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Scrolling through his phone and looking at nude after nude that Tatsumaki had sent him over the last couple of days, the corrupted cop that had fucked her in the open could only bring himself to chuckle as he started getting hard looking at them. “Little bitch really does what she’s told when you have a leash on her, doesn’t she? I might just have to tighten that leash, see how much I can get out of her.”

As he spoke, the cop leaned back in the seat of his police cruiser, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock in order to stroke it. All while thinking of Tatsumaki and how it felt to finally have his way with her a few days ago. A twisted smile came to his lips as thinking of Tatsumaki reminded him of how this all started and just how he ended up with the confidence to take down both of the psychic sisters in the span of a few weeks. In the back of his mind, he easily recalled the day that he first put Fubuki under his thumb. And he quickly scrolled to a few pictures she had sent him over the past few days as well, finding her body a bit more attractive than her smaller sister’s. “You both are quite the pair. It’s a good thing you’re both mine now. All because Fubuki was too scared to even go to jail.”


Fubuki gasped when she felt the handcuffs the officer had in his hands clasp around her wrists. Some of her Blizzard Corps had mentioned that a cop was looking to bust her on gang charges, but she didn’t think twice about it. In the heat of the moment, she wished that she had put just a little bit of thought into it. Maybe then, she would have been able to prevent this guy from arresting her like he was. “W-Wait! Wait! I can’t afford to go to jail! I’ll lose everything on your worthless charges! Please. I’ve done nothing wrong but lead a group of heroes. That’s not something to throw someone in jail for, is it?”

The cop let out a heavy sigh as he yanked Fubuki to her feet using the chain of the cuffs to guide her. “It is when that group of heroes exploits their standing to avoid doing anything about collateral damage. Because you’re not heroes at that point, you’re just a destructive gang. And that, I can easily arrest a woman like you for.”

Fubuki’s heart sank into her chest when she heard the man start laughing at her, knowing that he was right in some sense. That he wasn’t wrong about being able to throw her in jail if the situation caused her to look like a gang leader. However, she still couldn’t afford to go to jail. “P-Please… I’ll do anything… Can’t you just look the other way? I’ll have my Blizzard Corps start looking into repairs and keeping collaterals down to a minimum.”

“Well… If you’re that desperate, I can offer you a deal.~”


Fubuki felt a strong heat rising to her cheeks as she reached behind herself for the zipper of her dress. The deal that she was given was a simple one. Either please the man and make him cum or be thrown in jail. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, but she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Especially when he locked her door and uncuffed her in order to give her a few minutes to choose, almost like he knew exactly what she was going to do. Fortunately, she was quick to strip out of her dress, allowing the fabric to fall to the floor and reveal the black bikini-like bra and matching panties that she was wearing.

But without saying a word, she made her way over to the man just in time for him to sit on the edge of her bed and drop his pants. As she got onto her knees, the sight of his cock springing free from his underwear caused her heart to skip a beat in her chest. Fubuki wasn’t a virgin, but to see the thing that was about to violate her just so that she could stay out of jail? It hit her with a strange sense of annoyance and curiosity. But when he grabbed onto the back of her head, she knew that she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

With a quiet grunt leaving her, Fubuki wrapped her breasts around his member and started to move them up and down the length of his shaft. It was a simple gesture, giving the man a titjob and sticking her tongue out of her mouth in order to drool into her cleavage. But it seemed to be one that he was satisfied with as he chuckled over her and met her nervous gaze. Unfortunately, Fubuki still couldn’t bring herself to say anything to him, embarrassment and nervousness causing her to be unsure of even what to say. Should she berate him for making her do this? Should she thank him for giving her a chance to not go to jail? Should she praise him for the way his cock throbbed and radiated and almost addictive hear between her breasts? Fubuki didn’t know.

And fortunately, Fubuki didn’t have to say anything in order to meet her part of the deal with this man. As she started to pick up the pace that she moved her breasts, using her saliva as a makeshift lube, it seemed he was enjoying himself all the more. Maybe it was the way her green eyes seemed to glare at him as she still tended to his cock. Maybe it was just the way her soft tits felt wrapped around his member. Or maybe he was just happy to have finally put a hero in their place and make them beg for his forgiveness.

Whatever the reason actually was, Fubuki felt a powerful sense of joy as the man groaned and blew his load without any real warning. The feeling of his seed spilling out from between her breasts and coating her face was something that she didn’t expect so soon. Nor was it something she expected to find herself enjoying, the heat and heavy scent that wafted from his seed sparking something inside of her. Unfortunately, that spark lingered just long enough for Fubuki to feel her heart skip a beat when the cop started to speak once again.

“Not bad for my first load of the day. But you’ll be doing ‘favors’ like this for me a lot more if you’re wanting to stay out of jail. Just because I turn a blind eye this time doesn’t mean I’m the only one to see your behavior. But if you stick by me and keep me happy… Well, I’ve got enough pull at the station to keep anyone else from poking their noses too deep.”

Fubuki wasn’t sure if hearing him say that excited her to be able to do this more or if the excitement that she felt was from knowing that she had a way to stay out of jail. Whatever the reason was, she simply silently nodded her head as she slowly pulled herself away from him, the heat from his seed lingering on her breasts and her face.

“Oh. Be sure to meet me at the nearest police station at dawn tomorrow. You’ll be doing me another favor then.”


When the next morning came around, Fubuki did as she was told and made her way to the station first thing in the morning before dawn came around. She stood around and looked around for the cop that attempted to arrest her the day before, unsure if he was actually going to show up or if he was going to just leave her here to be humiliated. Fortunately for her, he pulled up in front of the station and honked his horn at her, catching her attention and rolling down his window. “Come on, girl! I’m over here!”

Fubuki let out a heavy sigh as she stepped her way toward his patrol car, unsure if she should be happy he arrived and didn’t leave her out here or if she should be annoyed that he actually showed up. Whatever she felt, it didn’t stop her from getting into his car and sitting in the passenger seat, turning to look at him. “What did you want me here for this early? I hope you didn’t want a repeat of--”

“I have patrol duty today. Usually, it’s pretty empty and dead in the area I’m patrolling. So, I wanted some entertainment. And that’s where you come in.” Without missing a beat, the cop chuckled to himself as he brought one of his hands to his crotch. He didn’t hesitate to unzip his pants and fish his cock out for her to see. “So, be sure to get sucking. Might as well start early so we’re both enjoying ourselves before long.”

Fubuki rolled her eyes at his comment of them both feeling good. Just why would she feel good from sucking him off? He was a disgusting and corrupt cop that was holding her hostage just so she could avoid being thrown in jail on false charges. But when he whistled to her and began driving away from the station, something told her that she should just do as she was told. And that’s exactly what she did.

She leaned over into his lap and took the head of his cock into her mouth. It wasn’t hard yet, but she started to suckle on it and swirl her tongue around it anyway. All while she brought one hand to his thigh to keep herself balanced and the other to his base to start stroking him when she could. Before she knew it, Fubuki felt his member getting harder and harder in his mouth as she dutifully sucked him off as he drove.

In the back of her mind, she didn’t know just why she had accepted a deal if it was going to lead to her doing this. But to hear him groaning above her as she sucked him off, bobbing her head up and down his length, it shouldn’t have rung such a chord in her heart to be doing this. Maybe it was the fact that his shaft tasted better today than it did the day before. Maybe it was because she knew what she was getting into, so she could prepare for it mentally. Maybe it was the fact that Fubuki had a dick in her mouth again and a twisted sense of lust started to build inside of her as a result.

Whatever the reason actually was, Fubuki found herself coiling her tongue around this cop’s cock as he drove through town and did his patrols. Though it was clear to her that he wasn’t actually patrolling or doing anything more than just going from one part of town to another. Especially when he pulled over onto the side of the road and grabbed onto the back of her head, keeping her in place at the base of his shaft so he could enjoy her throat as much as he possibly could.

Fubuki felt herself shudder in disappointment and disgust when she tasted beads of his precum leaking from his shaft and onto her tongue. But she couldn’t pull herself away from him as he held tightly to the back of her head and began to thrust into her throat. Unfortunately, it didn’t feel like he was going to cum at any point soon. She didn’t feel him throbbing the same way he did yesterday before he came between her breasts. It was more like he was just trying to mentally put her in her place by silently reminding her he was in control, even if he was supposed to be doing his job.


Halfway through the drive for his patrols, Fubuki found herself with her lips still wrapped around his dick. He didn’t even bother getting out of the car while he ate his lunch, eating a sandwich just above her while she continued to dutifully suck him off. It annoyed her just how laid back and calm he was while she was doing something like this for him. She had his cum in her hair, cumstains on her dress, and a look of obedience in her eyes that she couldn’t believe that she felt right now.

But as he ate away at his sandwich with one hand, keeping the other on the back of her head, Fubuki kept her tongue curled around his shaft, bobbing her head up and down his length. Even when he throbbed against her tongue and nearly erupted right then and there while she was eating, something deep inside of her couldn’t believe that she was doing this. But as he took another bite of his lunch, she knew that he wasn’t going to let her stop any time soon, even if she begged for it.

Fubuki couldn’t stop herself from letting out a heavy sigh as she swallowed down his seed once again, feeling it starting to stick to the back of her throat as she felt the strange heat traveling into her stomach. “Are you at least going to share? Or are you going to say something like your cum is my lunch?”

“For a gang leader, you’re smarter than you look, Fubuki. You’re right. My cum is your lunch. And if you want something to drink, I hope you can keep producing some saliva.”


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