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After everything that the two of them had been through, Kyuubi couldn’t believe how happy she was to be sitting along with Naruko on their wedding night. Both of them had been dressed in matching red and orange dresses with Kyuubi’s nine tails waving behind her during the ceremony. It was still a treat in her mind that the dress went so well with her red eyes and hair while still looking good with Naruko’s blonde locks. But now, here they were, sitting together in a hotel after their wedding and waiting on the food that Kyuubi had ordered to arrive.

So, when there was a knock on the door, Kyuubi’s fox ears perked up and her tails began to sway behind her once again. “Come on in!” In the back of her mind, Kyuubi hoped that it was a woman that was delivering their food. Despite being married to Naruko and having dated her for years, the two of them were not afraid to sneak looks at other women and even have the occasional flirty conversation. Unfortunately, as soon as the door opened and the two of them saw that it was a young man pushing their food on a tray cart, Kyuubi couldn’t stop herself from letting out a slightly annoyed huff.

Narutko rolled her eyes at her wife’s huff. “Kyuubi, come on… It’s our wedding day. I know you think men are pathetic--”

“Because they are.”

“Because of what Madara did. But this man is just doing his job. He can deliver the food and leave.” Naruko tried to wrap her arms around her lover, hoping it would keep her calm and stop her from saying anything rude. However, all that got Naruko was the feeling of Kyuubi’s tail swatting at her face and pushing her away. “H-Hey!”

“No. If you want to think every man is doing nothing wrong, then, why don’t I show you just how corrupt they are?” Kyuubi knew that her logic wasn’t making a lot of sense, but that didn’t stop her from making her way over to the hotel worker and slowly wrapping her arms around his body. Without missing a beat, she quickly placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and brought one of her hands to his crotch. And almost immediately, she felt him getting hard against her palm through her clothing. “You see this? Just how easily he gets turned on? He could never compare to you, Naruko.”

Kyuubi’s lips curled into a devious smile as she leaned in close to the worker’s ear and flicked her tongue against it. “All men are too pathetic to control themselves. And you’ll never be able to live up to my dear wife.~” As she spoke, she continued to rub the man’s crotch, using one of her nine tails to close the door behind her. “Come on, why don’t you show her just how worthless you are?~” A sinister giggle rumbled in Kyuubi’s throat before she adjusted her grip and unzipped the man’s pants, acting like she was going to pull out his cock and start stroking him on the spot.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to Kyuubi’s plan. Before she could stop him, the hotel worker pushed her onto the bed she had been sitting on a moment ago and dropped his pants. Immediately, both Naruko and Kyuubi were surprised that he would be willing to do such a thing. They were incredibly strong and independent, but for a simple worker to push her down? It wasn’t what they were expecting. Especially when he dropped his boxers as well, his cock flying out and gaining both of the women’s attention.

“H-Hey! What do you think you’re doing?! You can’t just whip that out in front of us! Not only is that harassment, but we just got--” Kyuubi couldn’t get another word out of her mouth before the man’s hands grabbed onto either side of her head. And she couldn’t pull herself away from him as his grip on her hair got tighter. She was forced to sit there and stare at his cock as he slowly pulled her closer to his shaft, her eyes widening as she was inched closer. “H-Hey! Come on. You’re just doing what I knew you would. My point has already been--”

Kyuubi was unable to get another word out of her mouth before it was suddenly filled with the hotel worker’s cocker. Her wide eyes almost immediately shut when the flavor of his cock flowed onto her tongue. And right away, the man began to rock his hips back and forth while holding tightly onto her head, plunging his dick as deep as he could into her throat. Of course, having a dick filling her mouth and throat was unlike anything Kyuubi had experienced in the past, having been a lesbian ever since she had first met Naruko.

But this was something she didn’t know how to react to. It was something that caught her off guard more than anything she had come across in her life. And as his cock reached deeper and deeper in her throat, something clicked in the back of her mind. Something that caused her heart to start racing and her pussy to slowly become wet. The feeling of his dick reaching deep into her and his grip on her head growing tighter and tighter by the moment.

Of course, still sitting on the bed, Naruko didn’t know how to react either. Her girlfriend, her wife, the woman she chose to be her partner for the rest of her life, was having her face fucked right in front of her by a man that didn’t say a word to either of them. But watching it happen? Watching that dick force its way past Kyuubi’s lips and into her mouth? It lit something up inside of her. A sense of excitement and lust that she hadn’t felt in the past while they were together.

It wasn’t the first time that the two of them had done something sexual. Naruko explicitly remembers the time Kyuubi pinned her down and used her tails to tease Naruko back when they first began dating. But this was the first time the two of them were in any sort of situation like this. And she couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty that she was jealous over Kyuubi being in the position that she was in, getting her throat ruined by a man neither one of them knew or would likely ever see again after he left their room. And Naruko couldn’t stop herself from bringing one hand to her breast while the other slipped its way between her legs, teasing her pussy through the pair of panties that she was holding.

However, it seemed that she wasn’t the only one that was enjoying herself at this point. It was easy to see Kyuubi doing the same thing that she was, masturbating right in the open without a care in the world. The only difference was Kyuubi’s mouth being full and her tongue happily dancing around the cock that was plunging into it. Though, for the nine-tailed fox, that only caused her excitement to grow far more than she thought it could have.

Some lowly man thought it was a good idea to put her to her knees and use her throat like it was some kind of toy for him. The gal that he had to be able to do that, the excitement that it forced into her, and the flavor that coated her tongue and clouded her mind. All of it combined into something that made her unashamed of the pleasure that flooded through her, even if she still thought that all men were trash. This one, in particular, had something about him that caused her heart to race in her chest and her inner walls to clamp down around her fingers the faster and harder he pushed his way into her throat.

As he continued to thrust himself into her throat over and over again, Kyuubi could feel him throbbing and pulsing against her tongue. She could taste his precum against her tongue and it was incredibly easy to tell that he was getting closer and closer to the edge. And as the thought crossed her lust-addled mind, Kyuubi couldn’t stop her heart from racing and her inner walls from spasming around her fingers. Was she really bringing a man to orgasm while he used her as a toy? Was she really letting this happen and enjoying the feeling of his shaft cramming into her throat?

She was. And she wasn’t able to argue against it anymore. Nor was Kyuubi able to argue against the pleasure that sparked inside of her cunt as her fingers plunged deep into her cunt in time with this hotel worker’s thrusts. And as the taste of his precum grew even stronger on her tongue, Kyuubi didn’t hesitate to start teasing her clit, knowing what was coming and how she wanted to swallow down every drop of his cum. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long before the hotel worker thrust as deep as he could into her mouth and blew his load in her throat.

As rope after rope of his hot and thick seed splattered onto her tongue, Kyuubi reached her peak right along with him. As his spunk flooded into her mouth and her throat, causing her to swallow it all down, her inner walls clamped down around her fingers in orgasm. Her eyes fluttered shut as the nine tails behind her swung playfully around, excited swaying back and forth. All while this man she didn’t know held tightly onto her head and filled her mouth with his seed.

Of course, off to the side, Naruko wasn’t able to reach her peak alongside the two of them. But that didn’t stop her from continuing to tease herself while she watched the hotel worker slowly pull his hips back, slapping his cock down against her new wife’s face. Unfortunately, she was unable to bring herself to say so much as a peep when she noticed the look of sheer joy that was written on Kyuubi’s face. The look of lust and desire that she wore while letting this stranger’s warmth resonate against her skin. But as she watched, Naruko found herself getting more and more excited by the moment. Especially when the man grabbed a firm hold on Kyuubi’s shoulders and began to push her backward.

Before she knew it, Kyuubi found herself pinned down onto the floor by her shoulders, the hotel worker’s lips crashing against her own without her even realizing it. But the moment she did? There was no hesitation in the way she returned his affection. There was no shyness about the way her lips danced with his, their tongues tangling together when their lips parted, allowing Naruko a wonderful sight of the scene before her. Nor was there any shame in the way Kyuubi brought her hand between her legs and began fingering herself once again.

The man’s hands traveled along her body, drifting from her shoulders to her elbows and then to her breasts. And the feeling of both of his hands kneading and teasing her soft mounds while he forced her to make out with him was beyond wonderful. Especially when he ripped into her clothing and began to toy with her nipples, twisting and tugging on them while pulling back so he could hear her moans.

Of course, Kyuubi didn’t shy away from the moans that left her lips. She didn’t try to hide them. Nor did she try to hide the heavy breathing that was leaving her lips each and every time he pulled away from her. But as one kiss lead to another and then another, she didn’t care. In fact, Kyuubi was already starting to forget that her wife was in the room watching this, her mind so enraptured by the lust that clouded her thoughts and the pleasure that drove her body.

Her lips curled into a loving smile as the man pulled far enough away that her tongue couldn’t reach his. And all Kyuubi could do was look into his eyes. She could only bring herself to look into his eyes and see that desire that was in them, a gentle blush coming to her cheeks as a result. “I knew men were aggressive. But… You take it to a new level… Were you that sick of my teasing?”

Kyuubi didn’t get an answer in the form of words, but instead in the form of this hotel worker grabbing firmly onto her hips and giving her one more deep and affectionate kiss. The kind of kiss that caused Kyuubi to stumble upon herself and moan that moment that his lips touched hers. The kind of kiss that made it clear to Naruko sitting off to the side that they were far from done with the fun they were having and that Kyuubi would never be the same after this. The kind of kiss that made it clear this man wasn’t going to stop fucking and using Kyuubi’s body until he was fully satisfied.

But once that kiss ended and he broke away from her lips? Kyuubi quickly found herself flipped over and forced onto her hands and knees. Something that prompted her to lift her head upward and look right into Naruko’s face, their eyes meeting for a moment. But instead of turning her head and looking away from her lover, Kyuubi could only bring herself to smile. And she couldn’t hide the joyful sway of her tails behind her as this hotel worker, this stranger that just fucked her throat, brought both of his hands to her ass cheeks.

Staring into her wife’s eyes like this, Naruko didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. It was one thing to enjoy watching her lover get her throat fucked like that, but to now be looking her in the eyes while the man that fucked her throat was toying with her ass? It was something that she didn’t know how to react to. However, despite not knowing how to react or what to do, Naruko found herself continuing to tease her pussy through her underwear as she noticed the deep blush that was coming to Kyuubi’s face. “Did… Did it feel good…?”

“Wonderful… Better than I thought any man could make me feel.” The tone in Kyuubi’s voice was honest and clear, making it obvious that she wasn’t lying. Though, that only seemed to excite both women even more than they expected, prompting Naruko to slip her hand into her panties at the same time that the hotel worker pressed the tip of his shaft against the entrance to Kyuubi’s pussy.


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