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A new champion has come around and Skye wants to put him in his place.

Thinking that she was the only one in the training area while she was working on her skills, it caught Skye by surprised to hear another champion in the distance, grunting as he practiced himself. It was a bit of a shock at first, since she had always tried to make sure that very few people were around her while she practiced. But that shock wore away when she made her way toward where the grunting was coming from, keeping her distance and seeing the new champion, Castor, practicing some of his skills.

From the look of things, he didn’t seem to have a grasp on anything just yet. Everything he was trying failed almost immediately. And on top of that, his accuracy with his weapons was pretty pathetic, leaving Skye to chuckle as she watched him practice. After a few moments of watching him continue to fail, a bit of a twisted idea came to her mind. She could always welcome him and offer him a hand since she was also recently a new champion. With a flick of her wrist, a translucent green hawk formed in her hand. And with another flick, Skye silently sent that hawk toward Castor.

“Let’s have a bit of fun.~” A smile came to her lips as she blinded the new champion, prompting him to spin around and try to see anything at all as she got closer to him. Of course, she did her best to stifle some of the laughter that was leaving her, going as far as to bring one of her hands to her mouth to keep herself quiet while she used the other to pull out her knife. And with a quick flick of her wrist, she cut Castor’s belt and watched as his pants fell to the ground.

However, she cut a little bit deep and ended up cutting Castor’s underwear as well, and a gasp came from her lips when she noticed the impressive cock that hung between his legs. She playfully licked her lips for a moment as she dropped her knife and reached her hand out, knowing that he wouldn’t be blinded for much longer. But before he was able to see again, she quickly wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and began to stroke it. “For having no real skills, at least you have something going for you.”

Skye hummed to herself as Castor’s vision finally returned to him, allowing him to look down into her eyes as she felt him harden in her hand. “Much better than training by yourself and getting nowhere, right?~” She playfully licked her lips once again as she leaned closer and closer to his member, giving him only a single moment to say something and stop her before she took the head of his shaft into her mouth. Almost immediately, she felt him get harder and an inch or two longer just from her taking him past her sweet lips. And it excited Skye to see that maybe, just maybe, this new champion wasn’t completely worthless, after all.

A gentle hum caused her throat to vibrate around his member as she bobbed her head up and down his length, bringing both of her hands around his body to hold him in place. Skye didn’t want him getting away from her while she was having her fun, after all. Though, now that she had a firm grip on his ass cheeks, she didn’t hesitate to casually shift one of her hands between his cheeks, using her middle finger to tease his asshole while she sucked him off. Much to her surprise, this only seemed to turn Castor on all the more, causing him to throb in her throat when her lips met his base.

When she figured this out, feeling him throb each and every time her finger traced against his asshole, Skye couldn’t stop herself from growing more excited as she began to bob her head once again. To think that the new champion would be turned on from having his asshole teased. It caused her heart to race in her chest as she pushed herself all the way down to the base of his member, loving the way he throbbed against her tongue and the lining in her throat. All while she kept her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his shaft. Right up until the point that Skye popped her lips off from around his member to look him in the eyes.

Without saying a word, the look of excitement and arousal in her gaze made it clear that Castor wasn’t going to go anywhere unless she was satisfied with him. Maybe it was the flavor that coated her tastebuds. Maybe it was the scent of his shaft wafted into her nose when she lowered herself back down. Or maybe it was simply the fact that Skye found someone that she could dominate with such ease. No matter what the reason was, her heart skipped a beat in her chest when she noticed Castor throb in front of her while she pushed the tip of her finger into his asshole.

And without missing a beat, the same moment that she pulled her finger out of his asshole, she wrapped her lips around his member once again. But instead of keeping only the tip in her mouth, Skye pushed herself down until her nose scrunched against his pelvis, her lips kissing the base of his member. And she quickly coiled her tongue around his member while listening to Castor moan from her touch. It was such a treat for her, she didn’t hesitate to pull one of her breasts out of her clothes, exposing the supple mound to his gaze.

Though, she didn’t let him touch it as she quickly started to bob her head along his member while keeping her tongue coiled around it. All while she pushed her finger back into his asshole, carefully forcing a second digit into his ass as well. Without wasting any time, Skye began to finger Castor’s ass while sucking him off. And the moans that spilled from his lips as she did so lit her up inside. To the point that she didn’t know if she wanted to keep a firm hold on his ass cheek with her other hand or if she wanted to finger herself with it.

Fortunately, it didn’t take her long to choose to simply hold onto his ass, enjoying the way it felt in her hands while she enjoyed the taste of his cock and the way he gave in to her treatment so easily. Nor did it take her long to realize that Castor was going to cum with just how hard he throbbed in her mouth and rocked his hips back and forth against her face. It was clear that he was chasing his own pleasure now and didn’t care that she was bringing it to him by fingering him like this.

Her lips curled into a smile around his shaft as she wondered just how his cum would taste. Would it be as delicious as his cock? Would it be disgusting in the best way? Would it be something that she wanted to spit out almost immediately? She couldn’t wait to find out, especially as the excitement of being able to make him cum while fingering her boiled up inside of her. Luckily, as she teased his asshole with a third finger, Castor seemed to reach his peak right then and there, only giving Skye a warning in the form of a loud grunt leaving his lips.

Rope after rope of his surprisingly thick, hot, and delectable cum poured into Skye’s mouth. And much to her delight, no matter how quickly she swallowed some of it down, more seemed to flow into her. More seemed to leave Castor as she continued to finger his ass through his orgasm. To the point that she gave up on swallowing it as it was pumped into her mouth, leaving her smiling as a small bit of his seed leaked out of the corners of her mouth and down onto her breasts.

The moment that Castor stopped cumming, Skye playfully popped her lips off from around his member and looked him in the eyes. Just before opening her mouth and showing off just how much of his cum she still had in her mouth, even going as far as to swirl her tongue around in it and put on a bit of a show for him. Without saying a word or showing a hint of remorse, Skye closed her lips and pulled her hands back so she held tightly onto his ass cheeks. And she quickly swallowed down his seed, parting her soft lips a moment later to show that she had indeed swallowed each and every drop that he gave her.

However, she wasn’t done with him. A bright smile came to her lips as she used her grip on her body to pull him to the ground, making sure that he was on his back before she climbed over him. Without missing a beat, Skye hovered over Castor’s body and unzipped the combat pants that she had on. “We’re far from done. I haven’t had my fill of you yet. And I won’t until I feel you inside of me.~” She playfully licked her lips as she dropped her pants, slipping out of them, and lowering herself down onto his shaft.

Skye took her time taking each and every inch of his shaft as it plunged inside of her. She took her time savoring the way his impressive shaft stretched out her inner walls and easily molded them to his shape. When she finally reached his base and her plump rear end met his thighs, a bright smile came to her lips. A smile that told Castor he was free to play with her body while she enjoyed herself on his cock. And much to her pleasure, he didn’t seem to hesitate as he reached his hands out and grasped at her large and supple breasts.

Her breath hitched for a moment as the pleasure that she felt overtook her, causing her inner walls to tighten ever so slightly around his member. But Skye didn’t give in to the bliss that coursed through her just yet. She had to ride his cock, she had to feel it rubbing against her pussy and bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm. And she did just that as she brought both of her hands to his side and used Castor as balance, hoisting her hips into the air until only the tip of his shaft remained inside of her cunt before dropping herself back down.

Of course, Skye started her bouncing at a slow pace, wanting to adjust to the feeling of having something so large throbbing inside of her. But as she picked up the pace, the pleasure that she felt surge through her seemed to skyrocket. Every nerve in her body tingled and the bliss that bubbled up in her seemed to grow to a point that she didn’t how what to do with it. It wasn’t too much for her to handle, but the feeling of Castor’s hands on her breasts, kneading and playing with the soft mounds started to grow on her. The feeling of him throbbing against her inner walls, the sound of his heavy breaths as she took control and picked up the pace even more. And the feeling of his precum leaking into her cunt as she moved. All of it provided Skye with a sense of bliss that was unlike anything else that she felt in the past.

Fortunately, it showed on her face as she moaned and looked down into Castor’s eyes. The look of a woman in heat. The look of a woman that feels true pleasure as she’s riding a dick. The look of a woman that knows she wants more but isn’t sure if she’ll be able to handle it all. Her lips curled into a smile as her plump rear end met Castor’s lap once again, starting to mix things up and rock her hips back and forth in his lap.

The feeling of his shaft scraping against her inner walls in this position lit Skye up inside. It caused her to scream out her bliss to the world. At this point, with the amount of pleasure that coursed through her, she didn’t care if anyone heard or saw her. The only thing that mattered to her was the feeling of Castor’s cock plunging deep enough into her cunt to reach her womb every time she met his lap. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt him suddenly pinch both of her nipples and give them a firm tug, the pain that surged through her blending in with the pleasure and causing everything to feel even better.

However, the minute he let go of her nipples and then tugged on them again, Skye felt herself be thrown over the edge of her orgasm and deep into it. She didn’t expect him to make her cum so fast, but she couldn’t struggle against it as her inner walls clamped down like a vice around his cock. She couldn’t struggle against him as he suddenly unloaded inside of her in the same moment that she came, enhancing her pleasure and causing her inner walls to clamp even tighter around his shaft.

Fortunately, as she came while riding it, she was able to feel each and every throb of Castor’s cock against her inner walls. She knew just how much cum he was pumping into her and how much she loved it as he went back to kneading her breasts, cupping and toying with the soft mounds while he came inside of her. But the moment that the throbbing stopped, the moment that the cum stopped flowing, and the moment that Skye was able to collect herself, she couldn’t help but look down at Castor and playfully sway her hips back and forth.

“You’re better than I thought you would be. I have to admit that was better than I expected. But now… Let’s see if things are as good while you’re in charge.~” Skye carefully let go of Castor’s sides and turned herself around so that she was facing away from him, not even bothering to pull him out of her cum-filled cunt while she did so. But once she faced the other way, there was no hesitation as she leaned forward and got onto her hands and knees, allowing his cock to slide out of her pussy before she started to sway her hips from side to side. “Come on, big boy. Let’s see if you can make me cum like this.~”

It caught Skye by surprise to feel Castor grab onto the back of her head with one hand and her hips with the other. Before she could say another word to him, he quickly began to thrust into her. And just like the last time he was buried inside of her, he ground against her inner walls with each and every thrust he made. However, with the position they were in now, Skye felt each and every throb of that shaft, making her moan as it felt even larger than it did before. Each thrust that filled her sent shivers and shocks of pleasure through her body as her eyes fluttered shut, surprised by just how good it felt to be fucked by him in this position.

Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her lips as he plunged into her, adjusting his grip from the back of her head to the ponytail that she always had in her hair. A sharp gasp erupted from Skye’s lips when she felt him give her hair a light tug, testing the waters and seeing how she would react. In the back of her mind, she wanted to curse at him and tell him off for even thinking he could use her hair as a handle. But when nothing but moans spilled from her lips as he continued to hammer into her, it seemed like Castor took that as her enjoying the pain that came from him pulling on her hair.

So pull on her hair he did. Pulling on her braid, Castor didn’t worry about just how much pain he was bringing Skye. He knew that she was tough enough to handle whatever pain was brought her way. Though, when her inner walls tightened around his shaft with every few tugs of her braid, it became very clear that somewhere deep down, she was enjoying him doing it. Even if he could hear the moans that were leaving her start becoming aggressive.

On the other hand, Skye hated him pulling on her hair. The pain didn’t matter too much to her, but the fact that he was using her signature braid as a handlebar lit a fire inside of her. It didn’t matter to her that him pulling on it caused her to tighten around his shaft, the pleasure that she felt becoming enhanced for both of them. The only thing that mattered was she was going to get back at him for doing this to her. Especially when he picked up the pace of his thrusts and laughed behind her.

She instinctively bit down on her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet, letting him enjoy himself in the moment. And maybe it was because of the sheer amount of pleasure that coursed through her. Maybe it was because being fucked from behind was better than she thought it would be. Or maybe it was simply the fact that Castor’s cock felt good no matter what position they were in. But Skye didn’t want him to stop fucking her. She didn’t want him to stop as he leaned over her body and moved his hand from her hip to her breasts, squeezing and playing with her soft mounds.

“F-Fuck…. Faster. Harder! You want to try and be a big boy and use my hair, prove to me you’re not just pretending!~” Skye playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as Castor’s thrusts stopped for a moment. As if he was processing what she said to him. But only a moment later, he started to thrust into her once again, this time at a much faster and rougher pace than he had set a minute ago.

And this faster pace lit something up inside of Skye. Sparked something that caused the pleasure she felt to skyrocket to the point that she was on the verge of cumming almost right away. The only reason she was able to avoid cumming on his shaft before he came inside of her was the fact that he was still pulling on her hair, still bringing her pain that she didn’t want. The frustration and anger from having him do such a thing kept her from reaching her peak and cumming.

However, the moment he let go of her braid and reached that hand down to her breast, she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. The bliss that came from him grabbing a firm hold of both of her breasts, toying with them and kneading them, pushed her over the edge right then and there. Luckily, it was at the same moment that Castor reached his peak as well. As rope after rope of his thick and heated spunk flooded into her womb, her inner walls clamped down like a vice around his shaft.

She tightened up around his cock as she came right along with him, screaming out in bliss as she was filled with his seed. All while her body instinctively tried to milk him dry of every drop of cum that she could possibly get out of him. However, the moment that the pleasure they felt began to fade away, Skye knew that she had to get back at Castor for pulling on her ponytail like he did. And she couldn’t help but smile as she suddenly turned herself around and pushed Castor onto his back.

But before letting his legs connect with the ground, she quickly grabbed a hold of his ankles and hoisted them into the air, keeping his lower half off of the ground so she could position herself between his legs and take his cock into her in the amazon position. “Asshole. I should have known you’d want to pull on my hair like that. But, as a ‘reward’ for being brave enough to do something so stupid, I think it’s only fair to let you cum again. But this time, I’ll be in control. Just to make sure you know your place as the newbie.~”

Without saying another word or missing a beat, Skye began to rock her hips back and forth, grinding against Castor’s crotch and rubbing his shaft against her inner walls. All while she held him in place so his back was on the ground and his legs were in the air. A devious smile came to her lips as she began to pick herself up and drop herself back down, bouncing on his cock while she swayed her hips from side to side and front and back.

It didn’t take more than a few moments for Skye to work herself into a quick pace that had Castor moaning underneath her, the pleasure that they both felt rising steadily. Her grip on his ankles tightened as she pushed herself to move just a little bit faster and a little bit rougher than he did. However, it was clear when she reached that point that she wasn’t trying nearly as much as he was. “See that, new blood? You’re nothing compared to me. You shouldn’t get a big head just because you’ve got a big dick. You can still easily be defeated and taken advantage of.~”

Skye licked her lips in excitement as she picked up the pace once again. She began to quickly and eagerly bounce on his cock, skewering herself on it with each and every drop. All the while, Castor was moaning beneath her, attempting to thrash around but getting nowhere with just how hard she was holding him in place. When the pleasure that she felt started to plateau while she rode him, Skye didn’t hesitate to let go of one of his legs and bring that hand to her breast.

Right in front of his face, she groped and teased herself. Pinching her nipple, tugging on it, and firmly squeezing her breast, Skye was enjoying the feeling of dominance that came from putting Castor in his place. It was clear to them both that he was truly beneath her if she was able to do something like this. And it was clear that she was more than strong enough to keep him in his place underneath her if she felt like it.

However, that only seemed to turn Castor on even more when he realized this. His cock throbbed and pulled against Skye’s inner walls as she rode him in this position. All because the thought of her continuing to dominate him like this lit something up inside of him that prompted him to give in to her lust and her actions. Of course, Skye was more than ready to take advantage of this, adjusting herself and placing her foot down against Castor’s shoulder, pressing down and using him as leverage to help push her up a little bit higher. That way, when she dropped back down and impaled herself on his cock, she would get even more pleasure out of it.

“There you go, big boy. That’s how it should be. Know that you’re at the bottom and you deserve to be treated this way. Just give in and accept the pleasure you get from being my toy.~” Skye couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as she started to ride Castor even faster now, using the new position to her advantage. She even went as far as to move her hand from one breast down to his stomach, digging her nails ever so lightly into his skin just to bring him a bit of pain to mix into his pleasure. Just like he had done with her.

The smile on her lips grew wider and brighter as she inched her way closer and closer to her much-needed orgasm. And Skye couldn’t stop herself from gasping and moaning out in bliss as she held Castor like she was, using him for her own pleasure and riding him like he was some kind of living dildo built just for her enjoyment. Fortunately for her, it seemed that he was enjoying himself as well. As her bouncing became a bit erratic due to the pleasure that was coursing through her, he began to match her movements and thrust up into her as she bounced on his cock.

Of course, this only pushed Skye that much closer to her orgasm, the feeling of him matching her movements and fucking her while she rode him causing her pleasure to skyrocket once again. A sharp, blissful, and almost heavy moan of pleasure erupted from her lips when she reached her orgasm first. Her inner walls tightened around his cock just like it had earlier, only this time, Skye continued to bounce as she came around his shaft. Her tightened inner walls moved up and down the length of his member as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she nearly screamed from the bliss that coursed through her. All while Castor erupted inside of her.

The feeling of her tight cunt moving along his shaft like it was pushed him over the edge and into his orgasm. He couldn’t help it from the position, the submissive feeling that coursed through him, and the desire to fill her once again. All of it threw him into an orgasm that felt more powerful than the other two he had experienced. Rope after rope of his cum flooded into her womb once again. Though, some of it couldn’t fill her womb anymore, overflowing onto him as he remained underneath her while they both came together.

Unfortunately, the pleasure that they felt didn’t last as long as they were hoping it would, Skye being the first to let out a heavy breath and pull herself away from Castor. Though, she didn’t bring her foot off of him while she let his lower half drop back down to the ground. “You may be better than I expected, but don’t forget that you’re still the newbie. And you always will be until someone else comes around.~”

Playfully and teasingly licking her lips, Skye began to get dressed, making her way away from Castor while she did so. And when she was dressed properly so no one would think anything happened while she was out here, she turned her attention back to him. She paused for just a moment at the sight of him getting dressed for what he could. With her having cut through his belt earlier, he couldn’t keep his pants up. A quiet chuckle left her as she watched him struggle a bit. “You know… I’ll probably see you again around here. And next time I do, I won’t be afraid to be a bit rougher with you, Big Boy.”

With a smile on her face, Skye made her way over to Castor, wrapping one of her arms around his waist and reaching far enough to cup his cock and balls into her hand. The smile that she had stayed while she fondled him for a moment, chuckling and pushing him away a moment later. “Yeah, I’ll definitely have to be rougher with you if you’re able to stay hard when I’m done.” She couldn’t help but start laughing as she walked away from him now, making her way back to her quarters. “Oh, and try to get some more belts. No need to have you running out when I find you.”


After the show she had just seen, Reyna couldn’t help but feel excited. So much so, that she still felt restless and needy after having just reached a third orgasm of her own, two of her fingers coated in her arousal as she brought them to her mouth. Off in the distance and on her own, she knew that she was lucky neither Skye nor Castor noticed her watching through some cameras. But she couldn’t stop herself from opening her mouth and licking her fingers clean of her juices. Especially when Castor gave up on pulling his pants up and started to masturbate right then and there.

“Sometimes, you don’t need the best of the best. You just need someone who can keep up with you. And, even for a newbie. It seems you’re able to keep up with us.~” Reyna dragged her tongue along her lips as she plunged her fingers back into her cunt, fingering herself while she watched Castor masturbate in the open. She brought her free hand to her breasts, teasing her supple mounds while enjoying the sight of him stroking his cum-covered cock. In the back of her mind, she wondered just how much he enjoyed his time with Skye, and if she would be a better partner for him or not.

Of course, that thought quickly slipped from her mind as the pleasure that she felt started to reach yet another peak, causing her to forget everything around her and focus solely on reaching her climax again. Fortunately, Castor wasn’t finished getting off after Skye left, giving Reyna plenty of material to enjoy herself with. She eagerly plunged a third finger deep into her pussy, moaning loudly and shamelessly as her pleasure jumped once again. All while watching Castor chase a fourth orgasm, causing her to chase her own. “You’ll certainly be fun to play with.~”


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