Oh my, you took my advice and let it grow out a little bit, didn’t you? I’m honored, Lady Edelgard.”

When she turned her head to the side, it caught her by surprise to see the Byleth-look-alike focusing so hard on her rear end. And it clicked right then and there that neither of them were looking at her like the beautiful and lovely empress that she was but instead like she was some kind of street whore they were going to use for a night and then throw away. The moment it clicked in her mind, Edelgard stepped back away from them and cleared her throat. “Now look here. Just because we are having a night like this does not mean that you can avoid treating me with respect. I am still your empress!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the fat lord from last time snapped a collar around her neck and looked her in the eyes with an excited smile. “Come now, Lady Edelgard. You don’t truly think you’re an empress when doing something like this, do you? When you’re submitting your body to men like us, you’re just a pet for as long as you’re here.”

Edelgard couldn’t keep herself from growling in annoyance while bringing her hand to her neck, pulling on the collar. “Seeing me as such is one thing. But to dare put a collar around my neck and degrade me as such?” She wanted to stand up and march her way out of the room before ordering these two men executed. But as she looked at the two of them, the fact that she needed their financial help caused her to stay in place as they pushed her down onto her knees. “C-Consider yourselves lucky…”

“Us, the lucky ones?” The Byleth-look-alike chuckled as he dropped his pants and slapped his cock down directly against Edelgard’s cheek. “You’re the lucky one, Lady Edelgard. Lucky that word of this won’t get out and tarnish your already dwindling reputation.”


The first thing these lords had Edelgard do after she gave into them was masturbate for their enjoyment. She was told to finger her cunt and expose herself to the two of them without any complaints. And of course, she was quick to do what they wanted, even if she didn’t want to give them the impression that she would just do anything they wanted her to. But after only a matter of moments, Edelgard found herself resting on the bed that was in the room with her legs spread as wide as she could get them while plunging two fingers into her cunt over and over again.

Hot and heavy moans spilled from her lips as she gave into the pleasure that she was bringing herself, knowing that putting on a better show for these two would likely cause the night to go that much faster and cause them to cum sooner for her. However, as she played with herself, cupping her breasts and squeezing them, the two gave her an order that she wasn’t expecting.

“Bark for us, Lady Edelgard. Bark for us like the bitch you are!~”

Once again, hearing something like that leave the mouth of someone that looked like her Professor Byleth caused Edelgard’s heart to sink a bit, even while she was in the throes of pleasure. She continued to finger herself as she looked at the two of them, biting down on her lower lip for a moment to try and keep herself quiet. But when she heard the young lord clear his throat and look at her, she knew that she had no choice. And after only hesitating for a moment, Edelgard gave them what they wanted from her.

She quickly and loudly began barking for the two men. And while she barked, Edelgard turned herself around so that she could face away from them, pointing her plump rear end at both of them before masturbating once again. This time, however, there was a strange excitement and eagerness to the way she plunged her fingers deep into her cunt. Maybe it was from how the two lords laughed and cheered for her before slapping her ass. Maybe it was the fact that the fat lord reached underneath her body and began to toy with her breasts like they were udders on a cow, milking them as she pleasured herself for their enjoyment.

However, the thing that stuck out to Edelgard the most was the fact that the man who looked like her dear Byleth was enjoying her ass so much. He enjoyed the way she swayed it as she fingered herself. She enjoyed the way his hands grabbed onto her supple ass cheeks as she moved. And she enjoyed the way she could hear his enjoyment as he groaned behind it. Unfortunately, the enjoyment that she was getting from both of them grabbing onto her and toying with her body like this pushed her into an unexpected orgasm.

A sharp and hot breath erupted from Edelgard as she reached her peak, burying her face into the bed and moaning as her inner walls clamped down around the fingers that were buried inside of it. All while the two lords continued to grope her and play with her body like she was a simple toy for them. And all the while, she couldn’t stop herself from groaning and continuing to masturbate for them. “P-Please… Don’t just look at me like this… Fuck me. You’re both here to fuck me, after all. You’re both here to ravage my body. So, why? Why aren’t you doing it?”

As she spoke, Edelgard felt the humiliation that coursed through her growing even stronger. Why was she asking them to fuck her like this? Was she giving into her role as their pet more than she should be? Was the pleasure from masturbating in front of them that influential on her? Was the fact that someone who looked like Byleth looking at her like they wanted to ravage her driving her crazy? She didn’t know just what was going on and why she was begging them like she was. But Edelgard couldn’t bring herself to stop as she rolled over onto her back, looking at the two lords with a lustful look in her eyes. “You’re here to use my body, right? Then use it…”

Edelgard’s heart raced in her chest as she watched the two lords share a quick look with each other, almost like they were proud she was asking them to ravage her body like this. But before she could get another word out, the Byleth look-alike climbed over her body and straddled her stomach, slapping his cock down against her breasts. All while the fat and ugly lord made his way to her side and grabbed one of her wrists, pulling her hand to his cock in the same motion. A sharp and lustful gasp erupted from Edelgard’s lips when the man that looked like Byleth grabbed onto both of her breasts and began to knead them while forcing his cock in between them. The heat that radiated off of it caused a gentle breath to leave her lips.

“Alright, Lady Edelgard. If you want us to ravage you so badly, I think we’ll do just that. But first, I want good use of these breasts before doing anything else.”

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she looked up at this man, feeling his cock rock back and forth between her breasts. Even if she knew that he wasn’t her dear Byleth, knowing that they looked alike was enough for her to remember her professor’s voice as this young lord spoke to her. And, for some reason beyond her current and lustful understanding, Edelgard found herself wanting to hear him more. She found herself craving to hear Byleth talk to her like that. “Please, make good use of them. Use them to your heart’s content. Cum on them if you want. Slap them, play with them. Do whatever you want. Just keep telling me what you want.”

While her eyes were locked on the young lord that looked like her professor, Edelgard absentmindedly began to stroke the cock that was in her hand. She didn’t care that the fat and ugly lord was right next to her, enjoying the way her fingers felt around his shaft. The only thing she cared about was hearing this young man compliment her and say how much he wanted to use her body. And, even if she thought she wouldn’t get it, she wanted to hear him some more. Especially when he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, his cock slamming against her chin with each thrust that he made.

“I want to feel that mouth of yours around my cock. You don’t deserve to speak tonight, Edelgard. Someone like you should know their place as my pet. And if you don’t, I’ll have to teach you.”

Hearing such a thing, Edelgard immediately lowered her head and took the head of this young lord’s cock into her mouth. The taste immediately brought her back to reality for a moment, something about it throwing her off and making her almost want to vomit. But as he continued to push himself back and forth, fucking both her breasts and her mouth, that putrid taste began to fade and leave Edelgard craving more. So much so that she didn’t hesitate to bring her free hand to this young man’s hips, keeping him from pulling back too far and leaving her unsatisfied.

However, that only caused the man to laugh at her and grip her breasts even tighter as he continued to thrust. “Really now? For a bitch that was so against this happening when you first walked in, you sure are enjoying yourself now. Is it because you truly are the slut that people say you are? Or is it because you’ve just lost your mind and are giving in to your role as our pet? Or maybe you’re just an empress that enjoys being looked down on and treated like a whore.” The Byleth look-alike couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he brought a hand back and slapped Edelgard right across the cheek, quickly bringing it back to her breast to keep the pleasure flowing. “Whatever. As long as you behave and do what we want, I’ll treat you however you like.~”

Edelgard’s heart raced in her chest as she listened to this man. Imagining her dear Professor Byleth speak to her like this sparked something deep inside of her, even if she knew that it wasn’t exactly him that was talking to her. And as she closed her eyes and gave into the pleasure of him ravaging her throat like this, she noticed something was off. The feeling of his hands on her breasts disappeared from her mind for a moment. And before she knew it, she was being shifted along the bed. Just enough that the young lord that looked like Byleth could properly straddle her and plunge his cock into her throat. When Edelgard opened her eyes again, she was met with the sight of him hovering over her, his cock slowly sinking into her mouth.

While his cock sank into her throat, Edelgard was met with the feeling of his hands grabbing onto the horned headpiece that she wore. She couldn’t feel him gripping onto the metal that intertwined with her hair, but she could easily feel him using his grip to move her head back and forth along his cock. Each and every inch of his cock pumped into her mouth at his own pace, all while she was forced to look up at him and see the look of joy and pleasure on his face.

At first, Edelgard didn’t know just what she should do. She didn’t know if she should give in and suck him off like he wanted, ignoring the fat bastard that now sat to her side, or if she should pull away from the man that looked like her professor and tend to the man who she was originally supposed to meet alone tonight. With the pleasure and excitement that was rushing through her, though, Edelgard found herself eagerly sucking on the dick that plunged into her throat over and over again. Right up until the moment that she felt the grip on her horns suddenly let go.

Before she knew it, the fact bastard had turned her head using her horns and was now forcing his cock into her throat. It seemed he didn’t want to wait for her to get the young lord off before having his own fun. And for reasons beyond her current understanding, that lit something deep inside of Edelgard’s core. Something that caused her heart to race in her chest, a smile to come to her lips, and her pussy to ache to be filled by one of these two men.

However, all she could do while they ravaged her throat was stay still and let them enjoy themselves. With the Byleth look-alike sitting on her stomach, she couldn’t move even if she wanted to. And with her mouth plugged by a putrid, yet addictive, dick, Edelgard couldn’t bring herself to pull back and beg the men to fuck her while she was like this. Even when the man who looked like her professor grabbed her horns once again and pulled her off of the ugly bastard’s dick, leaving her mouth free, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. The only thing to leave her lips were the sounds of her gasping for air and the sweet sounds of her moans filling the room around them.

And when his dick plugged her throat once again, Edelgard felt like she was going to reach her peak at any moment. From the way these two men greedily grabbed her body and toyed with her, to the way their cocks were forced into her throat over and over again, to the greedy way her Byleth look-alike glared at her and treated her like she was some kind of toy. All of it built into something that Edelgard couldn’t stop herself from enjoying, even if she would have wanted to not enjoy this while the two of them continued to toy with and abuse her throat.


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