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After what felt like a blissful eternity, Leo and Annabeth broke the kiss they were sharing once again. The two stared at each other silently for a moment as Annabeth simply enjoyed the feeling of Leo’s hands squeezing her breasts through her crop top. She didn’t know just where things were going to go from here, the realization that they were still in the middle of the open coming back to her mind. “L-Leo, I--”

Leo quickly cut Annabeth off with another quick peck to her lips, keeping her silent as he lowered his hands from her breasts to her stomach. When he pulled away, the lust that he felt toward her was still in his eyes, but there was also a look of concern. “Annabeth, listen. Do you want this to continue? With everything we’ve done, the people we’re dating… Do you want this to keep going? I don’t wanna--”

This time, Annabeth caused Leo to fall silent by bringing a finger to his lips and chuckling in his face. “You’re such an idiot, Leo. A cute idiot, though. If Percy is going to ignore me, I’ll be happy to cheat with someone who will actually appreciate me. Especially if you can keep it a secret. So…” She fell silent for a moment while carefully slipping one of his hands underneath her top and allowing him to cup her breast in his palm. “If you think you can keep it a secret… Feel free to grab me like this any time we’re alone.”

When Leo pulled his hand away from her breast, Annabeth smirked as she pulled away from his body, standing up in front of him. She quickly turned around and looked him in the eyes, watching as his gaze drifted down to her breasts that just barely peeked out from underneath her crop top. “For now, though… It’s the middle of the day. I don’t want anyone thinking anything and getting any ideas, even if I do enjoy my time with you.” A gentle smile came to Annabeth’s lips as she bent over to pick up her bikini top, allowing her breasts to become completely visible to Leo for just a moment.

In the back of his mind, Leo couldn’t believe that she was still willing to keep things going between them. He was more than happy with the idea of being with Annabeth, but for her to cheat on Percy? It was a shock to him. But he couldn’t bring himself to care about how Percy would feel if they were caught when Annabeth stood up straight in front of him. Leo was quick to rise from his seat and catch her in yet another kiss. This one more gentle and loving than the others, allowing it to linger for a moment before smacking her ass with a smirk. “Be sure to bring your cap of invisibility tonight, okay?”

“Sure sure.” A gentle blush came to Annabeth’s cheeks as she turned around to walk away, fiddling with her bikini top to put it back on while making her way back to her cabin. She purposefully swayed her hips with each and every step that she took, giving Leo something to admire as she walked away from him. “I don’t know just what you have planned, but I’m excited to see where it leads. Just don’t start boring me, Leo.~”

Of course, still standing in the middle of the open, his cock straining and struggling against his clothes, Leo couldn’t take his eyes off of her shapely ass as it swayed back and forth in front of him. “How could Percy possibly ignore someone like her? I don’t get how you can ignore someone so beautiful. But, his loss is my gain, it seems.” As soon as he finished speaking, a thought rushed through Leo’s mind that caused a blush to come to his own cheeks.

The thought of Annabeth’s ass cheeks wrapped around his cock as he thrust into them. They looked so soft and supple that he knew it would feel nearly heavenly to be buried between them. Especially if he got to hear her moaning all the while. The thought caused a smile to come to his face, his cock hardening his pants as he continued to think about it. Though, the moment he realized he likely could feel her ass cheeks wrapped around his cock, a devious thought came to his mind. They were planning on being alone, after all. And Leo knew just how to make it work so both of them would enjoy themselves.


Later that day, when the sun was starting to set, Leo stepped away from his siblings to say he wanted a bit of alone time. In the back of his mind, he knew that he wasn’t going to be alone at all when he got the chance. But there was no reason for them to know that. Though, something that Jake said, caused Leo to feel a small bit of concern for his plan.

‘Don’t sleep in Bunker Nine again and actually come back.’

He didn’t think anyone would come looking for him if he did spend the night in Bunker Nine with Annabeth, but he would at least have to be careful and make sure no one knew they were together. Fortunately, as he made his way to the firepit Annabeth had set up at the edge of the forest and nex to the beach, that concern disappeared from his mind. No one would likely see them here unless they were looking for them, after all. Before sitting next to her, he stopped and watched her for a moment, enjoying the way she gazed at the fire and almost seemed lost in thought. Something about the way she looked right now almost rivaled Calypso in beauty in his mind. Maybe he was making a mistake by cheating with her, but he couldn’t bring himself to worry about it when someone so beautiful was waiting for him with a smile on her face.

“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long, Annabeth.”

Annabeth quickly turned her head to see Leo making his way over to her, sitting down next to her without saying another word. Without missing a beat, she leaned her head against his shoulder and continued to watch the fire. The smile that was on her face grew slightly larger when she felt one of his hands wrap around her waist and hold her tightly, almost pulling her even closer to him. She stayed silent as she watched him bring his other hand to the fire, letting the flames fill his palm before they suddenly got bigger, but not big enough to draw any attention their way. “You didn’t keep me waiting too long. Though, I was starting to get bored.”

“Then I hope what I have planned for us tonight is worth it. I wouldn’t want to keep a lovely lady like yourself bored when you’ve already got someone treating you wrong.”

Annabeth couldn’t keep herself from chuckling at his line, only earning herself a gentle squeeze of her hip. “A lovely lady like myself, huh?”

“A lovely lady whose beauty is matched only by nature herself. Quite the competition, though.”

The smile that was on her face faded for just a moment. She knew he meant what he said, knowing that he did find her beautiful. But hearing him say it like that prompted Annabeth to roll her eyes and look at him in a bit of disbelief. “Come on, Leo, really? You could just call me beautiful and kiss me. No need to be such a dork about it.”

Without missing a beat, Annabeth leaned her head upward and planted a gentle and loving kiss onto Leo’s lips. She let the kiss linger for as long as he wanted it to before finally pulling away from him. With a smile on her face, she brought one of her hands to his chest and looked him in the eyes. “Even if you’re a bit of a dork, you’re far cuter and sexier than Percy could ever hope to be.” She carefully brought the hand that was on his chest to his pointed ears, her smile growing as she gently rubbed one of his ears. “And I love that about you. You’ll always be better than he’s been.”

Leo didn’t know how to react when she began to rub his ears. It was such a gentle feeling, the words leaving her having such a tenderness and truthfulness to them that he didn’t know just how to react. But he did know one thing. If she was complimenting him like this, telling him the truth as she affectionately touched him, Percy really was someone that fucked up and he was truly lucky to have Annabeth in his arms. Even if what they were doing was wrong, even if what they were doing would ruin friendships and relationships, he was happy to have her in his arms. Especially when she pulled him into yet another kiss. A kiss that he used to pull her body closer and tighter to his own.

As the two trailed from one slow kiss to another, Annabeth didn’t hesitate to rub her hands against Leo’s body. She didn’t hesitate to bring one of her hands to his crotch, feeling his rigid cock through his pants while kissing him. Nor did she hesitate to bring that same hand underneath his shirt, feeling just how toned he was underneath his top. Her lips curled into a smile against his own as she felt him up in the middle of the open, enjoying the way his hands began to drift along her body as well.

While the two refused to break apart from the other one, sharing kiss after kiss after kiss, Annabeth relished in the feeling of Leo’s hands roaming her body. From the way his fingers dragged along her skin to the way he carefully and playfully tugged at her clothes, to the way he forced his tongue past her lips to toy with her own. He moved and touched her in a way that made it seem like he was perfect for her. That he was the person that she needed to be with instead of Percy. And as he slipped a hand behind her and into her shorts, Annabeth found herself allowing Leo to grab onto her supple ass cheek through the bikini bottoms that she had on..

And as he continued to feel her up, she did the same. Going as far as to unzip his pants and lower them just enough for her to be able to slip her hand onto his boxers. Annabeth pulled away from Leo’s lips for just a moment, just long enough to look him in the eyes as she grabbed onto his cock through the fabric of his underwear. And the reaction she got out of him was something that she would cherish for as long as she remembered it. The look of shock and pleasure that was on his face when she began to carefully move her hand up and down his length despite not having a proper hold on it. It was clear to her just how much he was loving it.

Though, when his grip on her plump rear end grew even tighter, Annabeth found herself getting more and more excited from the moment. Not only did she want him to pull her shorts and bikini bottoms down and grab onto her bare ass cheek, but she wanted to feel him take that first step. She wanted to feel him prove that he could handle her in the heat of the moment. But, on some level, she also wanted to prove to him that she wasn’t going to let herself just become some kind of eye candy for him to enjoy and then ignore. “Leo, I hope you know that, if we’re going to do more, we can’t just be right here. We can’t do this just out in the open like this.”

Leo’s mind stopped for a moment as he listened to her. She was right. In the heat of the moment, he got so caught up in feeling her up that he didn’t want them to move and lose the momentum they were feeling. But when she didn’t kiss him back right away like he expected, he knew that she was right about things. However, what he didn’t expect was for her to ignore what she just said and push him into the sand by the fire, making sure he wasn’t too close to it.

He couldn’t stop himself from gasping when his back hit the ground. Nor could Leo keep himself from moaning when he suddenly felt Annabeth plop herself down into his lap, straddling him so perfectly that when she moved her hips, she could pull his underwear down if she wanted to. However, he didn’t argue with her when she started to move. He didn’t want to argue with her. He didn’t want her to do anything but ride him right now. Especially when she reached for the crop top she had on, pulling it off and over her head.

“If you tell a soul about this, Leo, I’ll make sure you lose your cock. Got it?” When she lowered her arms back down, Annabeth kept both of her hands underneath her bikini-clad breasts, cupping them in both of her hands while continuing to shake her hips. She wanted him to see, and it caused her to blush when she realized that he was staring directly at her breasts. But she couldn’t bring herself to lower her hands away from her breasts. Not right away. Not when she knew that they should move from this spot as soon as they had a chance.

But despite knowing that they should move, Annabeth couldn’t stop herself from picking up the pace of her grinding, even going as far as to moan under her breath as she worked herself into a steady and desperate pace. She didn’t know if she wanted him to cum right now or if she wanted to feel him inside of her. But when she felt Leo’s hands suddenly grab onto her hips, tracing the hem of her shorts until he reached her zipper, she knew she needed to do something.

However, instead of stopping right then and there and getting up to lead Leo somewhere private, Annabeth dropped both of her hands down and grabbed onto Leo’s wrists. A faint blush was on her cheeks as she looked him in the eyes, bringing his hands from her shorts to her stomach. “Not so fast, cutie. One step at a time. Why don’t you enjoy the sight that’s in front of you before you try and spot something else?” She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she slowly guided his hands up to her breasts, letting go when he immediately squeezed down on her plump breasts. “That’s much better… Don’t you dare stop until you’re satisfied or I tell you to.”


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