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It wasn’t too often that Veronica spent time with Alex without Liz around. The two were never at each other’s throats, but they never quite felt comfortable calling each other friends in the same way that Liz referred to them as. But that didn’t stop the two of them from spending time together every once in awhile, watching a movie they had interest in that Liz didn’t or gaming together while Liz was away with her mom. And today was just one of those days. Veronica and Alex alone on his couch, watching a movie while his family went out shopping.

However, the movie wasn’t what either of them expected it to be. It wasn’t the kind of action flick they were both thinking it would be. And that caused both of them to be filled with boredom as they got to the midway point of the film. A gentle sigh left Veronica’s lips as she turned her head to look at Alex, seeing his dark flicker from the gunshots in the movie. “This movie’s fucking trash. So, you mind doing me a favor?”

“What is it and why?” Alex turned to look at Veronica, curious to just what she had in mind. Being the devious one of their group of friends, she could either think of a way for him to make them some quick cash, or demand he order a pizza for them. He had no way of knowing until she asked.

“This isn’t something I would usually ask, but it’s been something I’ve been thinking about for awhile. I want you to fuck me.”

For a moment, Alex could only pause and look at Veronica with a bit of a puzzled look, clearly confused on just why she would want that from him. “Okay…. Why…? You’re the most womanizing one in the group. Couldn’t you just get one of your--”

“Alex, if I trusted them to do a good job, I would have asked them. But you’re the only one I’ve seen actually fuck someone like they’re your toy. And that’s what I’m wanting. To be absolutely railed.” Veronica didn’t hesitate to make her way across the couch to Alex’s lap, purposefully climbing in it and looking into his brown eyes. “As gross as it sounds to admit, you’re the only one I can trust with this and not just start spreading rumors.”

Without missing a beat, Veronica reached one of her hands down to Alex’s crotch, not giving him a chance to react or even ask if it’s really what she wants. But when he remained silent, still unsure about if he should do this with her, Veronica let out a heavy sigh right in his face. “How many times has Liz told us to fuck now? That she both wants us to get along better and wants to see you practically rape me like you do her? Take this chance and follow her advice. Hell, if you aren’t freaked out by me having a dick, my pussy is probably tighter than hers because only a few people have fucked it.”

Once again, when Alex failed to respond to her, Veronica took charge of the moment. She may have wanted him to be in charge by the end of things, but she didn’t want to wait forever. And she especially didn’t want to try and verbally convince him when she knew exactly what would get him going. Veronica quickly unzipped Alex’s pants as she stayed on his lap, fishing his cock through his zipper with only one hand as she leaned in close enough for their lips to brush. “Don’t make me start begging….” She quickly pressed her lips against his own in a gentle but eager kiss as she began to stroke his cock. And that finally seemed to make Alex get the big picture.

He quickly returned her affection as Veronica stroked his cock, neither of them missing a beat when the other pulled away from the kiss just to go into yet another one. And as one kiss trailed into another, the two of them beginning to slowly make out on his couch, Alex embraced the feeling of Veronica stroking his shaft right in the middle of his living room. Her hand wasn’t quite as skilled as Liz’s was, but the way she moved and twisted her wrist showed just how eager she was to get things started. And that lit him up inside. Especially when she pulled away from his lips, allowing him to look into her red eyes and see the look of desire that waited within them.

“I mean it. I want you to fuck me. I want you to ravage me. The same way you do with Liz. Try and knock me up for all I care. I’ll take pills when we’re done. Just… Just don’t make me do all the work. I want to have the power and control taken from me.” Veronica’s heart raced in her chest as she admitted this to Alex, knowing that it was what she wanted but not knowing how he was going to take being told this.

Fortunately, it seemed her took it exactly how she wanted him to, nodding his head to her and reaching both of his hands behind her. “And here I thought you said you didn’t want to start begging. Didn’t take you long to break that. But...” Alex chuckled under his breath as he caught Veronica in a heated kiss, flicking her skirt up just enough for him to get a firm hold on her plump ass cheeks as they continued to make out with each other. All while Veronica stroked his now hard cock, teasing him and exciting him bit by bit.

After a moment of letting Alex play with her ass, his hands nervously and gently squeezing her supple ass cheeks, Veronica slowly pulled away from his lips and started to make her way off of the couch. She moved slowly and purposefully, getting between his legs and pulling down his pants in the process. When she stopped moving, his cock was right in front of her face, all nine inches throbbing and pulsing only inches away from her nostrils. But she paused for a moment when she got into position, a very gentle and almost invisible blush coming to her cheeks.

“Everything alright? You seemed pretty eager a moment ago.”

Letting out a gentle breath, Veronica nodded her head before lifting it so she could look Alex in the eyes. “Having a dick myself, I know not everyone likes the same thing. So… How do you like it?” The almost invisible blush that was on her cheeks darkened as she asked her question, making it clear that she was just as nervous about doing something like this as he might be, even if she was the one who started it and was eager to get things going.

“If you aren’t sure what to tell me….” Veronica reached a hand out and gentle grabbed onto Alex’s, bringing it to the back of her head and pushing herself against his shaft, purposefully rubbing her cheek against his length. “If you don’t know what to say, just guide me. Tell me what to do as you move me, okay?”

Alex thought for a moment about just what to do. He thought about just how Liz sucked him off every time. She was the first person to suck his dick and the one he always thought was the best when it came to doing it, but should he mix it up with Veronica? Should he push the boundaries and see what she’s okay with? Should he just take charge and fuck her throat? All of these options rushed through his mind as he grabbed a firm but gentle hold on the back of her head. “I’ll tell you to lick, kiss, suck, or bite. You just do what you’re told.”

“Bite? I knew that you were a freak, but I didn’t expect--”


Almost immediately, Veronica did as she was told. She leaned her head forward and pressed her lips gently against the underside of his cock. And when he guided her lower and lower down his member, she continued to pepper kiss after kiss along the way, imagining that was what he wanted from her since he wasn’t telling her to do anything else. At least, until she reached the base of his member, where he cleared his throat and pulled her close enough so that she was flush against his balls.

“Take into your mouth and suck.”

The blush on Veronica’s cheeks darkened a bit and she did as she was told once again. She parted her lips and took his full and heavy balls into her mouth. Where she quickly began to suck on them. Deep down, she wasn’t sure just what he wanted or how he liked it, but knowing what she enjoyed, she began to swirl her tongue around the heavy orbs, licking up every inch of his balls that she could reach in this position. And that seemed to be just what he wanted, the sound of him starting to moan filling her ears as she did what she was told.

After a moment of him sitting back and enjoying the way her tongue moved along his balls, Alex thought it was time to make her do something else. He carefully pulled her away from his balls, gasping when they popped out her mouth and she was left gasping for a moment. “Lick.” Was all he said as he pressed her against the underside of his shaft once again, carefully guiding her toward the tip as her tongue remained firmly pressed against his length.

Of course, with this being the first dick that Veronica had sucked, the taste and scent of Alex’s musk was something that she didn’t expect. It wasn’t as powerful as she expected it to be, but it certainly wasn’t as weak as she thought it could be either. Especially when he guided her toward the tip of his member and simply smiled at her, his order to lick having not ended yet. She quickly began to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock as he carefully lowered her onto his cock.

The moment that she felt his tip move past her lips, Veronica had a vague idea of what he would enjoy. And she was quick to take things into her own hands. Moving ever so slightly away from his hand, she began to bob her head up and down the length of his member, keeping her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his member as she went down. But as she made her way back up, Veronica was easily able to curl her tongue around his length, wrapping it in her tongue as she pulled her way back up to his tip.

And when she arrived at his tip, she kept her red eyes locked on his own, gauging his reaction and seeing exactly what he liked. So when she noticed him mouth the word ‘bite’ while she was at the tip of his shaft, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. But, she didn’t go against what she was ordered to do. She gently bit down on the tip of his member, not enough to bring him any actual pain, but enough to make sure he felt that her teeth were there. And when he let out another blissful moan, Veronica knew exactly what she needed to do.


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